Kylin M RTA Review

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Brett Vapes

New Vaper
Weirda Park centurion
Welcome back guys. I hope you are all having a great lockdown and that you are all staying at home and are being safe. It's Sunday so that means another review by yours truly! Today I'm reviewing the Kylin M RTA by Vandy Vape.

  • Mesh style coil with long-service life
  • Unprecedented vaping experience with excellent flavor taste
  • Top honeycomb airflow intake for anti-leaking
  • Various mesh style coils for different user selection
What's in the box?
  • 1*Kylin M RTA
  • 1*Accessory bag
  • 1*User Manual
  • 2*0.2 ohm Mesh Wire
  • 2*0.15 ohm Mesh Wire
  • 2*Cotton laces
  • 1*4.5ml bubble glass tube
  • 1*Resin Drip Tip
The Review:

Ok so here we have the tank. I have the Matte Black but they also come in Stainless steel, Blue, Gun Metal, Gold, Frosted Grey and Rainbow.

It has a top honeycomb airflow intake to limit leaking which is an issue I had with the Profile Unity if you don’t know how to wick it right, and the airflow is also supposed to help deliver better flavor which I'm not too sure about as I've found flavor is very similar to how the profile unity delivers. We also have top fill by unscrewing the top cap. I personally prefer the Profile Unities top cap to the Kylin M as the Kylin M is completely screw so sometime you miss the thread and can be difficult at times. But generally its easy enough to screw on and off.upload_2020-3-29_17-38-13.png
If we open it up to have a look at the build deck this is where the Kylin M shines. upload_2020-3-29_17-39-44.png
We have the spring loaded ceramic plate here to push the cotton up into the coil and then the side plates are also spring loaded which is awesome because you never have an issue with the plates getting in the way when you install the strip.upload_2020-3-29_17-41-7.png
And it is super easy to wick this tank and its also very forgiving so if you don’t wick it completely correct not a problem. You will still get a great vaping experience out of it. When installing the coil, use the metal rod you get in the accessories pack to bend the strip, then put both sides of the strip into each plate so it ends up looking like this. Then when you rewick, you take your cotton,upload_2020-3-29_18-11-17.png
you are looking at roughly the same amount as the Profile RDA. Then we stick it through like this.upload_2020-3-29_18-13-0.png
Now all you need to do is cut the cotton at a 45 degree angle like soupload_2020-3-29_18-13-47.png
and once you’ve cut both sides, you stuff the cotton into the well like this upload_2020-3-29_18-14-19.png
and there we have it. Now all that is left to do is prime it. And sorted. We have wicked the Kylin M. Easy right?

I've got the Stainless steel mesh strip in here so I've got it set on temperature control. Lets vape. Ok so straight away you get full flavor, fantastic cloud productionupload_2020-3-29_18-15-48.png
and I'm only running with the airflow half open. If I open it up and vape now, its nuts. Lets go through my Pros and Cons with the tank.


Top airflow so no leaking,

Very easy to build and wick on,

Very forgiving when you wick,

Great flavour and cloud production,

Different colours that look really good.


It Drinks juice so you find yourself having to refill the tank a lot of times,

The top cap screwing can be a little annoying at times,

Looks odd with the straight glass on it, almost as if it wasn’t made for the tank.

Let me know in the Comments what your thoughts are on the tank
Great review and super pictures
I have never tried a mesh coil, am keen to try one sometime
Thanks for the efforts @Brett Vapes
Great review and super pictures
I have never tried a mesh coil, am keen to try one sometime
Thanks for the efforts @Brett Vapes
If you love flavor chasing then mesh will definitely give it to you. ever since I started using the profile unity after vape con last year (which i have a vlog of on my YouTube channel by the way) I have been vaping on mesh a lot more than i have been using regular coils
Great review man. I am new to the forum, but I changed from smoking to vaping 8 months ago. I got the Kylin M rta about 2 months ago and before that I had the Zeus x rta. I just wanted some advice on the wicking on the Kylin. I know you said it is easy to wick and it sure did look easy. The only problem I have found is that the cotton burns after 2-3 days regardless of how I wick it. Is it because my wattage is to high? I normally like it at about 65-70 watts, but then it doesn't last very long. I am using a 0,2 ohm stainless steel mesh coil. I never had this problem with the Zeus X rta. Any advice on what the problem could be?
After a day of experimenting and trying different options I can honestly say I have found the absolute sweet spot of this RTA.

Cut your mesh length down to the same size as the nexmesh coils (you trim about 2.5 mm off).
The air turbulence, and airflow, is so much better and the flavor is through the roof.
Trust me on this.

Sweet spot combination...

1. SS316L 200 grit mesh cut to size
2.Dischem organic cotton balls.. Right out the packet
3. 48 watts on vaporesso Gen in wattage mode
4. Airflow just over half

Sent from my LYA-L09 using Tapatalk
Sorry posted in wrong thread.
Above post applies to Zeus X Mesh not the Kylin M

My applogies

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