Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

Im 15 months Stinky free today:rock:
And also converted 2 more smokers to vapers this week...Feel like a VapeKing rep:p sold 2 subox mini kits & extras this week for you:cool:

Well done @Rudi - that is great!
Going strong. Congratulations
cool looking at this i see its my 3 month milestone today as well wow that was fast !

Well done @Eequinox
You are right, time has flown.
Well done on the 3 months. Wishing you all the best from here on
I thought a thread on Milestones reached would be positive especially to aid Noob Vapers and those going through a challenging time. Also, I am sure like me, everyone is really proud when they achieve a milestone set that seemed impossible at the start!

I will kick off:

Today marks my first month analogue FREE!:party: I am really excited! I have been counting down the days this last week until finally today arrived where I can say: "I have not smoked a cigarette for a month."
I thought a thread on Milestones reached would be positive especially to aid Noob Vapers and those going through a challenging time. Also, I am sure like me, everyone is really proud when they achieve a milestone set that seemed impossible at the start!

I will kick off:

Today marks my first month analogue FREE!:party: I am really excited! I have been counting down the days this last week until finally today arrived where I can say: "I have not smoked a cigarette for a month."
That is a huge, huge milestone. Congrats.
PS: We do have a milestones thread here - maybe the mods can move these posts there if you are ok with it.
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I thought a thread on Milestones reached would be positive especially to aid Noob Vapers and those going through a challenging time. Also, I am sure like me, everyone is really proud when they achieve a milestone set that seemed impossible at the start!

I will kick off:

Today marks my first month analogue FREE!:party: I am really excited! I have been counting down the days this last week until finally today arrived where I can say: "I have not smoked a cigarette for a month."

Comgrats @argief !
Super achievement. First month is definitely the most challenging.
All the best from here on. Hoping its plain sailing

PS - love your signature ;-) hehe

Congrats on your two year celibration @Silver it is an awesome milestone and an inspiration to all of us, hope you have a special juice to vape on this special day, here is to the next ten :)

Congrats on your two year celibration @Silver it is an awesome milestone and an inspiration to all of us, hope you have a special juice to vape on this special day, here is to the next ten :)

Thanks so much @kimbo!
Much appreciated. You are right, it is indeed an awesome milestone. I can't believe it myself.
I have Blackbird with a bit of Bobas Bounty in rotation today and am happy about that

Have a very busy day today on the work front unfortunately, but will enjoy the vapes today nonetheless.

PS - i moved your post here to not clutter the competition thread too much
Thanks so much for the wishes guys

Sorry for the late response, been an absolute crazy day with meetings and presentations.
Really bad luck for me to be so busy on this very special day. But i thought about the forum many times!

Thanks for the kind words @Andre. Aside for the vaping, the best part about this forum for me is the company and great vape friends i have made - long may it continue

@vaalboy, you are right, my word how time has flown. Feels like yesterday chatting to you on the phone in May14 discussing the best way to coil and wick the RM2. Thanks for the message

@Wyvern , thanks for the message - you most certainly will do it too!

And to all the rest of you, thanks for making my experience here so great!
congrats on the HUGE milestone will have to buy you a beer at the vape meet
I have just realised I have been stinkie free for 2 years and 3 days... Wooohoo :dance::dance:
Awesome milestone. Congrats. Here is to the next two years! May the twins grow up quickly and your joose business go from strength to strength!