Who is feeling brave?

I was called
Oh - 24mg

@method1 and @ShaneW

At least give me something nice like HHV Huntsman - remember that juice @ShaneW ?

The backstory on that juice is that @Andre once gave me some HHV samples. I was vaping for about 2 months - was still on the Twisp Clearo or Mini Protank 2. I called Andre back and said my goodness Andre these juices are quite strong - I had to go to the toilet a few minutes after vaping them. Haha

Then Andre told me he forgot to mention it was 24 mg. This was in the day when I think Andre (and correct me if I'm wrong) would get 36mg from HHV and sometimes dilute them down - or sometimes not. Haha

Those were the days
Lol, no at that stage I imported at 36 mg to dilute down to save money. My 36 mg period was about 30 days on Protanks, until I got my first Reo and RM2. Did vape 24 mg for quite a period before I went to 18 mg. Now down to 12 mg.

I still have some HHV 36 mg if anyone wants to give it a shot. Higher nic is still the best way to guarantee you kick the stinkies, especially coming off 80+ cigarettes per day.