New SA Vaping Video Channel - Youtube

Philip Dunkley

Hi Guys,

So I finally took the plunge and decided to do my first video. I am doing it as an introduction to me, and also to vaping in general to the newer guys. As of next week, this will be a weekly video, with basically the following format:

1) News of the Week
2) SA Specific news and events
3) Hardware Review
4) Juice Review (Subjective, but will try :):))
5) Small Tutorial
6) Possible Competitions - Will try and get this sorted
7) Possible interviews

Guys, I'm pretty new to this, but I have been part of the gaming review community for a long time, but this is a completely different thing. Please give me some feedback, let me know what you guys would like on the shows.

The Link for the First video is :

Please subscribe. Please comment
I know I'm not the best behind the camera, but I'll get there!!!
Thanks in advance guys, and please share with as many people as possible.

Very nice man :p much more structured than what I'm doing.
Hi Guys,

So I finally took the plunge and decided to do my first video. I am doing it as an introduction to me, and also to vaping in general to the newer guys. As of next week, this will be a weekly video, with basically the following format:

1) News of the Week
2) SA Specific news and events
3) Hardware Review
4) Juice Review (Subjective, but will try :):))
5) Small Tutorial
6) Possible Competitions - Will try and get this sorted
7) Possible interviews

Guys, I'm pretty new to this, but I have been part of the gaming review community for a long time, but this is a completely different thing. Please give me some feedback, let me know what you guys would like on the shows.

The Link for the First video is :

Please subscribe. Please comment
I know I'm not the best behind the camera, but I'll get there!!!
Thanks in advance guys, and please share with as many people as possible.


Well done man!
Great vid dude, liked and subscribed. Looking forward to the next one!
Dude well done very well explained
Excellent stuff @Philip Dunkley. Hope you bringing the camera to Vapecon to ;)

Maybe you could do interviews with the normal guy on the street to get there experience and juice taste as well?
Hi Guys,

So I finally took the plunge and decided to do my first video. I am doing it as an introduction to me, and also to vaping in general to the newer guys. As of next week, this will be a weekly video, with basically the following format:

1) News of the Week
2) SA Specific news and events
3) Hardware Review
4) Juice Review (Subjective, but will try :):))
5) Small Tutorial
6) Possible Competitions - Will try and get this sorted
7) Possible interviews

Guys, I'm pretty new to this, but I have been part of the gaming review community for a long time, but this is a completely different thing. Please give me some feedback, let me know what you guys would like on the shows.

The Link for the First video is :

Please subscribe. Please comment
I know I'm not the best behind the camera, but I'll get there!!!
Thanks in advance guys, and please share with as many people as possible.


Can we call you PbusardoSA?

Awesome man, been wondering when someone will start doing this, well done!

Have you considered perhaps starting a site, kinda like in blog format where you can post links to your youtube vids. Bandwidth should not be that harsh as youtube will carry the brunt. Plus vendors can buy add banners on your site etc. Should pay for itself :)
Can we call you PbusardoSA?

Awesome man, been wondering when someone will start doing this, well done!

Have you considered perhaps starting a site, kinda like in blog format where you can post links to your youtube vids. Bandwidth should not be that harsh as youtube will carry the brunt. Plus vendors can buy add banners on your site etc. Should pay for itself :)
Definitely not pbusardo, this video would have been 3 days long :giggle:
Great effort @Philip Dunkley !

You covered the whole of vaping in under half an hour. That is an achievement!

I think you come across very well. Very genuine. And your enthusiasm shows...
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just subscribed .... and watched it . cool man well done .
Good video buddy. Glad to see people trying things like this to help promote vapeing in south africa.;) Keep them coming.
30 minutes with no editing, awesome stuff man.
Cool video. It's a nice change to see some local personality on vaping

If I may make some recommendations.

Try avoid saying "umm" too often. I know this sounds easier than done. In the first 5 minutes I counted close on 20 "umms"

Try having the camera facing head on and not at an angle where the viewer can see the end of the table. It sounds cliche. But it works for a reason. It also eliminates "us" seeing your hand movements, it distracts the viewers from paying attention to you (I speak with my hands too.)

When you showed us the coils on the Tobh and the commercial one as an example. Take a separate shot of it close up so the viewer can see what you were talking about. Otherwise they won't be able to see what you were describing.

Other than that it was great for a first video. Looking forward to the next.