Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @soonkia, you'll love it here! It's an amazing place with loads of very interesting and knowledgeable people, you've definitely come to the right place! just be pre-warned, hahaha it's VERY addictive hahaha ;)

Have fun!!!
Welcome! Vape on guys

sent from my nokia 2110 using LTE
I see we have a new member that joined us yesterday :) Welcome @WVasey, hope you're enjoying your vaping journey! Come say hi and join in the fun :D
Hey guys,
Im new here, while Im not a new vaper - its been over 3 years now - it's the first time I have noticed a local forum which is great stuff.
There seems like a ton of info and experience people on here so Im looking forward to being schooled on the bits I dont know about!
Welcome @RocketBoy. A lot of helpful folks around here with drawers full of vape gear and knowledge. Which devices are you currently using?
Hey guys,
Im new here, while Im not a new vaper - its been over 3 years now - it's the first time I have noticed a local forum which is great stuff.
There seems like a ton of info and experience people on here so Im looking forward to being schooled on the bits I dont know about!
Most welcome. We can certainly use your experience here. Change the 'noob vaper' by clicking on personal details under your name top right. Then fill in your own custom title and save at the bottom of that page. Happy vaping.
Welcome rocket fuel. Enjoy.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Welcome @RocketBoy. You have come to the right place, loads of knowledgeable people will to help at the drop of the post.

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

If you get a chance let us know what kit you are currently running and what you have tried in the past.
Welcome @RocketBoy. You have come to the right place, loads of knowledgeable people will to help at the drop of the post.

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

If you get a chance let us know what kit you are currently running and what you have tried in the past.
Thanks I should have done that in here, I created a new thread in the noob corner because I really need to find something better than what I am currently using.
Welcome @RocketBoy

Enjoy the forum - it's a great place indeed!

All the best with your vaping
Welcome @RocketBoy ... 3 years is a long time, congrats.
One thing we really good at on this forum is spending buckets of money on all sorts of equipment. So i have no doubt you will find a review for something you like
Welcome to the forum, or should i say 'family' @RocketBoy and all the new members. Hope you enjoy your stay :)

Wow, so many new members, i haven't visited this thread in a while. So awesome that we are growing so fast.
Welcome everyone! Glad you are here to join our family
Hi all, here to introduce myself as a noob.

Was a 35 to 40 a day analog smoker, smoked analogs for about 30 years. Smoked strong brand Chesterfield all of these years. My wife a smoker to, also long term smoker and heavy smoker but light analog (Kent White).

In December 2013, a uncle came to visit and was vapeing on a twisp and introduced us to twisp, I went off in the same week and purchased a Twisp starter kit for myself and the wife, the same day we found Greensmoke at JJ Cale and my wife decided she liked cig-a-likes, so purchased a starter kit for her.

On 3rd Jan 2014, we both made the decision to quit our analogs and only vape e-cigs, well that was the last day of analogs, both of us have not touched a analog since, only e-cigs.

Neither of us have any desire to quit smoking, we where just looking for a healthier alternative.

Wife is still vaping her cig-a-likes, but as for myself, I have discovered a new hobby. I discovered the world of vaping and e-cig / Mech MODS / tanks / VV / VW and now MODs and RBA and RDA. In a very short space of time I have amassed a sizeable collection of vape gear already including juices I could get my hands on locally, and my lust for new things has not been quenched.

I would like to put out a special thank you to Walter and Tanya at for their awesome support and service. They have tolerated my constant visits to satisfy my need for new toys.

My wife can not understand why I need so many devices to enjoy my vaping, but it is more than just vaping now it is a hobby.

I will some time post a pic of some of my collection of vape gear.

I look forward to sharing with and learning from this community.

Vape On

My wife can not understand why I need so many devices to enjoy my vaping, but it is more than just vaping now it is a hobby.

A very warm welcome to the forums @Wayne! I'm with you all the way on collecting and testing stuff... it's more of a NEED than a WANT! :D Well for me anyway!:p
A warm welcome to the forum @Wayne, you've come to the right place for all the advice you need. Hope to enjoy your stay :)