What are your new year vape resolutions - 2017 ?

1. Convince my mommy that I'm not going to get popcorn lung and that my batteries are not going to spontaneously combust (so that I can stop getting those "see I told you you must stop that water vapour rubbish" emails).
2. Get HRH completely off the stinkies.
3. Convince @Stosta that I don't have a dirty mind (thought I accomplished this in 2016 but merely staying out Dirty lols was not enough).
4. Learn some carpentry to build nicer boxes for the box mods and OTG chargers (those Diecast Hammond boxes are ugly AF and boring now).
5. Post more vaping DIY Hardware tutorials on this Forum.
6. Stop the childish giggling whenever I see "Wiener Juice".

Lol @Cespian
But wishing you luck on number 2)
May you be successful!
1. Convince my mommy that I'm not going to get popcorn lung and that my batteries are not going to spontaneously combust (so that I can stop getting those "see I told you you must stop that water vapour rubbish" emails).
2. Get HRH completely off the stinkies.
3. Convince @Stosta that I don't have a dirty mind (thought I accomplished this in 2016 but merely staying out Dirty lols was not enough).
4. Learn some carpentry to build nicer boxes for the box mods and OTG chargers (those Diecast Hammond boxes are ugly AF and boring now).
5. Post more vaping DIY Hardware tutorials on this Forum.
6. Stop the childish giggling whenever I see "Wiener Juice".
That means you would have to stay out of the "Reading the Forum as a Non-Vaper" thread as well, but @blujeenz would be lonely there on his own!
1. Get more serious about DIY.
2. Stop buying Tanks & Mods because they look Cool. Very few tanks actually work for me.
2. Cull the heard in January.
4. Vape On with a more level-head.
  1. MUST stay away from new mods and tanks.
  2. Maybe invest in a dripper to supplement my Sapor.
  3. Create at least one good DIY juice.
- Get a RDA
- Learn as much as i can and hopefully return by helping someone with that
- Learn DIY
- Create my own DIY recipe that will blast the brows off my face :rofl:
- Get more wire, winding and building supplies.... MUCH MORE
- Get to meet some of you here in the JHB area!!
  1. MUST stay away from new mods and tanks.
  2. Maybe invest in a dripper to supplement my Sapor.
  3. Create at least one good DIY juice.

Will join you on 2) @Andre
- Get a RDA
- Learn as much as i can and hopefully return by helping someone with that
- Learn DIY
- Create my own DIY recipe that will blast the brows off my face :rofl:
- Get more wire, winding and building supplies.... MUCH MORE
- Get to meet some of you here in the JHB area!!

With regard to your last point @Dietz - keep an eye on the Vape Meet threads.
Look forward to meeting you at a JHB vape meet
This year I learned a lot. Progressed from regulated to mechs and built up quite an arsenal of really amazing gear.
Next year I want to try to stop constantly buying new gear and just use what I have.

1. Finish the DIY juice I've made before making more.
2. Buy WAY less equipment and maximise the use of my existing stuff. (Less FOMO, more tried and tested)
3. Convince @Justin Pattrick to make me a 26650 mech squonk mod.
1. Get a decent, dual battery regulated mod
2. Get a decent RDA for (1)
3. Get a decent RDTA for (1)
4. Get at least 2 DIY ADV's
5. Go 2 consecutive months without spending money on my nicotine fix
6. ???
7. Profit
only one
who am i kidding .. will be worst that before
1) Stop buying hardware. I'm almost there, just buying the odd clone dripper now. But I'm about done unless there is some major new innovation like a wickless dripper or something.
2) Reduce my DIY concentrate collection. That's right - reduce.
3) Find about twelve ADV DIY recipes that I will be willing to stick with as a permanent rotation. Got one so far: Funfetti. Eleven to go. This also pertains to point 2 above. 12 good DIY recipes shouldn't require more than about 60 concentrates. I currently have nearly 150. Remind me again why I bought FA Cardamom, Cly English Toffee or Cap Chocolate Fudge Brownie?
4) Find some way to order my DIY concentrates. I have the idea and template, just need to find the compartmentalised boxes now.
To stop buying hardware and design and build my own mod AND atty (busy with both) :)
1) Stop buying hardware. I'm almost there, just buying the odd clone dripper now. But I'm about done unless there is some major new innovation like a wickless dripper or something.
2) Reduce my DIY concentrate collection. That's right - reduce.
3) Find about twelve ADV DIY recipes that I will be willing to stick with as a permanent rotation. Got one so far: Funfetti. Eleven to go. This also pertains to point 2 above. 12 good DIY recipes shouldn't require more than about 60 concentrates. I currently have nearly 150. Remind me again why I bought FA Cardamom, Cly English Toffee or Cap Chocolate Fudge Brownie?
4) Find some way to order my DIY concentrates. I have the idea and template, just need to find the compartmentalised boxes now.

All the best @RichJB !
Will be watching closely for number 4) - am starting to apply my mind to that too ;-)
As for 12ADVs - wow - great target! Let us know how that goes. One a month in 2017...
1. Sell unused mods and tanks
2. No more mods (you have your dream mod so your good)
3. Stop mixing more juice than you can possibly vape
4. Try achirve at least 1 of the 3 above (ya right)

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Me? Stay away from the classifieds section.

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1. Get a tube mech mod (suggestions pls) still hunting.
2. Get another RDA other than my Pharaoh. Looking at the Goon 24mm
3. Try perfect my DIY recipes ( any advice where I can get good fruity concentrates)
4. Get more adventurous with coil DIY.
5. Get rid of my rx200 and avo24 (been out of use for a while but hard to let go)
6. Work on my tricks.
7. Spread the vape love.

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1. Buy myself an authentic rda (a first for me)
2. Get into DIY and create at least 3 ADVs during the year
3. Contribute more to the forum (I've been more of a watcher than a commentator)
4. Keep vaping interesting. I love it so much and I don't ever want to get bored with it
This year I learned a lot. Progressed from regulated to mechs and built up quite an arsenal of really amazing gear.
Next year I want to try to stop constantly buying new gear and just use what I have.

1. Finish the DIY juice I've made before making more.
2. Buy WAY less equipment and maximise the use of my existing stuff. (Less FOMO, more tried and tested)
3. Convince @Justin Pattrick to make me a 26650 mech squonk mod.
@spiv, I think that squonker idea can work, what do you think @Justin Pattrick?