Who Felt The Earhquake

what street was that @Rob Fisher ? i only have a few small plaster cracks and some cracked tiles in the one bathroom
Sorry can't help it.

Didn't feel a thing

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Yoh this scared the crap out of me.

So I was on the bog with my trusty speed and sounds mag. I thought it was the curry of last night that caused the earth shattering experience.

The curry was wild

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Still some small tremors every now and again. Just hope and pray it stays with aftershocks and the mainshock is not still coming

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hahahaha no what did you do ?!?!
I was told by my 'Inferior Superior' that I was not allowed to provide service for certain clients who had not paid.

So I put it on a Shit List (Which was labelled shit list) and posted it on the function board. Then one of the clients came in and saw it...

Truly, I thought it was pretty funny!
I was told by my 'Inferior Superior' that I was not allowed to provide service for certain clients who had not paid.

So I put it on a Shit List (Which was labelled shit list) and posted it on the function board. Then one of the clients came in and saw it...

Truly, I thought it was pretty funny!

Hahahahaha Clasic !!!! :rofl: