DIY Liquid Mixing and Temperature


Enthusiastically Clueless
Hi Everyone

I am starting to really like the DIY thing and I think my palette has become used to the non-commercial flavours that many of the DIY recipes have. Now I need to get serious and start doing things as correctly as possible.

What is the deal with mixing temperatures?
I see many of the recipes and sites listing preferred temperatures at well over boiling point (I assume they refer to a water bath and not the actual liquid). Is this necessary, does it improve the quality of the liquid you create? I don't have an ultrasonic, so if temperature does make a difference I was going to simply let the bottles sit in a pot with boiling water (taken off the heat) after the first shake, then shake again after a few minutes?

Any advice about the temperature concept would be greatly appreciated.
In my experience, heating the liquid will only degrade it and/or the nic.

I have never run into any issues by simply mixing, shaking the bottle vigorously for a minute or so and leaving it in a cool dark cupboard until the required steep is over.

If you 'schedule' your mixing such that you always have a few bottles steeping and a few finishing their steep, there should be no need to ever 'speed up' the steeping process as you will always have juice 'available'.
In my experience, heating the liquid will only degrade it and/or the nic.

I have never run into any issues by simply mixing, shaking the bottle vigorously for a minute or so and leaving it in a cool dark cupboard until the required steep is over.

If you 'schedule' your mixing such that you always have a few bottles steeping and a few finishing their steep, there should be no need to ever 'speed up' the steeping process as you will always have juice 'available'.
Thank you!
Yeah, I never really have an issue with steep times as I usually mix up at least one liquid that has a quick 3-5 day steep time. I was wondering if the temperature will actually improve the liquid's taste, which now appears to do quite the opposite.
I appreciate the feedback and will stick to the old elbow-oscillator for future liquids.