Vaping in the workplace. Your thoughts?


Noob Vaper
Cape Town, South Africa
Hey everyone,

So this is something that crosses my mind from time to time.

What are your thoughts on vaping in your workplace?

I know some employees do not have a problem with it and others frown upon it. Is there a law in South Africa that actually refers to the use Electronic Cigarettes in the workplace or inside a building? I love the idea of sitting at my desk and vaping and from a productivity point of view it is great. Having said that I think I would also feel slightly uncomfortable blowing clouds inside. I already feel slightly uncomfortable vaping in my car as you will often see people driving by giving you strange looks. Should we feel this uncomfortable? I had a cigarette smoker complain the other day as my vape was going in his face!!! Because yeah I am the problem :SOREHEAD:
Good points @Ryan__Sexton

I stand to be corrected but I dont believe any laws have been passed regardiny vaping indoors at the workplace but I think its up to the employer.

My comment which I have made several times on this forum is that we as vapers need to be considerate to those around us when we vape, especially in an indoor environment such as at work. I think we need to practice discreet vaping or stealth vaping in these situations. One could also ask ones colleagues that sit in the immediate vicinity if they mind the vaping and take it from there.

If I was a non-vaper I wouldnt appreciate having to work in a fairly confined space with plumes of various flavours wafting past me all the time. Heck, even as a vaper I dont enjoy second hand vapour most of the time.
Good points @Ryan__Sexton

I stand to be corrected but I dont believe any laws have been passed regardiny vaping indoors at the workplace but I think its up to the employer.

My comment which I have made several times on this forum is that we as vapers need to be considerate to those around us when we vape, especially in an indoor environment such as at work. I think we need to practice discreet vaping or stealth vaping in these situations. One could also ask ones colleagues that sit in the immediate vicinity if they mind the vaping and take it from there.

If I was a non-vaper I wouldnt appreciate having to work in a fairly confined space with plumes of various flavours wafting past me all the time. Heck, even as a vaper I dont enjoy second hand vapour most of the time.

Thanks for this @Silver

Yeah in my research I haven't found any law prohibiting vaping indoors. I completely agree that consideration is key. I do practice the stealth vape when I am too busy to get up from my desk.

The cigarette smoker I referred to was standing outside next to me when he complained about my vapour :confused:
I think just because there is no law that prohibits doesnt mean it is our absolute right

If we believe it is our right to vape anywhere because technically no law yet stops it, then we may find these laws creeping in sooner rather than later. I think small examples set by many can only help shape the thinking on this (if possible).

My wish would be that people view vapers as considerate regarding their vaping. That way the image of vapers and vaping can be improved.

Just step away from the fellow who complains about the vape outside. He is not ready to accept vaping and probably feels very bad about his smoking and knows he should stop. That is my opinion.
I thin we should be considerate of others when vaping. no one wants huge clouds being chucked in their faces even if the smell is of delicious donuts or whatever sweet treat we all like to vape. Only when my office is empty, and I work in very small office with 3 other people that leave mostly early every day, that's when i chuck clouds out cause then no one will be "vies" or uncomfortable and I can vape in Peace and not be bothered.
I thin we should be considerate of others when vaping. no one wants huge clouds being chucked in their faces even if the smell is of delicious donuts or whatever sweet treat we all like to vape. Only when my office is empty, and I work in very small office with 3 other people that leave mostly early every day, that's when i chuck clouds out cause then no one will be "vies" or uncomfortable and I can vape in Peace and not be bothered.

Agreed @Frikkie6000 I think it is good to be considerate. I am in office 2 hours before everybody else so I chuck some clouds. But during the day I do some stealth vaping or go outside.
Agreed @Frikkie6000 I think it is good to be considerate. I am in office 2 hours before everybody else so I chuck some clouds. But during the day I do some stealth vaping or go outside.

Same here. In at 6 in the morning and then go for the gold as it is quite cold and rest of day outside. But I have gotten some crap before from the office people because I pushed my luck one times to many lol
I just see it as the same as smoking, if i can't smoke somewhere i won't vape there, it's just common decency. I don't need laws to tell me how to behave i have enough common sense to make my own decisions and not be an annoyance to other people.
I could complain but would that make me any better than a smoker? The worst type of ex-smoker is one that complains about it :--P I'll just let him be with his cigarettes.
.. It all boils down to etiquette and respect for your fellow workers vapers smokers etc...i wouldnt appreciate someone blowing smoke or vapour in my face its just rude.. smoke being far more offensive though....and the smoke that crinkles directly off the cigarette into ones face being particularly offensive.. my vape doesnt lay there burning away filling the room with offensive smoke.. only for those few seconds at a time at my command will it produce yummy vapour and that yummy vapour dissipates away very quickly unlike smoke that can linger for hours.. if i worked in an office environment i definitely wouldnt sit and chase clouds from my desk for.. i rekon stealth vaping would be the answer... but be courteous ask your fellow workers if they mind if you vape.... as for the smoker who complains about your vapour....
let him have a go on your vape... he may be converted instantly as i was
There is a designated smoking area which is outside.
That's where I go.
It's actually nice

Get fresh air from working on the computer constantly

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my day job i.e. the company I work for has a no vaping policy - we need to go stand in the sun to vape/smoke/braai/drink beer/talk crap etc.
We have a couple of vapers here, more vapers than smokers actually - so it's a cool vibe.
And as most have already eluded to it's freaking awesome getting to go outside and not work for a minute or two. Just to clear my mind, sometimes going outside solves problems man - like many times I get so badly stuck with a piece of code/logic that the only solution is going outside and talking crap. That 9/10 times I get the solution that fixes the problem when I get back to my desk.
My boss periodically walks past and comments that my office looks like a hotbox :D

Pretty much sums up my workplace vape experience. Anywhere and Everywhere. I am pretty high up the foodchain(Although not the moneychain) here so nobody takes offense.
Thanks for this @Silver

Yeah in my research I haven't found any law prohibiting vaping indoors. I completely agree that consideration is key. I do practice the stealth vape when I am too busy to get up from my desk.

The cigarette smoker I referred to was standing outside next to me when he complained about my vapour :confused:

Seriously..what a knob...
I vape in my workplace.

But when it comes to shopping malls, peoples houses, casinos etc I will either go outside or go to the smoking section out of respect for none smokers/vapers, Don't want to give us vapers a bad name.
Altho its not as harmful is ye old stinkies. I think it would irritate me if I am busy working and a cloud passes my face the whole time, same as if i was in a shop ect(as @Silver said)..

Maybe that person doesn't like the smell of the liquid you use and as I noticed at home that my mom always complains about it because it irritates her nose and eyes..

I have to say I do enjoy puffing a few clouds with the smokers outside as I absolutely enjoy the stuff they say "ya bru you know that's worse than my ciggies hey" or or "Bru your screwing with your lungs" or or or the infamous "do you know that Vaping puts water in your lungs"

Jokes aside tho I read someone's comment can't remember who it was oh wait think it was Silver too... If you do think about it if more and more people complain regarding vaping and not respecting other workers/public around you then the laws will creep in sooner than expected.

We want to show everyone that Vaping is a better alternative to ye old ciggies, and not create a bad name for Vapers.. So respect those around you!!

The reason for smoking sections is because of the health/fire hazard, the smell amd second hand smoking and then those buds laying around. So I don't find anything wrong vaping outside at places that is not a smoking section..

Sooooo that is my 10 cents.
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Work and public: pretend it is a cigarette and show the same consideration. It is not too difficult IMO. I dont even vape in rush hour traffic it distracts people.
Well is it not nice to go with your mate for a "smoke" outside? I do vape inside but when im alone and sometimes stealthy when someone is around, but i prefer to go outside and "rest" while talking kak with friends, it was the only "privelage" of stinkies... the social part, so i prefer to keep that social part while vaping instead of smoking...
Well is it not nice to go with your mate for a "smoke" outside? I do vape inside but when im alone and sometimes stealthy when someone is around, but i prefer to go outside and "rest" while talking kak with friends, it was the only "privelage" of stinkies... the social part, so i prefer to keep that social part while vaping instead of smoking...

I do miss that stinkie time ;-)
Not the stinkie itself - but the few minutes chatting to other smokers.
Instant bonding usually...

Now its more difficult to find "vape spots" where people go for a quick vape - lol

Probably better that way otherwise it wouldn't be a few minutes and I would be chatting for hours!
Haha @Silver here in the platteland i dont realy know alot of poeple vaping so i still go for a "smoke" though in potch its big and it just around the corner but it is a student town! Would love to see it grow here
I pretty much converted all my smoking staff to vapers except one... she now stands outside by herself... everyone else vapes at thier desk. Productivity is up! :p