@kimbo was running quickdraw specials in the run up to vapecon and I happened to be the fastest draw on the VA Phenom he put up for sale. I thought what the hell at R170 I'll have one. Its the same price as a decent clone mech from Fasttech.

Then it arrived and I'm blown away buy how well made this piece of hardware is.

Not a scratch or machine mark on the tube itself and its clear coated to protect the nice brass finish.

There is no oil residue or bits of metal shavings anywhere. No cleaning to be done. The only thing I might want to do it polish up the contact points a bit but that's probably my OCD.
It comes with the tool that you use to remove the top cap. The threads are smooth and fine none of the chunky cheap grindy threads on this mod.

The firing button is smooth and soft (a little bit scratchy at first) and a quarter turn locks it so you can chuck it in a bag or yur pocket and not risk accidental firing, provided you have locked it of cause.

The positive 510 pin is an adjustable 2 piece affair the big knob to adjust the contact to your atty and little one to eliminate battery rattle.

All in all this is solid tube mod has a nice weight to is and actually feels like a quality piece of kit.
The only thing I might be worried about is how long the clear coat holds up for but it looks pretty decent and has a very slight grippyness to it that makes me feel better as mods have been known to slip out of my hand.
Now that I have checked it out and held it, would I have bought it at the selling price of R450.00?
Well yes its worth it. Much better than quality than a lot of clone mechs selling for the same price or even more.
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