Evolv Reflex

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
Not a cheap device but highly recommended by the reviewers that were sent them.
Evolve Reflex 3.jpg Evolve Reflex 5.jpg

It's hellish expensive for a Pod system listed at US$120 (R1,827) and if you are over 40 you get US$40 (R609) discount... The Pods are $6 each (R91). I ordered a Reflex and 2 spare pods and my total was $92 (R1,385) before I shipped it to SA and added shipping costs and VAT.

Yes, a lot of research went into this device and has been a long time coming... but in my opinion, it's doomed because of the price especially if you are under 40. Don't know why they did this age discount thing... just stupid!

I have been playing with it for a few hours so this is initial feelings... It is very much like a cigarette draw which is a good thing for smokers... it is an MTL Vape no question...

There was a cotton taste for quite a while initially which was not great but it disappeared after a while. For some reason, it's not making me cough like when I try MTL tanks and pods and it was designed that way and it certainly works for me.

It has three settings and I found the middle one (green) was the better one for me.

It is not a good looking device by any means but it is small and thinner than most other pods systems.

Million-dollar question... how is the flavour? The flavour is not bad but nowhere near the flavour of an RTA but that being said the more I use the device the more I like it... it is certainly the first MTL Pod system I have found useable and there is no doubt that it's perfect for a smoker conversion.

That is just my day 1 review... let's see how we go over the next few days with battery life and coil lasting.

Here is the spiel from their website...

Reflex is the only e-cigarette to respond to the user just like a cigarette. Draw harder and it immediately gets more intense, draw softer and it backs off that’s why Reflex won’t make you cough. No more you get what you get and if you don’t like it too bad. Reflex is a cigarette replacement, plain and simple. Tired of staring at your pack of cigarettes and wishing that something else worked. This one does.

  • Reflex has 3 settings that match ultralight, light, or full flavor cigarettes
  • No burnt taste, ever. Pods last much longer than typical pod systems.
  • Individually tested pods guarantee consistency
  • Charges with any micro USB charger
  • Designed and assembled in the USA from global components
Wow @Rob Fisher
This sounds great
Nice write up
Pity about the cost as you say
It is quite expensive and that will deter a lot of people from buying this system but I look at vaping like the healthy alternative and the healthy alternative is always more expensive, try buy your groceries from a health store and you will see its going to cost 4 to 5 times more.
For example a loaf of Albany bread is R15+/- but if you buy a carb free, gluten free, no GMO loaf of bread which is half the size it will cost around R60.

The same theory applies here with this Evolv Reflex, if you really have tried to quit before and nothing has worked for you then nevermind the price, your health and well being is more important, rather spend this money now and get healthier than spend 50 times more on medical costs further down the line.

I think that is the market that Evolv are trying to tap into with this product.... IMHO
There are already some combustible cigarette simulation in the market for long long time. Products from 2013-2015 like Joyetech Eroll etc. Recently Pipeline Zeep mini. They are exactly targeting smokers but not as practical as this one. Price tag on this one just shows a lot of R&D works behind this product. I like Manufacturer as well, very honest and easygoing.
I think this is a step in the right direction for vaping, the price will go down as this tech is refined and manufacturing catches up. I for one am interested in getting one, next Swart Vrydag!