Streaky cotton


General dumbass
Loving the new streaky cotton by vape warehouse!!


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Have any close-up views of the cotton itself? :p
Why do you prefer it over CBv2?
Since trying JellyFish Cotton by VapJoy I stopped using CBv2 but I'm keen to try this PrimeWick out.
Where can we buy some?
Have any close-up views of the cotton itself? :p
Why do you prefer it over CBv2?
I'll put a pic later on of it close up.

I just find it infinitely more absorbent and i can vape it white and pretty dry before dripping again. Haven't had a dry hit yet.
Wow - this Streaky Cotton is probably the best wicking material I've used for a long time (since I got a plastic bag full of Rayon from @Rob Fisher for my Reo/Cyclone combo actually). Currently using it in my SMM. Yet to try it in my Billet Box, but my hopes are high!
It's basically Rayon, from what I understand - with all the fast-wicking & no dry-hit benefits...
You can get it here:
Wow - this Streaky Cotton is probably the best wicking material I've used for a long time (since I got a plastic bag full of Rayon from @Rob Fisher for my Reo/Cyclone combo actually). Currently using it in my SMM. Yet to try it in my Billet Box, but my hopes are high!
It's basically Rayon, from what I understand - with all the fast-wicking & no dry-hit benefits...
You can get it here:

I love it! I wish I hadn't spent so much on Cotton Bacon on black friday (R70 a bag) because after trying Streaky I'm 100% sold. My only problem with streaky is that it's very very very sensitive so I end up ripping my wicks in half while trying to get them through the coils.
scored some streaky cotton at vapecon and I love it.

I cannot lie though,the ocassional rip in the cotton while wicking does irritate me,but it really is still the best cotton I have used-Good flavour,less dry hits and my wicks last me much longer.
I love it! I wish I hadn't spent so much on Cotton Bacon on black friday (R70 a bag) because after trying Streaky I'm 100% sold. My only problem with streaky is that it's very very very sensitive so I end up ripping my wicks in half while trying to get them through the coils.
But what’s cool about streaky is you can use a lot less cause it absorbs and expands that much more!!!
I love it! I wish I hadn't spent so much on Cotton Bacon on black friday (R70 a bag) because after trying Streaky I'm 100% sold. My only problem with streaky is that it's very very very sensitive so I end up ripping my wicks in half while trying to get them through the coils.

Interesting. I had the ripping wick problem plenty with Royal Wick, but not with Streaky yet

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Haven't touched my CBv2 since buying a bag of streaky, I wick as often is I would with CBv2 but the wicks are still white and in very good condition when removing the streaky. None of that initial cotton taste on fresh wick like I would have with the bacon.
Haven't touched my CBv2 since buying a bag of streaky, I wick as often is I would with CBv2 but the wicks are still white and in very good condition when removing the streaky. None of that initial cotton taste on fresh wick like I would have with the bacon.
And it just wicks so well it’s unreal!!
Tried it in the exo yet bud ??
I did rewick with it yesterday it I wicked like a moron so it leaked overnight so I wasn’t charmed.

Redid it this morning right in the coil with cb2 and so far it’s much better.

Next pitstop I’ll use streaky again but this time I’ll pay attention and do it properly and I’m sure it’ll be awesome.
I haven't tried it .....yet. Reviews sound very positive.
Just a pity ( IMHO) they don't have more of a South African 'flavour" on the packaging. Wouldn't it be great if a South African vape product could become popular internationally? I hope that it is sent to all the overseas reviewers. The views expressed by forum members could be confirmed by them.
The Cotton Bacon style of packaging and the use of the name Streaky Cotton made me believe that it was a new variant of Cotton Bacon.
I found it interesting that the packaging stated that "...This removes all impurities, oils, pesticides and chemicals; resulting in a sterile.....". I was under the mistaken impression that "organic cotton" , direct from the field, contained no chemicals or pesticides. As far as I can see, the packaging does not state that the cotton is organic, and neither does Cotton Bacon. The Vape Guy's websites states that " Vape Warehouse are very proud to launch this 100% pure organic cotton product."
Perhaps someone could explain the reason for this to me. From the limited reading I have done it would seem that organic cotton (direct from the field) is allowed to contain small amounts of chemicals and pesticides. These are then removed, resulting in pure, sterile cotton.
I hope that Vape Warehouse does well with this S An product. I will be buying it when my bacon stock runs out.
I haven't tried it .....yet. Reviews sound very positive.
Just a pity ( IMHO) they don't have more of a South African 'flavour" on the packaging. Wouldn't it be great if a South African vape product could become popular internationally? I hope that it is sent to all the overseas reviewers. The views expressed by forum members could be confirmed by them.
The Cotton Bacon style of packaging and the use of the name Streaky Cotton made me believe that it was a new variant of Cotton Bacon.
I found it interesting that the packaging stated that "...This removes all impurities, oils, pesticides and chemicals; resulting in a sterile.....". I was under the mistaken impression that "organic cotton" , direct from the field, contained no chemicals or pesticides. As far as I can see, the packaging does not state that the cotton is organic, and neither does Cotton Bacon. The Vape Guy's websites states that " Vape Warehouse are very proud to launch this 100% pure organic cotton product."
Perhaps someone could explain the reason for this to me. From the limited reading I have done it would seem that organic cotton (direct from the field) is allowed to contain small amounts of chemicals and pesticides. These are then removed, resulting in pure, sterile cotton.
I hope that Vape Warehouse does well with this S An product. I will be buying it when my bacon stock runs out.
You won’t be disappointed with it.

I use it mainly in my Goon cause it’s SUPER absorbent and I don’t have to drip as often :party: