Disclaimer: I've never done a review before. Come to think of it, I've never typed something this long on the Internet before, so bear with me and be gentle...
I have a fairly troubled past with regards to MTL vaping. I started out with the Kanger Aerotank. It has pesky coils and they were small and they always burned and made things taste bad. Then I found the original Atlantis, and MTL went into the bottom drawer for years.
Enter late 2018, and I had an itch for something sharper. Something that could give me a satisfying hit when the Cape Town south-easter wasn't there to carry away my Mustard Milk clouds from the people I was around.
Since then I've been through many tanks that either I just can't get to like me (flooding, gurgling, dry hits, harsh and hot airflow, leaking etc.), or I'm just doing it wrong. So, I need an easy tank that will like me very much and give me a good thump that I crave from MTL, great flavour and ease of use to boot (and no gurgling, (d)ammit).
Enter the Exvape eXpromiser v4 MTL RTA.
I hate to bore with technical data, but here is everything including (fun fact) why the drip tip is made of Polyethermide: http://expromizer.com/#welcome
I wasn't holding my breath to be honest. And I really struggled to take the build deck apart from the juice-flow control section. My fingers went pink and then my hands went blue and I still couldn't get the thing apart. I got pliers out and two cloths and thought I may well break a brand new tank and that would be that. But luckily it came apart, and this never happened again. (The Internet says it is just tightened too much from the factory, especially the matte black one I have).
After the mild upset, I actually was swayed immediately. It's really well made. Properly made. The threads are smoother than any tank I have ever owned (check my sig). The paint is matte, and scratches wipe off. It feels like it is really made from metal (unlike some other tanks that claim fancy steels but bend when they're dropped). The chamber walls are thick, the chimney is restricted because if only X goes in, only X comes out.
It's understated. There's no bling. And that's good. It's utilitarian but sophisticated. Sharp and clean, and it didn't arrive in an oil bath from the factory place.
Picture time!
The Tank:

Top fill threading. Kidney holes fit all bottles. Recessed is a big win:

Reduced chamber with sane airflow and great chimney:

Airflow control ring that is still a little hesitant to move but better after being juiced up:

The build deck that fits a 2.5mm 1.45ohm coil easily. Great, strong Philips screws:

Wicked. And super easily. Three juice control holes allow for tailoring to your VG/PG ratio:

Bubbles! Juice control requires turning the top of the tank like many others:

Build: 2.5mm clapton 1.45ohm
Wick: Cotton Bacon Prime
Juice: SOLTS Super Fruits Nic Salt 30mg
Mod: Geekvape Nova 15w
So this is the most important bit, right? Well its good. It's really really good.
One of the best ways to describe the flavour, would be that of the Caliburn, but less nauseating. Less wet, to where you're checking if you're inhaling juice and nothing else. More defined flavour, as if it's been gently coaxed out of the juice at just the right temperature and with just the right amount of air so as to not have a catastrophic imbalance.
Balanced. That is probably the best way to describe the vape from this eXpromizer. It's not scorching hot, because there is just enough air for it to breathe. But not too airy, because someone somewhere has really thought about how much air you actually really need for a good MTL vape. As an example, the Caliburn is too airy for me as a MTL, but too restricted for a DTL.
Flavour on the whole is there. It's packing. It's sharp, and it's full. It's saturated, but not "Oh, you've added too much and now it's all ruined throw it away" saturated. I've never had popping, hot juice wounds inflicted on my tongue, but there is a satisfying crackle that is immediately stifled by the fairly reduced chamber.
• Authentic, restricted MTL draw
• Comfortable, cool delrin-tipped drip tip
• Fantastic, crisp, warm (not hot) flavour
• Near silent
• Incredibly smooth airflow no-matter the setting
• (b) Fantastic fit and finish
• Looks great, minimalist - perhaps even high end territory
• Top airflow without compromising flavour
• Foolproof wicking
• Build quality (paint, threads etc.) exceeds price point
• Rebuildable. Less junk for the earth. More money saved on coils.
• (Subjective) Spare tank section is ultem, not glass
• Knurling could be a bit sharper / beefier / grippier
• (b) Tolerance too tight on AFC ring - has gotten better over a week
Finally. How long have I been searching for a MTL experience that just feels right in every way? Too long. That's for sure. I've been through a good few tanks, and even a couple pod systems (which I have gripes about re: all the waste they produce). But I've never found one that balances everything I was looking for like smooth airflow, reliable wicking, ease of filling when on-the-go and flavour that is actually representable of what's on the bottle. So it's not surprising, in saying all that, that I would recommend this tank with a yes. Will it solve the world's problems? No. But if MTL was my world, it'd all be sunshine and daisies.

Updated - Drip tip is removable, just seamless and super flush to the top cap. Another point to the fit and finish.
I have a fairly troubled past with regards to MTL vaping. I started out with the Kanger Aerotank. It has pesky coils and they were small and they always burned and made things taste bad. Then I found the original Atlantis, and MTL went into the bottom drawer for years.
Enter late 2018, and I had an itch for something sharper. Something that could give me a satisfying hit when the Cape Town south-easter wasn't there to carry away my Mustard Milk clouds from the people I was around.
Since then I've been through many tanks that either I just can't get to like me (flooding, gurgling, dry hits, harsh and hot airflow, leaking etc.), or I'm just doing it wrong. So, I need an easy tank that will like me very much and give me a good thump that I crave from MTL, great flavour and ease of use to boot (and no gurgling, (d)ammit).
Enter the Exvape eXpromiser v4 MTL RTA.
I hate to bore with technical data, but here is everything including (fun fact) why the drip tip is made of Polyethermide: http://expromizer.com/#welcome
I wasn't holding my breath to be honest. And I really struggled to take the build deck apart from the juice-flow control section. My fingers went pink and then my hands went blue and I still couldn't get the thing apart. I got pliers out and two cloths and thought I may well break a brand new tank and that would be that. But luckily it came apart, and this never happened again. (The Internet says it is just tightened too much from the factory, especially the matte black one I have).
After the mild upset, I actually was swayed immediately. It's really well made. Properly made. The threads are smoother than any tank I have ever owned (check my sig). The paint is matte, and scratches wipe off. It feels like it is really made from metal (unlike some other tanks that claim fancy steels but bend when they're dropped). The chamber walls are thick, the chimney is restricted because if only X goes in, only X comes out.
It's understated. There's no bling. And that's good. It's utilitarian but sophisticated. Sharp and clean, and it didn't arrive in an oil bath from the factory place.
Picture time!
The Tank:

Top fill threading. Kidney holes fit all bottles. Recessed is a big win:

Reduced chamber with sane airflow and great chimney:

Airflow control ring that is still a little hesitant to move but better after being juiced up:

The build deck that fits a 2.5mm 1.45ohm coil easily. Great, strong Philips screws:

Wicked. And super easily. Three juice control holes allow for tailoring to your VG/PG ratio:

Bubbles! Juice control requires turning the top of the tank like many others:

Build: 2.5mm clapton 1.45ohm
Wick: Cotton Bacon Prime
Juice: SOLTS Super Fruits Nic Salt 30mg
Mod: Geekvape Nova 15w
So this is the most important bit, right? Well its good. It's really really good.
One of the best ways to describe the flavour, would be that of the Caliburn, but less nauseating. Less wet, to where you're checking if you're inhaling juice and nothing else. More defined flavour, as if it's been gently coaxed out of the juice at just the right temperature and with just the right amount of air so as to not have a catastrophic imbalance.
Balanced. That is probably the best way to describe the vape from this eXpromizer. It's not scorching hot, because there is just enough air for it to breathe. But not too airy, because someone somewhere has really thought about how much air you actually really need for a good MTL vape. As an example, the Caliburn is too airy for me as a MTL, but too restricted for a DTL.
Flavour on the whole is there. It's packing. It's sharp, and it's full. It's saturated, but not "Oh, you've added too much and now it's all ruined throw it away" saturated. I've never had popping, hot juice wounds inflicted on my tongue, but there is a satisfying crackle that is immediately stifled by the fairly reduced chamber.
• Authentic, restricted MTL draw
• Comfortable, cool delrin-tipped drip tip
• Fantastic, crisp, warm (not hot) flavour
• Near silent
• Incredibly smooth airflow no-matter the setting
• (b) Fantastic fit and finish
• Looks great, minimalist - perhaps even high end territory
• Top airflow without compromising flavour
• Foolproof wicking
• Build quality (paint, threads etc.) exceeds price point
• Rebuildable. Less junk for the earth. More money saved on coils.
• (Subjective) Spare tank section is ultem, not glass
• Knurling could be a bit sharper / beefier / grippier
• (b) Tolerance too tight on AFC ring - has gotten better over a week
Finally. How long have I been searching for a MTL experience that just feels right in every way? Too long. That's for sure. I've been through a good few tanks, and even a couple pod systems (which I have gripes about re: all the waste they produce). But I've never found one that balances everything I was looking for like smooth airflow, reliable wicking, ease of filling when on-the-go and flavour that is actually representable of what's on the bottle. So it's not surprising, in saying all that, that I would recommend this tank with a yes. Will it solve the world's problems? No. But if MTL was my world, it'd all be sunshine and daisies.

Updated - Drip tip is removable, just seamless and super flush to the top cap. Another point to the fit and finish.
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