Hi Ecigssa members, In this review i take a look at the NEVERMORE MTL RTA from Unicorn Vapes Inc. The NEVERMORE MTL RTA was supplied for the purpose of this review by Trevor the owner of Unicorn Vapes Inc.

Unicorn Vapes Inc is a high end vape manufacturer based in British Columbia, Canada. Known for the Unicorn RDA in it's various versions, Vert and MDX series of mechanical mods and their collaboration with Mass Mods for the Axial RDA they produce high end products without "fleecing you" with a ridiculous price tag!
Not long ago they released the Pandemic RDA (no prizes given for what influenced it's name) which was a 26mm RDA with postless style deck and multiple airflow options which i was very positive about despite dual build RDA's generally not being my thing. More recently they have released a couple of MTL gems, the Tokamak MTL RDA and this the Nevermore MTL RTA.
The Nevermore MTL RTA is inspired by the Raven Poem from the Pen of Edgar Allan Poe and is a true MTL RTA none of this "Jack of all trades". It has both adjustable, leak resistant top to bottom airflow and also allows inserts to be placed directly underneath the coil! With it's gorgeous postless GTA style deck and bayonet top fill design i will start Raving on about the Nevermore and find out if it's pure poetry!!!!
The Nevermore was designed by Unicorn Vapes Inc, PSDBD.Custom and BeardyMcvapeface.
In The Box

Fully assembled Nevermore MTL RTA
Hex Allen key
X4 Spare screws
Spare O-rings
X4 Airflow Inserts
Spare Glass
Additional Drip tip

The Nevermore MTL RTA comes in a flattish Raven poem themed cardboard box with everything inside within their own compartments on one level. I received the Matte Black version, the options are Stainless Steel and Matte Black and the whole look and general theme suit these classy colours well, it just wouldn't look right in blue or Red etc! The machining on the Nevermore is first class not just from looking at it aesthetically which is covered in this section but the machining of the inside of the inner chamber and deck is stunning in it's quality!
We have a narrow smooth base section followed by the glass tube which allows the Raven logo to be seen on the chamber. The knurled airflow control ring appears very narrow as only the lower section has raised knurling with a thinner upper section of the ring being smooth, the AFC has just one single hole which will line up with different size airflow holes beneath. The top-cap has a castle look to it and is very bold aesthetically, this is topped off by a curvy nipple shaped MTL 510 fitting drip-tip.
Moving to the base we have branding and the serial number which is all beautifully engraved, the Silver plated 510 nicely protrudes so no issues using this on a mechanical device if you so wish!

Nevermore MTL RTA Specs and Features:
Material: SS316L
Diameter: 24mm
Height: 37mm (not including 510 threads or drip tip)
Capacity: Very generous 2ml
Five step external airflow
Deck airflow inserts
Top Fill Design
Post-less Deck
Top Airflow
Colours: Stainless Steel, Matte Black

What You Receive?
As well as the Nevermore RTA you also receive a spare glass, as for capacity it's not listed which is quite clever as i have seen this no bother on UK sites so let's just say a very generous 2ml, lol!
you also receive 4 airflow inserts with different sized airflow holes and a more substantial 510 drip tip although i much prefer the pre-installed one and of course you can fit one of your own if you prefer!
Finally in a separate bag you get spare O-rings, grub screws and an hex Allen key! I am always consistent in my belief that any rebuildable should come with what is required to do at least one build so a con for me that no coil and cotton is included, also struggling for certain specs on this as demonstrated by lack of clarity over capacity, maybe a manual would of helped?

It's Various Parts!
The Nevermore breaks down into it's various parts and can be reassembled very easily and i can't state strongly enough just how good both the machining and threading is on this RTA! Up top we have a curvy Delrin nipple style MTL 510 which can be swapped for one of your own or use the supplied wider one although the internal bore is very similar.

We then have a bayonet fitting top-cap so just a quarter of a turn and it's off and quarter of a turn to secure although the very pronounced castle shaped design does dig into the fingers when removing and securing which is no big issue but needs mentioning! Also the bayonet fitting has no stopper which didn't make any difference to me as i just secure clockwise as normal and a quarter turn counter clockwise to release but i suppose if for some reason someone secured counter clockwise (which this allows as it has no stopper) and forgets so naturally turns it counter clockwise again to release they will actually be securing it even more rather than releasing it and as i see no benefit in the design i am baffled by the thought process behind it! With top-cap removed we have 2 very generous fill ports so no issues using any type of nozzle!

The base section with build deck has a narrow smooth section exposed which unscrews very smoothly and with no issues. I did wonder about lack of grip but the Matte Black version i have has a naturally grippy finish but maybe the Shiny Stainless Steel version could of benefitted from some knurling to match the AFC aesthetically but i am just assuming, maybe that unscrews just as hassle free!
The glass section is sealed and secured by substantial O-rings but using a pinching motion with the chamber releases it very easily. This leaves the fill plate and dual chamber section with incorporated top airflow. The airflow control ring can also be removed easily and only the lower section where we have the airflow hole has protruding knurling and the upper section is smooth giving just a narrow band for gripping, i had no real issues but someone with fatter fingers could find airflow adjustment a bit fiddly but i am being very petty!

Airflow Inserts
On the deck underneath where the coil will be positioned we have a circular void which is fed either side by a fluted chute. Your insert just gets press fitted into this void where it is secured by an O-ring. The top disc of the insert doesn't quite rest on the deck (this would cause shorting) which means your nail can get underneath to lift the insert free, you can't swap these out on the fly but with an open deck they pop in and out with no effort, i do like them.

You get four inserts with different size airflow bores and wish the size was etched onto them. This is true MTL alright and the best i can do to describe the different sizes is as very small, tiny, very tiny and microscopic, you get the idea! The biggest one is maybe the same size as the smallest hole on the top airflow series of inlets!
I have seen a photo online that has more inserts and when i enquired was told there will be a newer version with these extra inserts but after using this RTA i found it is fully covered with the four already included!

The Airflow
The Nevermore has a leak resistant top to bottom airflow design with a single hole on the AFC and then underneath a series of holes that descend in size. Again i have no actual specs on airflow hole sizes but a single airflow hole on an AFC is a common feature and this looks the same size as you find on similar designs, likewise the different sized holes you line the AFC hole up with are again pretty standard in sizes, sorry i can't be more specific!
Looking inside the chamber you can see it has an outer and inner chamber and a cavity between. Then as already described on each side of the deck we have fluted chutes that lead to the circular void beneath your coil.
So the air comes in through the hole on the AFC and travels down the cavity between inner and outer chambers, it then goes through the fluted chutes on the sides of the deck where it meets from both sides in the middle. If an insert is installed when it meets in the middle inside the insert it's then forced upwards through the airflow outlet at the top of the insert directed at the bottom centre of your coil!

Also when looking inside the inner chamber it's beautifully domed and really smooth (fantastically machined) just like the inside of the upper section of a bell!

The Deck
The Nevermore has a beautifully machined postless deck which looks stunning. As far as i am aware the Stainless Steel version has an all Silver deck while the Matte Black version i have has a Black negative side and Peek encased Gold plated positive side. It's a four terminal deck so it makes no difference which way your coils are wound and your leads are fastened secure from the sides by Hex screws which are my favourite!

As mentioned we have fluted airflow each side which directs air from the sides of the deck at an upward angle into the hollow beneath where your coil will be positioned, this hollow as already described is where you can press fit one of your airflow inserts!

The Build
With it being a postless deck your coil leads need cutting to length before installing and i personally first time up cut to 5mm which i was more than happy with the result so i stuck to that on my next two builds! Also if you intend to use one of the inserts then that also needs popping into place before starting your build. Just the distance between the terminals is crying out to space your coil which is easy enough then just drop your leads into your two open terminals and while holding the coil as best you can centrally over the airflow outlet fasten your leads tight from the sides. Then if needed improve the position of your coil with a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool and give it a few pulses and strum if needed to get rid of any hotspots!

The deck is similar to a GTA style so just feed your cotton through your coil and cut your ends to line up with the inner perimeter of the base. I am not normally one for thinning my ends out preferring just a fluff up but on this you do need to lose some cotton so either give your ends a rake or cut the ends at an angle to thin them. Then just tease your cotton ends in the channels, check your leads are still tight, prime and give it a few pulses! That's it, pretty straight forward, so now just assemble the tank, fill and enjoy!

How It Vapes? And Thoughts!
We have been blessed with some excellent MTL RTA's in 2020 and when it comes to a true MTL the best has been saved to last in my opinion. The Nevermore isn't without a few petty issues just how much they matter will be purely subjective to the individual. First that proud castle design on the top-cap does stick into the skin when opening and securing but it might not be even the issue i am making of it. I was supposed to be reviewing the DDP Vape RTA before this but can't even get the base section off and have blisters for my attempts which doesn't help when taking the top-cap off the Nevermore, if i was blister free there may be a chance i wouldn't find it worth mentioning! Then we have no stopper on the bayonet fitting which really isn't worth listing as a con but i just don't see what benefit it could bring? The next con is no supplied coil and cotton as i personally believe every rebuildable should come with everything needed to do at least one build. Finally the lack of information on the tanks capacity and size holes on the airflow control and inserts, such information would usually be included in the manual, but no manual!! Also there is plenty of space on the top disc section of the insert for the size to be clearly marked!
I tried 3 different builds in the Nevermore all Ni80 2.5ID and spaced them all, i tried a simple round wire, MTL fused clapton and MTL Alien. I also tried it with no insert, the third biggest insert (which is still small) and the smallest insert!
First i tried it with no insert and was surprised how good the flavour was as the airflow really isn't directed directly at the coil but meets underneath before going upwards and without an insert to concentrate and jetting that airflow directly at the coil i really wouldn't consider it ideal for getting a good MTL due to very little air pressure but maybe that beautifully domed chamber gives it a get out of jail free card. With no insert the airflow control gives from a medium tight draw to very loose MTL but RDL not really in the picture.
When i started using the inserts i did then find out despite good flavour with no insert the flavour had been compromised because now i got the "WOW" factor. Using the airflow control in conjunction with the 4 different inserts gives the full MTL spectrum and with some trial and error can be dialled in precisely to what draw you prefer and yes this goes super-tight! The tank is silent and the draw absolutely silky smooth across the board, it was even quiet and quite smooth with no insert! I love the Pioneer, Expro V4, Glaz Mini and Intake MTL but this outshines all of them for overall flavour and smoothness.
So who is this for? Although you can get quite a loose MTL draw with no insert the Nevermore doesn't really come into it's own until using the inserts so if you like very loose MTL bordering onto a RDL then RTA's like the MD (not used so based on what i have heard) and Intake MTL RTA will be more to your liking, the Nevermore is a true MTL RTA so much more for your strict MTL vapers, who should love this!!!

Outstanding build quality
Immaculate machining and threading
Aesthetically pleasing
Top-fill (bayonet fitting top-cap)
Adjustable top to bottom airflow design
Leak resistant
Deck airflow inserts
Inserts pop straight in and out easily
Full MTL spectrum (True MTL RTA)
2 different drip-tips included
510 standard fitting (can use your own 510 drip-tips)
Gorgeous postless GTA style deck
Beautifully domed inner chamber
Absolutely silent
Silky smooth draw (quite smooth with no insert)
Outstanding flavour (good flavour with no insert)
Build and wicking easy enough
Nicely protruding Silver plated 510 pin (safe on a mech)
Top-cap design very proud, digs into fingers when opening/closing (petty)
Quite narrow AFC for gripping
No coil and cotton included
Inserts have no size marked on them
No manual (would of also helped with missing specs)
I would once again like to thank Trevor of Unicorn Vapes Inc for supplying the Nevermore MTL RTA for the purpose of this review, thanks for reading and stay safe!

Unicorn Vapes Inc is a high end vape manufacturer based in British Columbia, Canada. Known for the Unicorn RDA in it's various versions, Vert and MDX series of mechanical mods and their collaboration with Mass Mods for the Axial RDA they produce high end products without "fleecing you" with a ridiculous price tag!
Not long ago they released the Pandemic RDA (no prizes given for what influenced it's name) which was a 26mm RDA with postless style deck and multiple airflow options which i was very positive about despite dual build RDA's generally not being my thing. More recently they have released a couple of MTL gems, the Tokamak MTL RDA and this the Nevermore MTL RTA.
The Nevermore MTL RTA is inspired by the Raven Poem from the Pen of Edgar Allan Poe and is a true MTL RTA none of this "Jack of all trades". It has both adjustable, leak resistant top to bottom airflow and also allows inserts to be placed directly underneath the coil! With it's gorgeous postless GTA style deck and bayonet top fill design i will start Raving on about the Nevermore and find out if it's pure poetry!!!!
The Nevermore was designed by Unicorn Vapes Inc, PSDBD.Custom and BeardyMcvapeface.
In The Box

Fully assembled Nevermore MTL RTA
Hex Allen key
X4 Spare screws
Spare O-rings
X4 Airflow Inserts
Spare Glass
Additional Drip tip

The Nevermore MTL RTA comes in a flattish Raven poem themed cardboard box with everything inside within their own compartments on one level. I received the Matte Black version, the options are Stainless Steel and Matte Black and the whole look and general theme suit these classy colours well, it just wouldn't look right in blue or Red etc! The machining on the Nevermore is first class not just from looking at it aesthetically which is covered in this section but the machining of the inside of the inner chamber and deck is stunning in it's quality!
We have a narrow smooth base section followed by the glass tube which allows the Raven logo to be seen on the chamber. The knurled airflow control ring appears very narrow as only the lower section has raised knurling with a thinner upper section of the ring being smooth, the AFC has just one single hole which will line up with different size airflow holes beneath. The top-cap has a castle look to it and is very bold aesthetically, this is topped off by a curvy nipple shaped MTL 510 fitting drip-tip.
Moving to the base we have branding and the serial number which is all beautifully engraved, the Silver plated 510 nicely protrudes so no issues using this on a mechanical device if you so wish!

Nevermore MTL RTA Specs and Features:
Material: SS316L
Diameter: 24mm
Height: 37mm (not including 510 threads or drip tip)
Capacity: Very generous 2ml
Five step external airflow
Deck airflow inserts
Top Fill Design
Post-less Deck
Top Airflow
Colours: Stainless Steel, Matte Black

What You Receive?
As well as the Nevermore RTA you also receive a spare glass, as for capacity it's not listed which is quite clever as i have seen this no bother on UK sites so let's just say a very generous 2ml, lol!
you also receive 4 airflow inserts with different sized airflow holes and a more substantial 510 drip tip although i much prefer the pre-installed one and of course you can fit one of your own if you prefer!
Finally in a separate bag you get spare O-rings, grub screws and an hex Allen key! I am always consistent in my belief that any rebuildable should come with what is required to do at least one build so a con for me that no coil and cotton is included, also struggling for certain specs on this as demonstrated by lack of clarity over capacity, maybe a manual would of helped?

It's Various Parts!
The Nevermore breaks down into it's various parts and can be reassembled very easily and i can't state strongly enough just how good both the machining and threading is on this RTA! Up top we have a curvy Delrin nipple style MTL 510 which can be swapped for one of your own or use the supplied wider one although the internal bore is very similar.

We then have a bayonet fitting top-cap so just a quarter of a turn and it's off and quarter of a turn to secure although the very pronounced castle shaped design does dig into the fingers when removing and securing which is no big issue but needs mentioning! Also the bayonet fitting has no stopper which didn't make any difference to me as i just secure clockwise as normal and a quarter turn counter clockwise to release but i suppose if for some reason someone secured counter clockwise (which this allows as it has no stopper) and forgets so naturally turns it counter clockwise again to release they will actually be securing it even more rather than releasing it and as i see no benefit in the design i am baffled by the thought process behind it! With top-cap removed we have 2 very generous fill ports so no issues using any type of nozzle!

The base section with build deck has a narrow smooth section exposed which unscrews very smoothly and with no issues. I did wonder about lack of grip but the Matte Black version i have has a naturally grippy finish but maybe the Shiny Stainless Steel version could of benefitted from some knurling to match the AFC aesthetically but i am just assuming, maybe that unscrews just as hassle free!
The glass section is sealed and secured by substantial O-rings but using a pinching motion with the chamber releases it very easily. This leaves the fill plate and dual chamber section with incorporated top airflow. The airflow control ring can also be removed easily and only the lower section where we have the airflow hole has protruding knurling and the upper section is smooth giving just a narrow band for gripping, i had no real issues but someone with fatter fingers could find airflow adjustment a bit fiddly but i am being very petty!

Airflow Inserts
On the deck underneath where the coil will be positioned we have a circular void which is fed either side by a fluted chute. Your insert just gets press fitted into this void where it is secured by an O-ring. The top disc of the insert doesn't quite rest on the deck (this would cause shorting) which means your nail can get underneath to lift the insert free, you can't swap these out on the fly but with an open deck they pop in and out with no effort, i do like them.

You get four inserts with different size airflow bores and wish the size was etched onto them. This is true MTL alright and the best i can do to describe the different sizes is as very small, tiny, very tiny and microscopic, you get the idea! The biggest one is maybe the same size as the smallest hole on the top airflow series of inlets!
I have seen a photo online that has more inserts and when i enquired was told there will be a newer version with these extra inserts but after using this RTA i found it is fully covered with the four already included!

The Airflow
The Nevermore has a leak resistant top to bottom airflow design with a single hole on the AFC and then underneath a series of holes that descend in size. Again i have no actual specs on airflow hole sizes but a single airflow hole on an AFC is a common feature and this looks the same size as you find on similar designs, likewise the different sized holes you line the AFC hole up with are again pretty standard in sizes, sorry i can't be more specific!
Looking inside the chamber you can see it has an outer and inner chamber and a cavity between. Then as already described on each side of the deck we have fluted chutes that lead to the circular void beneath your coil.
So the air comes in through the hole on the AFC and travels down the cavity between inner and outer chambers, it then goes through the fluted chutes on the sides of the deck where it meets from both sides in the middle. If an insert is installed when it meets in the middle inside the insert it's then forced upwards through the airflow outlet at the top of the insert directed at the bottom centre of your coil!

Also when looking inside the inner chamber it's beautifully domed and really smooth (fantastically machined) just like the inside of the upper section of a bell!

The Deck
The Nevermore has a beautifully machined postless deck which looks stunning. As far as i am aware the Stainless Steel version has an all Silver deck while the Matte Black version i have has a Black negative side and Peek encased Gold plated positive side. It's a four terminal deck so it makes no difference which way your coils are wound and your leads are fastened secure from the sides by Hex screws which are my favourite!

As mentioned we have fluted airflow each side which directs air from the sides of the deck at an upward angle into the hollow beneath where your coil will be positioned, this hollow as already described is where you can press fit one of your airflow inserts!

The Build
With it being a postless deck your coil leads need cutting to length before installing and i personally first time up cut to 5mm which i was more than happy with the result so i stuck to that on my next two builds! Also if you intend to use one of the inserts then that also needs popping into place before starting your build. Just the distance between the terminals is crying out to space your coil which is easy enough then just drop your leads into your two open terminals and while holding the coil as best you can centrally over the airflow outlet fasten your leads tight from the sides. Then if needed improve the position of your coil with a coiling rod or fit for purpose tool and give it a few pulses and strum if needed to get rid of any hotspots!

The deck is similar to a GTA style so just feed your cotton through your coil and cut your ends to line up with the inner perimeter of the base. I am not normally one for thinning my ends out preferring just a fluff up but on this you do need to lose some cotton so either give your ends a rake or cut the ends at an angle to thin them. Then just tease your cotton ends in the channels, check your leads are still tight, prime and give it a few pulses! That's it, pretty straight forward, so now just assemble the tank, fill and enjoy!

How It Vapes? And Thoughts!
We have been blessed with some excellent MTL RTA's in 2020 and when it comes to a true MTL the best has been saved to last in my opinion. The Nevermore isn't without a few petty issues just how much they matter will be purely subjective to the individual. First that proud castle design on the top-cap does stick into the skin when opening and securing but it might not be even the issue i am making of it. I was supposed to be reviewing the DDP Vape RTA before this but can't even get the base section off and have blisters for my attempts which doesn't help when taking the top-cap off the Nevermore, if i was blister free there may be a chance i wouldn't find it worth mentioning! Then we have no stopper on the bayonet fitting which really isn't worth listing as a con but i just don't see what benefit it could bring? The next con is no supplied coil and cotton as i personally believe every rebuildable should come with everything needed to do at least one build. Finally the lack of information on the tanks capacity and size holes on the airflow control and inserts, such information would usually be included in the manual, but no manual!! Also there is plenty of space on the top disc section of the insert for the size to be clearly marked!
I tried 3 different builds in the Nevermore all Ni80 2.5ID and spaced them all, i tried a simple round wire, MTL fused clapton and MTL Alien. I also tried it with no insert, the third biggest insert (which is still small) and the smallest insert!
First i tried it with no insert and was surprised how good the flavour was as the airflow really isn't directed directly at the coil but meets underneath before going upwards and without an insert to concentrate and jetting that airflow directly at the coil i really wouldn't consider it ideal for getting a good MTL due to very little air pressure but maybe that beautifully domed chamber gives it a get out of jail free card. With no insert the airflow control gives from a medium tight draw to very loose MTL but RDL not really in the picture.
When i started using the inserts i did then find out despite good flavour with no insert the flavour had been compromised because now i got the "WOW" factor. Using the airflow control in conjunction with the 4 different inserts gives the full MTL spectrum and with some trial and error can be dialled in precisely to what draw you prefer and yes this goes super-tight! The tank is silent and the draw absolutely silky smooth across the board, it was even quiet and quite smooth with no insert! I love the Pioneer, Expro V4, Glaz Mini and Intake MTL but this outshines all of them for overall flavour and smoothness.
So who is this for? Although you can get quite a loose MTL draw with no insert the Nevermore doesn't really come into it's own until using the inserts so if you like very loose MTL bordering onto a RDL then RTA's like the MD (not used so based on what i have heard) and Intake MTL RTA will be more to your liking, the Nevermore is a true MTL RTA so much more for your strict MTL vapers, who should love this!!!

Outstanding build quality
Immaculate machining and threading
Aesthetically pleasing
Top-fill (bayonet fitting top-cap)
Adjustable top to bottom airflow design
Leak resistant
Deck airflow inserts
Inserts pop straight in and out easily
Full MTL spectrum (True MTL RTA)
2 different drip-tips included
510 standard fitting (can use your own 510 drip-tips)
Gorgeous postless GTA style deck
Beautifully domed inner chamber
Absolutely silent
Silky smooth draw (quite smooth with no insert)
Outstanding flavour (good flavour with no insert)
Build and wicking easy enough
Nicely protruding Silver plated 510 pin (safe on a mech)
Top-cap design very proud, digs into fingers when opening/closing (petty)
Quite narrow AFC for gripping
No coil and cotton included
Inserts have no size marked on them
No manual (would of also helped with missing specs)
I would once again like to thank Trevor of Unicorn Vapes Inc for supplying the Nevermore MTL RTA for the purpose of this review, thanks for reading and stay safe!