Cape Town - month end meets

I believe it's custom to break fast with a large family feast. Although I am not totally sure.

I think @Faiyaz Cheulkar should answer this. At the CT Vape Meet I found out from him that customs differ greatly from country to country and that the customs which I know about from living in Oman are not the same as his.
I think @Faiyaz Cheulkar should answer this. At the CT Vape Meet I found out from him that customs differ greatly from country to country and that the customs which I know about from living in Oman are not the same as his.
Everyday we have a post fast dinner. If its weekend we have it together with our family and friends. On Eid and the day after we usually have family get togethers.
But this is my first ramzan in SA so not 100% sure how my relatives do it here.
Everyday we have a post fast dinner. If its weekend we have it together with our family and friends. On Eid and the day after we usually have family get togethers.
But this is my first ramzan in SA so not 100% sure how my relatives do it here.
We do the same, brother:)
@Faiyaz Cheulkar @Vaporator00

In Oman, people would break the fast by eating dates before eating anything else - I guess for the sugar content?

Families would get together to have a feast of note at home, or they would go to a restaurant. Some members of a family might go to a restaurant, where they would sit in the Family Section. Since men and women who are not of the same family may not mix, all restaurants have a Men's Section and a Family Section.

Or, the women of the family would meet at someone's house and the men would go to a restaurant, where they would eat and of course smoke shisha until about 2 - 3 a.m. The restaurants stay open until such time during Ramadan.

Shopping and business hours during Ramadan are very different. Businesses are usually open from about 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and maybe for an hour or two at night. Shops, especially supermarkets, are open all day and right through to about 1 a.m.

At the college where I worked there were about 100 foreigners in the English Language Dept. and we were allocated a vacant classroom where we were allowed to eat and drink, but not smoke. We had to bring our own food as obviously the canteen was closed. The doors of the classroom all had little glass windows, and the "eating" classroom had the window papered up so that the Omani staff/students didn't accidentally see us eating/drinking. They knew we were, but it was just out of respect for them that we were hidden from view.

Classes, which were usually held in two shifts, were one shift only, finishing just before midday prayers, so that the students could go home and sleep, which is what most Omanis did in the afternoon.
Hi everyone, thanks for postponing the vape meet for us. Looking forward to meet u all this Saturday. Same place right ??
Was it 23rd or 30th ?

@Faiyaz Cheulkar

@Moerse Rooikat where does the 30th suddenly come into the picture??

On the 15th May, @Spyro said, ""I'm proposing Saturday the 23rd of June. If anyone is keen - the weekend after fasting is over as I assume those who fast will want to spend the weekend of the 15th-17th feasting with Family. Let's hear your thoughts."

A few agreed; none disagreed.

Anyway, whichever date it is I won't be able to make it ;( My little doggie has to be confined to a cage for a long time, after a major leg op. I can't leave him like that the whole day - and coming through from Yzer it is a whole day's outing for me.
Hey folks, unfortunately I won't be available for the 23rd. But don't let me stop a meet from happening.