Russian 91% Original

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
After a long wait my Russian 91% arrived.

This review will take place over a few days because I've learnt that you need a day or two of paying and using the equipment to appreciate the pro and the cons of a product.

Today it's just the unboxing and cleaning... and maybe later a first test...

The box is sealed with a hologram label that needs to be sliced open...
Russian 011.JPG

First look inside... Oooooo so pretty!
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I ordered a spare tank just in case but it does come with two tanks... the brushed stainless steel one and an frosted acrylic one. It also came with a little manual, a little screw driver that is a flat and Phillips head and some kanthal and wick and plenty of spare screws and O rings.
Russian 016.JPG

It looked pretty clean but my mates on ecgissa tell me to always clean the devices first and I did. There was a little dirt on the threads but the rest of the device was spotless!
Russian 020.JPG

Initial impressions are that it's a really quality piece and about a gazillion times better than the cheap Kayfun Lite clone I tried sometime back... and so it should be... it cost $95 before shipping!

One issue I have right away and that is the little block on the deck on the right hand side with the hole through it... it's very loose and I'm not sure how to tighten it?
Russian Close Up.jpg
The positive block should be able to be tightened from the bottom centre pin - turn it upside down, the centre pin should be slotted for screw driver, hold positive block tight and tighten centre pin.
The positive block should be able to be tightened from the bottom centre pin - turn it upside down, the centre pin should be slotted for screw driver, hold positive block tight and tighten centre pin.

@johan you are a life saver... there isn't a slot in the center pin and I fiddled with the pin a little and there was some tightness going on but I thought it was nuts that one would have to play with long nose pliers and then I remembered there was something else in the box that I had no idea what it was for and then the penny dropped!

It has a special tool to tighten the block! What a goose! :wasntme:

OK I'm back on track! Thanks Boys!
Russian 023.JPG
Glad you got sorted, looks definitely much more pro than any of the clone pics I saw.
Wow that thing is cool

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Rob - You should have ordered this.

Looks interesting and easy

What an awesome little invention! Now if I used wicking material I would order one today! Or if I could get my hands on some Ceramic Wick this could be an option! Nice find!
OK it's time to haul out the toolbox and make a micro coil for this bad boy! And I guess I will put it on the Magneto with a fresh battery! Stand by for report back of major cockup or OMG. :rock:

I should be back in 15-20 minutes...
I need humour NOW Rob

Then we should have videoed me trying to do this! That would have been hysterical... I should not be allowed anywhere near sharp objects! Just for the record blood is gushing out of my finger where the kanthal wire sunk deep into the flesh! :doh:
Then we should have videoed me trying to do this! That would have been hysterical... I should not be allowed anywhere near sharp objects! Just for the record blood is gushing out of my finger where the kanthal wire sunk deep into the flesh! :doh:

Then I need to see a video how you put worms on a fish hook ;)
Right... as always I rushed and didn't take enough time because I'm all for instant gratification... doesn't always work when trying to be a master coil builder... but anyway... here is a shot of the 28g kanthal coil with 8 wraps.

Russian Coil 003.JPG

It came out at 2,2 Ohms. Do I need more wraps for a lower reading?
Russian Coil 005.JPG

Here she is with the Magneto giving it horns!
Russian Coil 007.JPG

I have a feeling the wick is too short and maybe for this device it needs to be longer than for the REO? Advice?
Russian Coil 009.JPG

Put some juice in and tucked it in and down...
Russian Coil 011.JPG

Now I need a mech mod that is brushed stainless! But it is a thing of beauty!
Russian Coil 012.JPG

Selfie! Wow this is what I had hoped for with the Kayfun and never got!
Russian Coil 017.JPG

OK I will wait for feedback and carry on vaping it for a while but need to slow down because I can feel a Silver coming on! Menthol Ice 12mg kick like a mule in this set-up...

Not a leak in sight! This device is the real McCoy and works like it should! It vapes really well and after a little bit of playing with the airflow she is hitting the zone!

The TH is pretty heavy... I need to lessen that a little somehow and go for a little more vapour if I can.

I hate the bottom button and locking ring of the Magneto and all the other mech mods I've had but I guess I'll get used to that eventually.

I know... let me put it on the Sigelei 20W and try that! Stand by...

Now that looks about a million times cooler! 20W whoa... hold the bus...

Russian Sigelei 003.JPG

Down to 12W... and now down to 8W... I think I'm having half a Silver here... let me take a breather and come back after a while...
Nice going @Rob Fisher

For a lower reading you need less wraps, else if you want to maintain more wraps then use 26g kanthal.

For less throat hit try pushing the coil down lower on the deck, but its must not touch the deck.
also that coil doesnt look aligned to the air hole.

try moving it right above the airhole, and like @BhavZ said, maybe a little lower to lessen the TH
Also the legs of the coil will affect the resistance, the shorter the legs the lower the resistance you will get.
also that coil doesnt look aligned to the air hole.

try moving it right above the airhole, and like @BhavZ said, maybe a little lower to lessen the TH

Yip it isn't centered... ;( Will take my time with the next coil... thanks for the advice!