Share the Love - ddk1979's VapeCon 2016 Competition

1979 was the year you lost someone very close to you
1979 is the year you matriculated out of High School, as you started smoking in 1977, i guess it was Grade 10.

Edit: Im going to Vapecon so this is just for fun. I like this Comp Game.
I can't enter for a few reasons... but 79 was a good year... was still fighting in Nam... was still a bachelor cruising looking for hot tarts... found one 2 years later...
Tag Hi Ho @Silver
Post a picture of yourself, this might help us knowing what type of person you are.
Apologies for judging a book by its cover... :beer-toast1:

There's a special thread for posting pics of yourself. It's called "The Face Behing The Post" - Unfortunately I'm not in it. :). But, if 10 people in this competition post their pic, I'll post mine. I think that's fair, don't you?

Anyway, if I did post a picture, it would probably be completely NOT what people were expecting. Perhaps I'll show up in a picture at VapeCon if the camera can take pics in cinema-scope and has a very good night vision system. :D

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