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Experienced Vaper
Cape Town
Hey guys looking for a cheap nemisis setup. Want to try out the whole mech mod thing but scared to go all out and then I don't like it. Have never used a mech. So if anyone has a Nemi they are not using, Please let me know.

Thanks guys.
They don't have that one in stock and pro won't get it in stock again.
my advice, get yourself one, you wont regret it

a mech mod will surely change your vape experience for the better!
Watch out for the 299 nemesis
Vape mob has told me they will not be getting any more stock in due to the poor quality. The silver anadosing just rubs straight off the tube...
It still works, I'm hitting it now but it looks terrible...
@Riaz is correct, a mech is a good investment, I got a nemi clone by hcigar and it was the best decision I made so far regarding mechs. also look at vapeclub they have a good range that came in this week.
Is a nemesis one of the cheaper mech mods? Because if I work out out, to get the nemesis with everything you need to get it to work work out almost around R1500?
+- 500 for the nemi
+- 200 for a battery
+- 200 for a charger
+- 150 to 500 for an atomizer

Your maths is just about right ;)

You will use the charger for all your batterys.
The battery's can also go into pretty much any other mod/mech so these are more of an investment for future devices.
Your atomizer can also be used with pretty much any other mech or mod.

Startup to just jump in is exspensive but well worth it. It is its own league of Vape ;)
Is it not better to get a kicker and safety fuse as we'll?
Hey, if u have a dripper, I could lend you my nemmie and a battery to see if you like it?
PM me.,

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I dont have any of that ;)

You have this forum to keep you safe :) You work out your coils resistance Vs battery voltage and AMP draw battery can handle to make sure you have a safe vape and that your vape ends up at the wattage you normally like.

Also why buy a mech + kick ? if you want a regulated device rather get a DNA30 or a hana clone(cana)
Mechs are ment to run around like mad bulls! :D they hit nice and hard!

How long have you been vaping? Maybe you are not ready to make the step over ?
You should have some idea of what you are doing before going mech.

BATTERY SAFETY is extremely important. A mech is sealed metal tube that could fill with expanding gas if your battery starts a thermal run away or venting due to a short or too high amp draw for the battery to handle. Turning your mech into a pipe bomb..

It sounds dangerous but if you make sure to educate yourself its well within the realm of control ;)
I have read up on it a bit and done some research and I know there is the forum to help me out. I am not planning to use a rba or rda, was planning to use a aero tank mega on it or is that a waste? I've been vaping for a few months now and have had some experience with elec mods, but they are all to big and bulky for me.
At the moment I'm using a vv evod with mpt3, it's not ideal, but I used a MVP and it is far to big for me and would love to get a Nemi! Love the look! Just sounds very scary.... Lol
hmmmm you should try the nemi out some time, i do find mine a little heavy. also always kinda looking for some where to put it ;)
The nemi is heavier then the MVP (depending what battery you use in the nemi)

Lets be honest, none of these devices are small. That VV you holding is probably as small as it gets reliably, but you would have noticed it doesnt have enough battery for you.

I'm searching at the moment for some thing light weight, capable of 50w(100w if affordable). Its not neccesary but atleast with 1 device i can do anything. You will notice that your needs change along this journey. What was awesome yesterday is forgotten today...

@Vapourshark are you a patient man? :)
I'm not really a patient man lol, why?
The prob for me is not the weight, it's just the size of the box mods, and things like the SVD, vamo and evic is just to big for me. Love the look of the Nemi with the 18350 battery.
It is very small in 18350, I use them during the day to minimise size myself ;) but you will need 2 for a day, possibly 3 depending on your vape style ;)

if you can wait for it ;)

Next to the buy button go through the various models. The one i linked is going to end up at about $22 = R234 at the moment

Just need to wait about a month for it to arrive ;)
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