Coil Neatening!

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
When @ET was around at my place to pick up his REO he made a micro coil for it and what I normally do is fire the kanthal first then wind it round the screwdriver and then fit it to the atty and then fire it up using the battery to make it glow red and then squash it with tweezers to neaten it and keep the coils close to each other.

What @ET did and what I do now is hold the coil with a pair of tweezers or long nose pliers and squash the coil and fire it up with the blowtorch... Bingo! :rock:

Thanks ET!
i use that method too , works like a charm.

if im not mistaken @Andre does too
LoL , thats what the blowtorch was for in the first place !

you need to fine yourself for not using it correctly
LoL , thats what the blowtorch was for in the first place !

you need to fine yourself for not using it correctly

I was taught to torch the wire first before using it... that's why you need a blowtorch... and keep going with this giving the finesmaster grief and it could become costly! :D

I take the Kanthal, coil the coil, insert into posts and heat it up and then pinch it a few times to get the hot spots out and neaten it up. Don't think there is a written rule on how to do coils.:D
I take the Kanthal, coil the coil, insert into posts and heat it up and then pinch it a few times to get the hot spots out and neaten it up. Don't think there is a written rule on how to do coils.:D

That's how I was doing it but I find it a lot easier doing it the other way now. I like the fact that I have pressure on the wire while its red hot! My ceramic tweezers haven't arrived from FT yet. :-(
I take the Kanthal, coil the coil, insert into posts and heat it up and then pinch it a few times to get the hot spots out and neaten it up. Don't think there is a written rule on how to do coils.:D

different strokes for different folks
@Rob Fisher what i do in the mPT coils. When i have the coil in the cup i fire it. When glows nice i let go of the fire button and gentely sqeeze the coil between a screwdriver and the cup. After the coil has cooled down i just repossision it and if need be do it again. Works for me
I have shared this method many a time around here, Skipper. Even better with a pair of ceramic tweezers. For the final neat up I use the method shown in a video shared by @Alex. The last video in the first post of the Reo Basics thread.
I have shared this method many a time around here, Skipper. Even better with a pair of ceramic tweezers. For the final neat up I use the method shown in a video shared by @Alex. The last video in the first post of the Reo Basics thread.

OK then no fine for you... maybe a fine for me for not reading properly! :p Or maybe we just fine @shabbar just because! :rock:
I follow the same principle as @ET, but i doubt he burnt his moer off when the tweezers got hot. I need them ceramic tweezers!!
I follow the same principle as @ET, but i doubt he burnt his moer off when the tweezers got hot. I need them ceramic tweezers!!

He did indeed! That's why I use my long nose pliers until my ceramic tweezers finally arrive! :p
i use wooden clothes pegs these days to apply just the right pressure to the tweezers and then torch the coil whilst holding on to the wooden clothes peg. not gonna burn my fingers now :duck:
Nice one ET, see you've always got a trick up your sleeve hey :rock:
Is it just me that sometimes squeezes too hard, resulting in the coil collapsing, with wraps folding over each other? :eek: