Vaping and beards

Do you have a beard?

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New Vaper
Johannesburg, South Africa
My wife was pondering the connection between vaping and beards as she's noticed that a lot of vapers have beards.
She wants to know if vaping make the beard grow better or if having a beard makes one want to vapeo_O

I thought it was a nice topic for a Thursday
i have always had the beard (yes, the doctor was shocked when he pulled me out my mother's stomach), so fo me it must have been the beard that drove me to vape ;)
Haha, nice one. I'm not sure about the connection between vaping and beards, but I definitely am rocking both myself ;)
I don't have a beard and vape, but that's probably because I couldn't grow a beard even if I wanted to
I, too, am a bearded vaper. ...or is that a vaping bearder? Either way, I had the beard first...
going by the responses here, it looks like there may be a connection between beards and vaping.
We may need to commission a study.

Maybe a poll here 1st??
I cant believe I'm about to say this but, I just think its a hipster thing... we vaped before it was cool lol. Hipsters and beards... well, nuff said.

Although, I too was born with an overdose of hair where I often cannot decide whether to wash myself with soap or shampoo. So I have a beard because:
a. Too lazy to shave everyday
b. I had to give up my Razor budget for a Vape Budget
c. It is publicly decent to stroke a beard while thinking, rather than some other body part.
@HalfLifeZA Nice idea for a thread LOL
I too am a bearded vaper - a short trimmed, slightly patchy beard but a beard none the less :p
Having a beard makes you cool! Vaping instead of smoking is cool. Beard + vape = double cool!!!
Bearded vaper here too. Its nice how you can save a bit of the vape's taste on your whiskers for a reminder after you have put down your mod :--P
I have never had a beard

But i like what @Cespian said about shaving budget interfering with vape budget

going by the responses here, it looks like there may be a connection between beards and vaping.
We may need to commission a study.

Maybe a poll here 1st??

Let us know what you would like to set up as a poll and we can help you if you need @HalfLifeZA
Maybe it's time to grow one :-D:-D:-D:-D Then you can be a double cool vaper :DEVILMAN:

Lol @Lushen

Maybe it will be ready in time for Vapecon - i will need to go look for a beard forum to get tips and tricks from. Hehe

By the way, last time we met I recall you were clean shaven
Lol @Lushen

Maybe it will be ready in time for Vapecon - i will need to go look for a beard forum to get tips and tricks from. Hehe

By the way, last time we met I recall you were clean shaven

Yup, I am clean shaven and keep it that way :) Just bodes well in corporate.
I also cannot grow a proper beard as I have alopecia areata, so I look like a 2 bit beggar with my extremely patchy beard in a suit everyday :)