What do you want???


Life is good and I am blessed :)
Supporting Vendor
So I have a number of new flavours on the cards which are in testing, etc. Will keep all of you updated before it's officially released. But then I was thinking, what flavours would you want me to throw my hands (and what's left of my brain after this year) at??

In short, what do you want?

"Surely you can't be serious."
I am serious … and don't call me Shirley.
So I have a number of new flavours on the cards which are in testing, etc. Will keep all of you updated before it's officially released. But then I was thinking, what flavours would you want me to throw my hands (and what's left of my brain after this year) at??

In short, what do you want?

"Surely you can't be serious."
I am serious … and don't call me Shirley.
Melons,ripe juicy mouthwatering melons with ice,all different types of melon profiles
( . ) ( . )
Desserts and Sweet Bakery ... can never have enough of them, (I like them with just a smidgen of tobacco too) :)
I have been so focused on making fruits the past while, and I myself am a desserts lover, so I think I need to work on this again some more as well. Any specific ideas? Oh, and maybe try some of my Battered Cookie next time, think you may enjoy that one.
I have been so focused on making fruits the past while, and I myself am a desserts lover, so I think I need to work on this again some more as well. Any specific ideas? Oh, and maybe try some of my Battered Cookie next time, think you may enjoy that one.
It seems we're outnumbered, as most vapers I know seem to prefer fruits, (and minty sh## :eek:), however I have had greater successes moving smoker friends off stinkies with sweet bakery and deserts ;)
... and yes ... I'll certainly try your Battered Cookie in my next order, which is overdue :facepalm:
A low-sweetener range. I don’t, as a rule, eat additional sugar in anything, so the majority of juices are waaay over the top for me.

I bet you can guess where this is going…

With that in mind, a savoury range would be…erm…interesting. Legion Vapes was given an experimental ham and cheese croissant flavour and raved about it for some time (as much as Steve raves about anything). With a nice cuppa on the side. Sugarless.

I’d be interested in seeing how many other people would go for this kind of thing.

Challenge on!
A low-sweetener range. I don’t, as a rule, eat additional sugar in anything, so the majority of juices are waaay over the top for me.
I bet you can guess where this is going…
With that in mind, a savoury range would be…erm…interesting. Legion Vapes was given an experimental ham and cheese croissant flavour and raved about it for some time (as much as Steve raves about anything). With a nice cuppa on the side. Sugarless.
I’d be interested in seeing how many other people would go for this kind of thing.
Challenge on!

I think the limits to a savoury vape in my case might be something that emulated a Canadian breakfast, (crispy bacon sandwiched between a few large buttered flapjacks and drenched with maple syryp), with a side(vape) of coffee, (a pungent creamy Arabica Cappuccino) :)
Dam we getting old, I loved the Doll House milkshakes

Such a pity they closed down as they, along with their food and drink, were legend :inlove:
Do you remember their three layer Dagwoods, and their post jol / hangover protectors ... toasted cheese bacon and egg sarmies :-D
Not sure that either of those would make good vape flavours tho' :eek:
Such a pity they closed down as they, along with their food and drink, were legend :inlove:
Do you remember their three layer Dagwoods, and their post jol / hangover protectors ... toasted cheese bacon and egg sarmies :-D
Not sure that either of those would make good vape flavours tho' :eek:
Three layer Dagwood was to die for
One of the things actually worth being nostalgic about.
A low-sweetener range. I don’t, as a rule, eat additional sugar in anything, so the majority of juices are waaay over the top for me.
I can already do this for you sir on any and all the juices in my range. I can add or reduce sugar and coolant and at zero extra charge either way. :)

With that in mind, a savoury range would be…erm…interesting
Been there, done that. Results are not to be repeated. I once had a Avo, Bacon and Biltong juice. Sounds divine. Alas the truth is far from it... far, FAR from it...

A decent chocolate milkshake
I had a Chocolate Milkshake which was so damn close to Super M it's not funny. Alas, one of the ingredients was discontinued. I now have a Chocolate Mousse (can make it more milkshake like) and a White Chocolate Shake already if you want to venture a try. :)
I can already do this for you sir on any and all the juices in my range. I can add or reduce sugar and coolant and at zero extra charge either way. :)

Been there, done that. Results are not to be repeated. I once had a Avo, Bacon and Biltong juice. Sounds divine. Alas the truth is far from it... far, FAR from it...

I had a Chocolate Milkshake which was so damn close to Super M it's not funny. Alas, one of the ingredients was discontinued. I now have a Chocolate Mousse (can make it more milkshake like) and a White Chocolate Shake already if you want to venture a try. :)
Milkshake like would be the one
I can try and do something there :)

I have put my hand at making my own version of 18Karat, which contains naartjie, if you'd like to try it?

I've bought quite a few bottles of 18 Karat and I can't taste the naartjie in it at all.
So looking for a juice with naartjie as the main/only flavour.

Also, it and many juices are too sweet for me so agree with @DavyH 's suggestion for a low sweetener range.

Something raspberry would be great! Raspberry slushy, raspberry sour gummy, anything raspberry actually.
Various concentrates ordered. Mixing hat to be dusted off and put on.
Various concentrates ordered. Mixing hat to be dusted off and put on.

... and the forum hushed down in antici ... passion of the impending olfactory stimulating volatiles about to be unleashed in the next release of .... {drum roll} .... ivc_mixers vape juices :headbang: