Noobs & Avatars


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Hello all new users!

Please, please, please will you edit your avatars as soon as possible!

It really makes recognising someone's posts that much easier compared to "No Avatar"

Although we would not want to fine you, if you leave the default avatar in place for an unreasonably long period of time, we may be forced to issue a fine.

Show us how creative you can be by replacing your avatar!
Hello all new users!

Please, please, please will you edit your avatars as soon as possible!

It really makes recognising someone's posts that much easier compared to "No Avatar"

Although we would not want to fine you, if you leave the default avatar in place for an unreasonably long period of time, we may be forced to issue a fine.

Show us how creative you can be by replacing your avatar!

Hello all new users!

Please, please, please will you edit your avatars as soon as possible!

It really makes recognising someone's posts that much easier compared to "No Avatar"

Although we would not want to fine you, if you leave the default avatar in place for an unreasonably long period of time, we may be forced to issue a fine.

Show us how creative you can be by replacing your avatar!
If I may make a suggestion, since side competitions are so popular here, why not have a 'best avatar' contest every few months to encourage people not just to get avatars, but to get good ones!
If I may make a suggestion, since side competitions are so popular here, why not have a 'best avatar' contest every few months to encourage people not just to get avatars, but to get good ones!

If you want to run it, I think it is a nice idea.

Just not sure where you will source prizes from Kriek
I was inspired to change my avatar, I know not to do it often but I just couldn't resist :D