Taifun Gs Clone


I recently received two of these little RTAs from FastTech. I have not seen them mentioned much on these forums and thought a review will be useful.

There are two versions on FastTech, I bought the A model which is slightly more expensive, but had more reviews and seems to be the HCigar clone. It does have one glaring flaw which I did not realize would be an issue until I started building it, it does not come with any SS mesh. The B model does come with mesh, but has fewer reviews and does not have an extra airflow pipe with a smaller ID.

Model A: http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10006709/1570800
Model B: http://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10006709/1609300
Manual: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=https://shop.strato.de/WebRoot/Store11/Shops/61925514/MediaGallery/Taifun_GS_-_User_Manual.pdf&ei=mP2SU9ucA8XQ7AbVxIHQCQ&usg=AFQjCNHvCFKnor4Niicm8EBQkv_XrBMsbQ&sig2=qwAKgwvKA6E9eI1HSz9qxg&bvm=bv.68445247,d.ZGU

Taken apart

As it comes, with the bag of spares and little screw driver for no apparent reason IMAG0285.jpg

Simple 1.56 ohm micro coil, ID 1.5mm, 28G Kanthal IMAG0290.jpg

Long wick to feed through into the tank IMAG0291.jpg

Deck wall screwed on an ready to feed into the top cap. (I forgot to take a pick of this step)
IMAG0297.jpg ????????????

The more I worked with this atty, the more I realized it was designed with regulated devices in mind. It is basically a rebuildable clearo. It's quite a challenge for me to decide where it fits. It is very easy to build and fits well onto smaller Mods, including the VTR without modification and even an EGO style battery. Which seems to place it in an excellent position as a first RTA for people to try without buying a more advanced mod. On the other hand, wicking it has been a nightmare and the build that most people recommend requires the use of SS mesh for the feeder wicks. I do not have any mesh at the moment, so I have not been able to try this method.

It does not have airflow control as such. If you purchase model A however, it comes with an extra airflow tube with a 1mm ID rather than the stock 1.5mm ID. You can see this tube protruding in between the posts in the pictures above. The draw on the stock tube is in between the Aerotank when it is fully open and the Kayfun. It is loose enough to be able to do lung inhales, but clearly not made for it. The feeding actually benefits from this by creating a vacuum in the chamber that then allows juice to be pulled through from the tank.

Flavour is excellent, on par with my Kayfun. The vapour is very juicy and the flavours are crisp and pronounced. Vapour production is only slightly less than the Kayfun. It is quite a cool vape and thus also very smooth.

Overall, I think it is a good buy and well worth the effort to get it working.

EDIT: I had a setback with the wicking of this tank. I cannot in good faith recommend purchasing it until I get my hands on some SS mesh to see if the build with SS mesh feeder wicks will perform as advertised.
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Been wanting to add to my ft cart but the price to size ratio has put me off. No definitive review making me pull the trigger.

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I made an edit to my original post. I thought I had the wicking down, but my tank (the one in the pictures is my wife's) leaked immensely last night. It still seems to be hit and miss with cotton. I am going to get hold of some SS mesh and try the build that seems to be the one that realizes the full potential of this tank. Until then I cannot recommend buying this tank. It has immense potential, but that does not help if it cannot deliver consistently.

This is my tf on my sig . When I first started with the tf I tried cotton and silica and even ecowool and bamboo . If you can see above the inlarged air hole to the left is the tiny bit of ss mesh sticking out of the wick channel . I just re worked this build on sunday . Put a new coil around the ss as the last one was sitting on the edge for the sig . I now have a 1.2 ohm coil wrapped around pre burnt ss mesh that has a 2mm hole all the way through the center . Found this really helps deliver the joose and cut down on dry hits . I also removed the small tube inside the airbox and the rubber gromet it sits in for better air flow .

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@Rowan Francis, the tank I'm working on at the moment is the GS or the Taifun mini. It works on different principles unfortunately. The tank sits on top and has two little holes it feeds through to the deck. The build I need to try basically uses two vertical rolled SS mesh "straws" to feed the liquid from the tank to the deck and a cotton wick set up similarly to a Kayfun to feed the liquid from the deck to the coil.

I do want to give the GT a go sometime, but I was looking for a smaller tank for my MVP.