Reading Forum As A Non-vaper

only moving in the middle of December, so i have to occupy my mind with other stuffs, otherwise i'll go crazy from the waiting hahahahahaha, plus i grew up with boys so i have a bit of a warped sense of acceptable female humour hahaha :giggle:
[quote uid=1924 name="KB_314" post=159920]This also helps a little - keep inhaling (bout half a second) after you release the fire button. This just makes sure you have inhaled all the vapour leaving none (or far less) to condensate in the drip tip.[/QUOTE]<br />i.e. suck it dry o_O<br/>

Brilliant post from @BhavZ
Thanks @Silver .

"Mine is now 1.8mm and I think my wick is too short.

Do you cut the wick after putting the chimney on, then "stuff" it down and push against the wall after lubing?

Or do you set it up "neatly" all lubed - before putting on the chimney?"
Thanks @Silver .

"Mine is now 1.8mm and I think my wick is too short.

Do you cut the wick after putting the chimney on, then "stuff" it down and push against the wall after lubing?

Or do you set it up "neatly" all lubed - before putting on the chimney?"

Something seriously went wrong during circumcision :eek:
Thanks @Silver .

"Mine is now 1.8mm and I think my wick is too short.

Do you cut the wick after putting the chimney on, then "stuff" it down and push against the wall after lubing?

Or do you set it up "neatly" all lubed - before putting on the chimney?"

Lol @TylerD
You got me good and proper!
Just trying to explain things in vape lingo so people understand exactly what I mean.
Lube n all