Evic Upgrade Problem


Useful Idiot
So after waiting 1 whole month and enjoying a good days vape on my brand new evic... I get home 1 hour ago and plug myevic into y pc to download my day's stats. The software tells me I need to update, so I accept...

Now my evic is dead. Enter button does nothing. not turning on. nothing... tried searching everywhere, but can not find any info on the net. Please help
Tried, it looks like it's not writing the update. keeps telling me there is a problem with the bin file

It said upgrade comlete, please unplug. As soon as I did that, she was dead...

After this the software said it can not write to the device...

Now it says it can not detect it... :(

It said upgrade comlete, please unplug. As soon as I did that, she was dead...

After this the software said it can not write to the device...

Now it says it can not detect it... :(

On an old eVic I had to repair January this year, same problem. What worked for me was: unplug eVic from PC, Reboot PC and try again with factory reset.
Thanks, Will try to sort it out before then. only had her working one day and i am already missing her. haha
That link @MarkK will definitely help you... It could be your USB cable your using @baksteen8168. The guy had exactly the same problem as you and he sorted it out one time :D Let us know if you manage to un brick your beauty... Lol that sounds perverted :rofl:
that thread did seem ather helpful the only problem is that you may need more than two hands to sort it out
"So imagine holding power button on while plugging in the cord and making sure it is just so and then clicking upgrade. Well I almost needed another set of hands"
"So imagine holding power button on while plugging in the cord and making sure it is just so and then clicking upgrade. Well I almost needed another set of hands"

this was quite hard. hahaha