No Smoke...No Invite


Noob Vaper
Cape Town
Hi to all

At work, my staff and/or colleagues would walk past my office and ask if I wanted to "go for a smoke". I work in a corporate environment so our smoking area is on the balcony, obviously outside.
Since I stopped smoking, NO-ONE asks me to join them for "a smoke". On said balcony, there are three pots filled with sand for the obligatory "butts", I moved the one pot from the furthest corner and placed this near to the doorway to the balcony and in the corner, minus the smelly pot, I have put up a sign on the glass window, simply stating "For Vaping Only". No-one has said a word, but I thoroughly enjoy the solitude in "my little vaping corner". I know that some of my colleagues and staff have the good old Twisp models, just waiting to see who will be joining me...or not.
You want to talk to me outside, then YOU VAPE.

Regards to all
Lol, am sure you will be getting some company soon.
At the company I own we have around 30 staff and we no longer have any smokers. We have about 5 or 6 vapers and they vape at their desks and productivity has risen since the stinking smokers no longer have to stop working and go outside! We just pair people in offices that vape if anyone has an issue with vaping... harmony in the work place and everyone happy!
Rob, I am going to send you my CV...but I agree with you, always hated the smoke breaks, being away from the desk, but I have noticed that since I have quit the ciggies, I don't have that "urgent, must go smoke" craving. When I feel like a need for a hit of the nic, then off to the balcony I go, today, always hectic before a public holiday, I went outside three times, would have been so much more if I was still smoking.
Just an update, I have recruited another vaper, colleague and friend went to VapeMob in Bellville on Saturday, purchased a iStick 30 Watt and a sub tank mini, even purchased Beard Vape and Rocket Sheep and has just ordered two bottles of Voodoo juice, he just cannot get enough, working on another two, damn, I will fill that vaping corner!!!