Which Reviewers do you really trust .....if any.

Puff the Magic Dragon

Grumpy Old Vaper
Cape Town
After seeing a comment about a reviewer in one of the threads on the forum I was prompted to ask myself which reviewers I trust, and which ones are merely advertisers of certain products?
This is really difficult to determine because we don't know what goes on behind the scenes wrt payment for positive reviews (tons of free products, cash, overseas trips etc).
In the early days (three plus years ago) I didn't like reviewers who accepted free products for review because I thought that this might influence them. How things have changed. Pretty much all reviewers now receive all items for free.
All of you who regularly watch Youtube ecig related reviews will have noticed that there is no small amount of competition/friction/love/hate/cooperation/collaboration between reviewers. Apart from the Europe/USA divide, there are cliques and divides which one can pick up.
One of the biggest "problems" arose when reviewers started bringing out their own hardware in collaboration with one or other vape company. This started as a trickle but it has gained momentum. Apparently, there are about 20 reviewer related attys to be released in the next few months. The problems I have with this are :
  • How much influence did the reviewer actually have? I recently watched an athlete on TV proudly say that he spent a whole day at XXXXX manufacturer "designing" the shoes which would bear his name.
  • Were they shown the atty and merely asked their opinion?
  • Were they paid a flat rate, or are they being paid a percentage of the sales?
  • Is there an unwritten rule that reviewers go easy on fellow reviewers? Like doctors in malpractice cases!
  • Would a reviewer be biased out of jealousy?
  • Would the reviewer with his/her name on a product give slightly harsher reviews to products coming out at the same time as hers/his?
Another issue is the necessity for reviewers to chase the numbers of subscribers/views. There is nothing that can be done about this as all reviewers want more and more followers. The question is how far will you go to get more followers?
Some reviewers are anti-clone. Others aren't. Some anti-clone reviewers say nothing about parts of hardware copied by other non-clone manufacturers (velocity/goon decks, top airflow, domed caps etc).
At the end of the day, for whatever reason/s, I think that we all have our favourite reviewers who we trust more than others. In my case, I get really pi***d off when one of my preferred reviewers says or does something I strongly disagree with. I even stopped watching one reviewer because of this.
To prevent this thread from becoming a reviewer bashing exercise, I suggest that we essentially provide a list of around five or so reviewers we follow. Perhaps we could give reasons why we like the reviewers.
These are my top reviewers/channel in no particular order :
  • The Vaping Biker
  • Vaping with Vic
  • Geekay Vapes
  • Todds Reviews
  • Pegasus Vaping Academy (Richard Ng)
  • Mike Vapes
  • Vapor trail Channel (Tony B)
  • Kzor
After seeing a comment about a reviewer in one of the threads on the forum I was prompted to ask myself which reviewers I trust, and which ones are merely advertisers of certain products?
This is really difficult to determine because we don't know what goes on behind the scenes wrt payment for positive reviews (tons of free products, cash, overseas trips etc).
In the early days (three plus years ago) I didn't like reviewers who accepted free products for review because I thought that this might influence them. How things have changed. Pretty much all reviewers now receive all items for free.
All of you who regularly watch Youtube ecig related reviews will have noticed that there is no small amount of competition/friction/love/hate/cooperation/collaboration between reviewers. Apart from the Europe/USA divide, there are cliques and divides which one can pick up.
One of the biggest "problems" arose when reviewers started bringing out their own hardware in collaboration with one or other vape company. This started as a trickle but it has gained momentum. Apparently, there are about 20 reviewer related attys to be released in the next few months. The problems I have with this are :
  • How much influence did the reviewer actually have? I recently watched an athlete on TV proudly say that he spent a whole day at XXXXX manufacturer "designing" the shoes which would bear his name.
  • Were they shown the atty and merely asked their opinion?
  • Were they paid a flat rate, or are they being paid a percentage of the sales?
  • Is there an unwritten rule that reviewers go easy on fellow reviewers? Like doctors in malpractice cases!
  • Would a reviewer be biased out of jealousy?
  • Would the reviewer with his/her name on a product give slightly harsher reviews to products coming out at the same time as hers/his?
Another issue is the necessity for reviewers to chase the numbers of subscribers/views. There is nothing that can be done about this as all reviewers want more and more followers. The question is how far will you go to get more followers?
Some reviewers are anti-clone. Others aren't. Some anti-clone reviewers say nothing about parts of hardware copied by other non-clone manufacturers (velocity/goon decks, top airflow, domed caps etc).
At the end of the day, for whatever reason/s, I think that we all have our favourite reviewers who we trust more than others. In my case, I get really pi***d off when one of my preferred reviewers says or does something I strongly disagree with. I even stopped watching one reviewer because of this.
To prevent this thread from becoming a reviewer bashing exercise, I suggest that we essentially provide a list of around five or so reviewers we follow. Perhaps we could give reasons why we like the reviewers.
These are my top reviewers/channel in no particular order :
  • The Vaping Biker
  • Vaping with Vic
  • Geekay Vapes
  • Todds Reviews
  • Pegasus Vaping Academy (Richard Ng)
  • Mike Vapes
  • Vapor trail Channel (Tony B)
  • Kzor

Jai Haze, the guy cracks me up and gives me more or less the info i was looking for. Plus his the only reviewer i have watch were he tells you the flaws and the things to watch out for not like every other guys who love what they paid to review.

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I trust all of them, with the caveat that it is all subjective and I'm watching not to hear the reviewer's thoughts on whether it's a good vape but rather to actually see close-ups of the device in question and hear about any potentially fatal flaws, such as leaking from a tank, a really difficult build deck, etc.

I'd extend that to DIY reviews. If ConcreteRiver gives notes on a flavour, I trust it implicitly - but only for his palate, not for mine. Half of reviewers love Inw Shisha Strawberry, the other half hate it. If a reviewer gets pepper from TFA VBIC, does that mean that I'll get pepper too? Or that I won't? In terms of both gear and flavours, only I can say what I like. If a reviewer loves/loathes it, it means little to me.
Love jai haze, the stuff he says sometimes just crack me up. But my list of reviewers that i get info from, in no order are

Geekay Vapes
Todds Reviews
Mike Vapes
Vapor trail Channel
DJLsb Vapes
Jai Haze
The Vaping Bogan
Vaping v1ck
Rob Fisher (when he uploads a vid, like once a year lol just joking :) )
Vape Don't Smoke

All in all i take all the info they give, bad and good, and then decide
I take them all with a pinch of salt but the two I do trust most are Kzor, Phil Busardo and Mark Todd.
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Geekay gives a pretty balanced review in my opinion - buys all his own gear as far as i understand.
As I am only starting out I haven't had that much exposure, but for me Vaping with Vic has been very entertaining and informative, KZOR, and all of the guys on our very own ECIGSA, both from a advice point of view, but also through their willingness to share, and no question is stupid question, and nothing is too much trouble. This is true not only for hardware but for diy as well.
As someone else mentioned, I enjoy watching most reviewers but mainly for the hard facts, new product knowledge and entertainment value.

Daniel DJLsb Vapes - Tech and opinion
Grimm Green - Product overviews & entertainment
Igetcha69 - Great photography & Opinion
Jai Haze - Entertainment
KZOR - Opinion
Mike Vapes - Product overviews
OhmBoy Josh - Opinion & entertainment
Ozzyman Reviews - Entertainment
Pauly Meatballs - product photography (instagram only now)
Phil Busardo - Tech, opinion & entertainment
Richard NG - Opinion (not on the scene for a while now)
Rip Trippers - Health issues and dieting
Rob Fisher - Opinion & fomo
Suck My Mod - Product overviews
Todd’s Reviews - Opinion and entertainmemt
Vaping Bru - Entertainment
Vaping Biker - Opinion & entertainment
VapnFagan - Product overviews & entertainment
Vaping with Vic - Product overviews
Zophie Vapes - Need I say why lol
This is an excellent discussion @Puff the Magic Dragon! Unfortunately these days manufacturers have cottoned on to the benefits of marketing their products through these guys and these guys have cottoned that they can do it for the money. believe me, it goes way beyond just free devices ($$$$). I could tell you stories.

You have to take everything with a pinch of salt and make your own mind about things. All these reviews boil down to a pros and cons list ... have you noticed? They do not score products anymore because then they would be ranking them. I guess it's hard to do with a product that is so subjective? Most sites that review devices also sell them commercially so it's hard to trust that too.

You guys are missing the best resource, and you have it at your fingertips - ECIGSSA. As an active collective of enthusiasts that self check each other, this is probably your best source of information.
Cool thread!

For me, in no particular order, it's:
  • GrimmGreen
  • DJLsb Labs
  • The Vaping Bogan - this guy cracks me up!
  • Mike Vapes
  • Rip Trippers - yeah, I like his vids LOL. Rip's videos were what helped me a lot during my early days of vaping...
  • Morton Oen - very scientific flavour to his vids, although he doesn't review stuff per se...
  • Heathen
  • KZor
  • The Vaping Postman
  • The Vaping Biker
I'm ashamed to admit that apart from Rob's Ramblings I've never watched any vape reviews! :eek:

I'm the kind of consumer that will buy something even if everyone tells me not to. I make up my mind the second I see it, and yes, it has led me to a LOT of bad buys!
As someone else mentioned, I enjoy watching most reviewers but mainly for the hard facts, new product knowledge and entertainment value.

Daniel DJLsb Vapes - Tech and opinion
Grimm Green - Product overviews & entertainment
Igetcha69 - Great photography & Opinion
Jai Haze - Entertainment
KZOR - Opinion
Mike Vapes - Product overviews
OhmBoy Josh - Opinion & entertainment
Ozzyman Reviews - Entertainment
Pauly Meatballs - product photography (instagram only now)
Phil Busardo - Tech, opinion & entertainment
Richard NG - Opinion (not on the scene for a while now)
Rip Trippers - Health issues and dieting
Rob Fisher - Opinion & fomo
Suck My Mod - Product overviews
Todd’s Reviews - Opinion and entertainmemt
Vaping Bru - Entertainment
Vaping Biker - Opinion & entertainment
VapnFagan - Product overviews & entertainment
Vaping with Vic - Product overviews
Zophie Vapes - Need I say why lol
LOL, I think Zophie Vapes definitely falls into the entertainment category!!!
Although I watch many reviews on You Tube which I find very useful, I don't really trust any reviewers, simply because the vape industry is not unlike any other new booming industry. There is always some skulduggery when big money is floating around, waiting to be sucked into the pockets of those wanting to get rich fast. Reviewers are paid, in cash, or in "kindness" to say the right things about the products they review. You will notice how they refrain from being too "harsh" on a product they review, for fear of the big vaping companies cutting them off as reviewers. Reviewers primary objective is to raise as many "hits" and "subscribers" to their site so as to qualify for the financial reward that advertisers offer. Reviewers must take on a persona, or a unique personality in order to be liked by the viewers. Are they good actors? In a way, yes! And, yes, there are some really good (subjective) reviewers out there. However, You Tube reviews are mostly a show, ("The world is a stage...") to fuel the consumerism that us vape addicts are so prone to.

So I take what value I can from reviews, and then I make my own decision.

I have more faith in the folk who take the time to write real life experience reviews on this website and on the comments section on the various vendors' websites.
Geekay Vapes
Vaping with Vick

And on days when I'm down on energy and don't need to pay attention:

RiP Trippers


They're all opinions when it comes to their reviews, but I watch to learn on the wicking techniques which I'll need soon (hopefully today!!! :D)
Good thread @Puff the Magic Dragon

I dont have much time to watch many review videos

I mainly get ideas for new devices from the foll here on ECIGSSA. I read what people say and it helps to know what types of vaping style they like so I know when they say certain things it may or may not relate to me.

On occasion I would then go look at a a video review from an international reviewer. Have found a lot of insights from Phil Busardo over the years, mainly because of the detail he goes into.

I love the local reviewers here, @Rob Fisher , @KZOR to name a few. I also pay close attention to the written reviews of folk like @Andre - who has a lot of experience and gets his points across very well. The main reason i like the local reviews is because i mostly know the people behind them and appreciate their point of view. Also helps that many of the devices we talk about here are locally available.

I have also learnt that what others like a lot I may not like so much. This has happened many times. If a lot of folk like something there is a good chance I will like it but i have learnt how to interpret what others say and map it to my needs. No guarantees.
Zophie Vapes - Need I say why lol

I came upon one of her reviews the other day. About halfway through the video I realised that I hadn't listened much to what was said as my concentration was elsewhere. But once you get over the obvious, she does decent reviews and I like her pros and cons at the end.

Vaping with Vic - love the ole Scottish guy. Good reviews too. Learned some new things from him.

KZOR - good, honest reviews.
I really enjoy reading @Timwis reviews he put on here on the forum. He always gives a thorough written review with some nice pics as well.
Only 1 man has the balls to say it as it is, JaiHaze (the swearing adds atmosphere)
Bogan once smashed a mod with a hammer. And there was lots of swearing too. Although there always is with him.

ConcreteRiver burned his bottle of FA Blackberry with a blow-torch. Plus he's the only guy who says that there is no undue influence in his reviews "beyond my own sweaty sense of shame". You can't get more honest than that.
I trust Jai Haize, he hardly gets any free stuff and gives you the weakness of the product.
DJLsb and Phil Busardo are good on the technical side and give you lots of detail to make your own decision.