Which tank for TC


Vaping Addict
Gauteng South Africa
So got some SS316 24 awg and would like to give Temp control a try.

I have

Blotto dual coil
Blitzen, single or dual
Wasp Nano single
Dvarw clone , single
Arctic Dolphin Hector, dual
Vapefly mesh RDTA, single or dual

I have a Pico dual, two Puma's and a Rincoe Manto pro that can all do TCR

What are your recommendations. I am OK with the coil building and will stick with a simple single wire build for now.

Ah well, had to go it solo. The results were surprising.

Took the Hector, dual coil. Wrapped two coils 2.5ID 8 wraps. Shoehorned them into the Hector. Came out at 0.18

Using the Manto pro dual battery mod. Set TCR at 30 W, 000100 preset and locked the Ohms

Steam engine says around 210C.

Well I have learned that I like a cool vape because I came down to 160C. 210 was just too hot for me.

I also think that going forward single coil tanks are going to be the way to go
I’m no expert in TC but I don’t think it’s about the tank as much as it’s about the coil.... experiment and let us know!
So far so good, I can totally see what they are on about. I set at 30 w pre heat and it almost immediately goes down to 25/26. The coils (SS316L) are hitting the heat straight away Temp is down to 160C and I might even go lower. Plenty of flavour and vapour.

I was concerned that two coils 24 awg and 8 wraps might be a bit too big for the Hector but they went in OK. At only 2.5mm ID they have not taken a lot of cotton but wicking is good. It's a funny little tank to start with as there is no airflow control, it comes in the bottom and is non adjustable. Quite a tight restricted DTL .... but the flavour, mmmmmm. 5ml tank, just as well as it is thirsty and I am getting lots of cool from the Arctic menthol and Koolada.
No boost on the Manto pro unlike the Puma's. This is where I think there is a big difference. The Puma hits well with coils at .3 to .6 and I don't think I will use it with the Puma's. Knowing that I can go down to below .1 on a dual batt mod gives me a lot of confidence. The Manto can go to 0.05. Hell I get scared at .15
Update: I have just changed the batteries which were a mated pair of Samsung 25R. My oldest set. So I have gotten just on 24 hours out of them. I read that on SS or TCR that the battery life could be extended. Appears to be true

No balls were hurt in the making of this thread.
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Hey there @Stranger

I also recently convinced myself to get SS wire to try TC.

Do you maybe have some pointers for newbies like me? Where did you read up on what settings to use etc...
Here and steam engine.

If the mod has an SS setting just use that to try before you go to TCR an M+


I can also say try simple coils, they ramp up real quick.
@Grand Guru is correct it's more about the coil. You can have a mix of wire but SS is the go to for TC. So it's normally used as core wire with nichrome or kanthal decor.

Try to set.your preheat higher, you will still het a cooler vape, but the coil will be warm enough from the get go.
If I'm explaining correctly.
Just my opinion I also think that SS and temp control will work very well on a single coil tank.

Although my first try was with a dual and it did work out well.
Just a bit more info.

I wrapped a 7 wrap single wire 316l spaced coil. Put it in the Dvarw clone, came out at .28

As I suspected it does work very well in SS mode. However it also works just as well on power mode due to the initial boost that the Puma employs. I am currently at a mere 20w and that coils hits from the word GO. SS heats up very quickly it seems
No right or wrong but personally i find TC most suited for single coil RTA's which normally would be vaped more for flavour than cloud whether that be low wattage RDL or MTL. A lot of TC users use RDA's taking advantage of the TC cutting in to stop burn't hits but i just don't rock that way!
As I mentioned in this thread I thought I would try a SS wire in the Bltzen as a single coil.

Wrapped a whopper of a 3.5mm ID SS316L 9 and a half wraps spaced. 0.48

Went into the Blitzen easily, plenty of space on that dual deck and the screws and deck are easy to work on. Took lots of cotton and you need to flare the tails to get into and fill up the wicking slots. Bubbles from the get go.

Set it on SS, 30 w and 210 temp. I think I got it right first time. Lots of flavour and vapour. The Blitzen can be juice hungry but what a great vape from it. Sat on a Puma 220w dual battery mod it should last a good long time.
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