I just checked it and the web site is up.

@Pranav @Rob Fisher I can get through to the website now, but it leaves much to be desired.

1) I clicked on "Desserts" and to my surprise I found "Espresso". Since when is Espresso a dessert?

2) I clicked on the Espresso "Options". After 5 minutes nothing had happened. The web page still said, "waiting for". I tried it again - and the same thing happened.

3) I then clicked on the word "Espresso" and it took me to the Espresso page. What is the point then of having the word "Options" there if it does not work?

4) Apparently one can "Tailor your flavour". I clicked on that and it took me to a page of instructions. First select the size bottle, then one must select the flavours etc. But how? Where?

This is just not good enough.