To squonk or not to squonk


Dedicated Vaper
Port Edward
Hello everyone! So I'm in full swing in rebuiIding my vape collection again although this time with very limited funds and I need some suggestions please. My pulse squonk mod has lost it's pulse and I was wondering if you could give me some direction as to what squonk mod to get. The perfect setup would be a dual 18650 but single will also work. Thank you in advance ;)
definitely to squonk, but that's just me

have a look at the Dovpo Topside Dual

Topside dual,the single I heard the plastic version has issues with cracking and stuff.
Pulse dual
Dyadic dual
Ohm boy
And wismec also has one. Don't know what it's called.
And one more thing... Squonk it!
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Wismec Luxotic BF
Pulse 1, 2 or Dual
Topside Dual

And then there is the plethora of Mechs as well....

Personally tried the Sigelei Fuchai 213, Pulse (v1), Topside Dual (and the Vandy Vape Simple Ex... silly little mtl kit)... now the only squonk I run is the Lost Vape Furyan Mech with THC Tauren Solo on top.... Loving It!! On the lookout for a second squonker (Asmodus Luna on the shortlist).

Everyone should have at least one squonker wicked up and ready to go.
any topside is a winner for me. 3 factors lean me to the topside lite. its cheaper. it can be used as a non-squonk (words are hard). no issues with battery door getting loose
Thank you for the suggestions! I wouldn't mind to have a Furyan again but it will have to be the black and silver one I sold to a very lucky guy on the forum haha. You guys (and girls) are always awesome!
For me it comes down to what works easier and better. I use RDA's and RDTA's, so for me it made sense to move to squonking.
I had a topside dual, best vape I've ever had. But it fell on the ground and one of the hooks on the battery door broke completely off. Then decided to buy the topside lite as the way you swop batteries are completely different. No latch like the topside single or dual.
I will always recommend squonking as it makes life so much easier. All the different topsides hold 10ml eliquid and is so easy to refill.
any topside is a winner for me. 3 factors lean me to the topside lite. its cheaper. it can be used as a non-squonk (words are hard). no issues with battery door getting loose
Exactly why i didnt get my 2nd topside Dual. I know of 3 other guys who had the same problem with the battery door latch. I got a lite from @Vapers Corner on black friday for R 700. So far very happy with it, and the Golisi 21700 batteries are way better than the extremely large samsung 40T's
Comes down to the vape again doesn't it.

My squonks give me a very saturated warm vape with very intense flavour and usually a lot less restricted than my day to day restricted vape. If however you want this full flavour and warm vape every time you vape then the squonk is the way to go.
I am going to hijack my own post (will create one in Classifieds wanted if needed). If anyone has vw or even mech squonk mod for sale please let me know?
Very good price for this

I don't have any dual battery squonkers...

I really like my Psyclone Mods SqEvo DNA60. Single 18650. DNA chipset. Love it.

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Atmizoo Creek (ice matte) RDA on top. One of my favorite RDA's. Flavor banger!!! :D
I don't have any dual battery squonkers...

I really like my Psyclone Mods SqEvo DNA60. Single 18650. DNA chipset. Love it.

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Atmizoo Creek (ice matte) RDA on top. One of my favorite RDA's. Flavor banger!!! :D
Very nice setup. My problem is as soon as you go Dual coil, a single 18650 does not last no matter what battery you use. I have a Aegis squonk also and it struggles with VTC4, VTC5 or VTC 6. I have 6 different variety of 18650 batteries and they only last between 30-40 puffs. Smoking at 50 watt using dual coil 0.18 Ohm resistance
I put my requiem RDA with supplied coils on my topside lite. It ticks all the boxes. Flavour is top notch, the matchy-matchy factor is there in full force, and it runs like a dream at 30w. Im running a 21700, so I get 4 juice refills on a single charge. That should last normal people a day.

Imagine a perfect world where the original topside could take 2X 21700's and the battery door was sturdy like the Odin 100.
Turns out I'm getting a Topside lite thanks to @Grand Guru . It would be ideal to have a dual 21700 squonker @swisscheese ! Maybe Ecigssa should start to make mods, for the real vapers out there! Can't wait to throw the Flave and Goon (yeah I know some people lol) on the topside!!
any topside is a winner for me. 3 factors lean me to the topside lite. its cheaper. it can be used as a non-squonk (words are hard). no issues with battery door getting loose
Yeah but it just both looks and feels cheap, if i have the Delta in one hand and the Topside lite in the other it's like the Delta is a Peacemaker and the Topside lite a water pistol!
the sock test is my meter for build quality. Put the mod in rugby sock. The one requiring the least swings to ensure your mother-in-law wouldn't survive is winner. Sacrifices in material choice were made to create a cheaper product that ship at 2/3 the price with a nice Variant RDA included.

The Topside Dual is better in every way except the battery door. With gentle use, the retention clips wear and your mod keeps switching off. Mine were dropped a few time and the clips failed entirely. I'm not a snob, but I'm not going to a braai with my mod taped up.

The Delta doesn't feel as good in the hand, and I wont be seen in public with the available colour schemes. My last con with the Delta is that pump system. The liquid isn't sucked back if you over-squonk. Also, the more complex it is, the more chance something breaks.

The Lost Vape Furyan is a bit on the old side but it looks sexy, hits like a champ, and is cheaper than any of the other squonkers mentioned.
it can be used as a non-squonk
Any BF standard device can be used as a normal device!

Also, the more complex it is, the more chance something breaks

If this was referring to the Delta i must admit i only know 7 other people in total including @Puff the Magic Dragon who has one but not one of them have ever mentioned having a single issue with it and all think it's a great device! Have you had issues with yours?

The Rage and Dyadic must be my favourite dual BF devices but then i only use dual battery devices at home preferring more portable out and about options!
Any BF standard device can be used as a normal device!

If this was referring to the Delta i must admit i only know 7 other people in total including @Puff the Magic Dragon who has one but not one of them have ever mentioned having a single issue with it and all think it's a great device! Have you had issues with yours?

The Rage and Dyadic must be my favourite dual BF devices but then i only use dual battery devices at home preferring more portable out and about options!

Never had a single issue with the Delta. It is almost two years old and looks like it did on day one. A bit bling but built to last.

The only negative is that when it is nearly empty you have to give the push to squonk button a few pushes to empty the juice container. Oh yes, I remembered another possible negative. It is a heavy mod. This isn't a problem for me but I believe that it is for some vapers. I quite like light mods but heavy mods have their place, i.e. mostly at home.