The Finer Details of Dripping...


Sith Lord
So I have decided that it's time for me to try something new and dripping was the next logical step for me. When my money train comes in, I will end up with a 200w mod and a dripper. This is how it goes in my head, and was wondering if I was in for a bad time. For my first attempt I will build a dual 0.5ohm coil set-up. Once I have checked it all works fine, I'm assuming I simply whack that onto my mod, start off at about 50 watts, drip some extra liquid onto my cotton, fire and suck up the pressumed goodness, and then climb the watts as required.

My question is, will doing the above end up poorly for me? Or do I have the general gist of it all?
So I have decided that it's time for me to try something new and dripping was the next logical step for me. When my money train comes in, I will end up with a 200w mod and a dripper. This is how it goes in my head, and was wondering if I was in for a bad time. For my first attempt I will build a dual 0.5ohm coil set-up. Once I have checked it all works fine, I'm assuming I simply whack that onto my mod, start off at about 50 watts, drip some extra liquid onto my cotton, fire and suck up the pressumed goodness, and then climb the watts as required.

My question is, will doing the above end up poorly for me? Or do I have the general gist of it all?
Well that's exactly what I did.
I only have an 80w mod but my dripper works perfectly with dual 0.5 ohm Claptons.
So will the flavour slowly disappear and then I know to re-drip, or will it be a straight-up dry hit?
The flavour changes (you will notice this bit),I have never had a dry hit on a dripper.
The first time you drip you will be taking that cap off after every draw, but you will soon start to relax and trust your build and instincts.
Choosing an RDA? I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I do anyway. So if the dripper is black with a demon on it then surely the minions of hell know how to drip right?!
Choosing an RDA? I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I do anyway. So if the dripper is black with a demon on it then surely the minions of hell know how to drip right?!
lol, not always. I bought a whole lot of drippers for their looks and then just threw in a Phenotype-L to make up the ballance, turns out the Phenotype-L is my best dripper.
Hi there,
I also jumped on the dripper train early in my vaping path.
Got my first one in December and ran it of my Subox mini and Istick 40w, just build according to what you have and it works great.
Yes, dripping is a whole new ball game, but well worth the effort.
With the right wicking you can get quite allot of draws before you need to re-juice.
I don't know what mod you have now, but if it is anything above 40w you can go and get yourself a nice dripper, they are relatively cheap, if you do some hunting, and do a build to suite your mod, and you will soon be able to enjoy it.
Hi there,
I also jumped on the dripper train early in my vaping path.
Got my first one in December and ran it of my Subox mini and Istick 40w, just build according to what you have and it works great.
Yes, dripping is a whole new ball game, but well worth the effort.
With the right wicking you can get quite allot of draws before you need to re-juice.
I don't know what mod you have now, but if it is anything above 40w you can go and get yourself a nice dripper, they are relatively cheap, if you do some hunting, and do a build to suite your mod, and you will soon be able to enjoy it.
Also got the subox mini, but hoping to get something bigger next week. But awesome to know I can go ahead and try on that in the meantime.
One more thing. Use low mg nicotine, like 3mg or max 6mg. I never knew that Twisp pure tobacco juice was 18 mg nicotine. I used it when I dripped the first time on my Fishbone RDA with a duel coil build. I thought I was going to get nicotine poisoning and ran to the loo with beads of sweat on my forhead. Lesson learned!
One more thing. Use low mg nicotine, like 3mg or max 6mg. I never knew that Twisp pure tobacco juice was 18 mg nicotine. I used it when I dripped the first time on my Fishbone RDA with a duel coil build. I thought I was going to get nicotine poisoning and ran to the loo with beads of sweat on my forhead. Lesson learned!

Very true, you would need to be someone special I think to drip anything higher then 6mg....
3mg for me all the way.
To me, the whole dripping thing has become a little ritual, like someone cleaning and then stuffing a pipe, lighting it and then smoke it.
I take the top cap off, slowly saturate my wicks properly, put the top cap back on and vape. I don't wait for the flavor to diminish. I take a few drags, take the top cap off again and then ritually saturate my wicks slowly and properly. I do around 3 to 5 drags between drips. I just like doing it that way. It's how I enjoy my vape the most.
Yeah , with the right dripper and a build that meets your needs, you will discover a whole new aspect of vaping.
I find dripping a real pain in the ring piece and only really use a dripper at juice tasting exercises... I guess I have been spoilt with the ease of dripping using bottom fed devices like the REO's which gives you that "dripper" vape without the hassle.
I use a Velocity Mini, and I think it's epic.

I use a small version of the Scottish roll as wick. And I can feel a dry hit from a mile away.

It also holds at least 15 proper drops, so I get more than enough drags.

The Velocity Mini is big on flavour even with the airflow wide open, and a wide bore drip tip.

And the Cherry on top - legend build deck!

Do consider the Velocity Mini :)

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So an update on how this all went! It's as simple as you all said it would be. I must say the flavour is great with the dripping I did compared to tanks. But the hassle of doing it is just not worth it. I also seem to be real messy with eliquid, and my wife is complaining about our kitchen-roll consumption, so dripping full time is out the window.

It is nice for testing my DIY stuff though! Works exactly how I imagined it. That is, until I tried a honey creation for the first time (which really doesn't agree with my tongue), and that stuff pretty much lives in that cotton now, so had to re-wick after that.

Thanks for the help guys, once again, ECIGSSA community = :h:
With my Double Vision RDA with proper wicking I can put in 30+ drops without over saturation and spitback and the flavor on this thing is epic! It gives my Pollux a good run for it's
I find dripping a real pain in the ring piece and only really use a dripper at juice tasting exercises... I guess I have been spoilt with the ease of dripping using bottom fed devices like the REO's which gives you that "dripper" vape without the hassle.

Can relate in a way, dripping 'on the go' becomes a hassle that I'm not prepared to do :giggle: My Reos spoil me in that regard but when I'm at my desk, my dripper sees alot of light, love it love it love it :h: It has also brought about a new love I have for tube mechs, I find myself searching for more, like the GP Paps V4 :nod:

Zadiac describes my dripping experience beautifully here:
To me, the whole dripping thing has become a little ritual, like someone cleaning and then stuffing a pipe, lighting it and then smoke it.
I take the top cap off, slowly saturate my wicks properly, put the top cap back on and vape. I don't wait for the flavor to diminish. I take a few drags, take the top cap off again and then ritually saturate my wicks slowly and properly. I do around 3 to 5 drags between drips. I just like doing it that way. It's how I enjoy my vape the most.