Well this is just peachy

hi @craigb one of my V2's has just done this very same thing this morning on the way in to work, dont have time now until tonight to fiddle but wanted to know if you found a fix perhaps ?

i'm preparing for the worst ;(

Take out the battery sled, remove the 2 screws that hold the chip, pry chip away and slide button out to the side, now you have direct access to the microswitch behind the chrome button. blast the shit out of it with Spanjaard Elektrokleen, and then put a low heat hardryer to it for a good amount of time, monitor the heat buildup in mod and swiths between cold and low heat to regulate.

if after this it still does the same shit, put it in a windowsill for a week and forget about it.

try again. if problem persists, bin the mod. (always save the magnets and doors at the very least)
what you can try do is jiggle the button about a bit. Download mode is triggered by the button being pressed at a certain point during start up, so the idea is if it is sticking, to unstuck it temporarily. You may be able to loosen it up a bit with a few solid presses and moving/rotating the button a bit. That could get it working again for today, but even if it does, you should probably give it some more intensive TLC with a screwdriver and alcohol wipes ASAP.

thanks @craigb
Take out the battery sled, remove the 2 screws that hold the chip, pry chip away and slide button out to the side, now you have direct access to the microswitch behind the chrome button. blast the shit out of it with Spanjaard Elektrokleen, and then put a low heat hardryer to it for a good amount of time, monitor the heat buildup in mod and swiths between cold and low heat to regulate.

if after this it still does the same shit, put it in a windowsill for a week and forget about it.

try again. if problem persists, bin the mod. (always save the magnets and doors at the very least)

thanks @boxerulez
After the windowsill treatment, I have a tin of Q30 to seal electronics with, but you will have to pay a visit for a coffee to use it :D, not a bad thing in my mind.
After the windowsill treatment, I have a tin of Q30 to seal electronics with, but you will have to pay a visit for a coffee to use it :D, not a bad thing in my mind.

got home, mod working fine again, must have been a glitch in the matrix

but next time in there for a coffee !!
got home, mod working fine again, must have been a glitch in the matrix

but next time in there for a coffee !!
I think you should still do some hardware maintenance... Mine also glitches a while ago, then carried on working fine for months afterwards

Glad to hear it's not bust though :ARMS1::eusa_dance:
I think you should still do some hardware maintenance... Mine also glitches a while ago, then carried on working fine for months afterwards

Glad to hear it's not bust though :ARMS1::eusa_dance:

yeah thanks man, want to "operate" soon, see whats happening inside
