How Often Do You Rewick & Recoil Your Reo?


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Just out of interests sake I am wondering how frequently you guys rewick and recoil your Reo?

Have been going since Sunday on current coil and wick (with the same flavour). Flavour is getting a bit naff now, so I am going to rewick. Coil still looks in good nick though for a few more days

What are you guys doing on your end?
Usually recoil once a week but that is because I enjoy making and experimenting with coils. I dry burn and rewick daily or every two days depending if I'm travelling or not. The walkie talkie gets a bubble bath and lube every two weeks or so.
Coils can go a very long time (like in 2 months) if you can resist the temptation to recoil. Wicks depends on the material used. Currently on ceramic, which I have previously used for 30 days. On day 14 with these. Cotton I used to change every day, maybe every 2 days if a clear juice. Silica and Ekowool around 5/6 days.
I have a coil that is perfect and that's been going for a week so will just dry burn and change the wick when it needs it... now that I am becoming a boffin at squonking so I'm not burning my wicks as much so a wicks can last me 2-3days!
rewicked and dryburned twice since monday, using cotton. Will probably rebuild at some point over the weekend, when ive got time to fiddle
How do you guys tell when your cotton wicks are shot?
For me personally; the flavour gets diminished as well as a faint burnt taste.
How do you guys tell when your cotton wicks are shot?
If I sucked it up the drip tip or otherwise damaged it, would immediately re-wick. Otherwise once a day as a matter of course.