[PSA] If it’s not your juice/mod, be careful!

Technically, no. The doctors are not on staff and are bound by adherence to the health authority. The "loophole" is that the regulations are loose and subject to interpretation by the physicians.

Our recently elected Prime Minister wants to legalize the whole thing for general consumption, anyway, so policing is lax.

As long as quality of life is improved for the user. Cannabis use did me zero favors. But that's my trip.

I vote for the whole legalization of ALL drugs. Facts are: If my daughter wants a smoke or a drink, she will be hard pressed to find a legit business that will sell her these items.

A dealer, however, is not bound by and does not care for the age of my kid.

Legalization makes the black market redundant. I want this for the world I raise a youngster in. I want drugs controlled by people with a sense of morality.