Coppervape Skyline Discussion

Thanks @DaveH

The Nautilus tip looks a bit narrower than the Guardian tip

@Silver Well this is awkward :D

The Nautilus is definitely narrower at the bottom. Naut = 9.1mm Guar = 11mm no doubt there. :)
The mid-narrowest part of the Naut and the Guar are both 7.2mm. Dead heat ;)
The top of the Naut is 9.7mm and the top of the Guar is 9.5 so the Guardian tip is narrower.

The overall lengths are: Nautilus 19.6mm and the Guardian 16.9mm.

Neither look particularly good on the Skyline but the Guardian wins it slightly for me.

Although I have to say both look infinitely better than a bulbous multi coloured plastic tank by he who shall remain nameless. :cool: ;)

Tagging @DaveH and all others who have managed to get the skyline working for mtl.
I bought a Coppervape Skyline on Black Friday and received it about 2 weeks ago (49 days)sigh.png

Now I like a pretty tight MTL so I'm using the 1mm x 3 airdisk. I've tried about 10 builds so far and probably about 50 different wicks but I just can't get it to give me a good mtl vape. My Kayfun mini v3 gives me much more flavour.

I chain vape because I've been working my way down from 18mg nic to 6mg (it takes a while to get use to the reduced nic).
So I found that thinning the wick tails and moving them ever so slightly away from the juice holes (in the base) allows for chain vaping, but I just can't get a decent vape out of this thing.

Really getting frustrated with this :mad: but I'm trying to persevere so suggestions would be most welcome.
Hmmm...I have a Coppervape Skyline clone and someone better come show me the magic secret to getting it to produce flavour. I've done a million coils, got good wicking, and yet crap flavour. Dying for a proper MTL setup, but I'm not getting there.

@SinnerG , any luck yet ?


@Andre @Silver @Room Fogger @antonherbst @Strontium

I'm going to page a few others to see if they can help


When i get my second skyline back from a friend ill do a tutorial on how i wick and coil it to get the flavor from it.

All i can add at this stage is to wick it fairly loose and thin the tips out before tucking it in to the juice wells to just sit in the juice wells. It must not at all be stuffed into the wells. This will cause slow cotton saturation and dry hits.
@ddk1979 , see you are having problems with flavour on MTL

I havent tried mtl on the skyline

But what coil do you have in there? What power? And what juice are you vaping?

Is it just the flavour thats not up to par?
Are you getting the draw toghtness you desire?
@DaveH , @antonherbst , @Strontium , @Silver

So far I have used (all 2.5mm ID) :
- 24g and 26g Ni80
- 26g and 28g Kanthal
- (26gx2 / 32g) SS clapton
Have tried 6/7/8 wraps, spaced and contact.
I have the coils situated in line with the top of the posts since I don't want to burn the 3 x 1mm airdisk. (this airdisk gives me the best mtl restrictiveness since I like a tight draw).

I have the juice flow completely open all the time and thinned out the wick tails like crazy as advised somewhere in this thread. The thinned out wicks do seem to be the best. Also tried cutting the wicks from the top (the way Rob does it) and from the bottom (saw it somewhere on youtube or the forum, can't remember which). I barely cover the juice holes with the tails and don't really get dry hits, but this does occur when the tails are thicker. In that case, I just move the tails away from the juice holes and that seems to rectify the dry hits problem.

I'm running the same juice in the skyline and the Kayfun mini v3 (SNLV 6mg) although the builds in them are different. In the kayfun I'm using 7 and sometimes 8 wraps, 2.5mm id, spaced 28g kanthal at about 22W. In the skyline, I initially also tried 22W but quickly realised that didn't work so great, so I've come down to about 16W (any less and the vape is too 'weak'). I get much better flavour on the kayfun compared to the skyline.

Tonight I'm going to try a nano fused clapton that I bought (Ni80 29x2/38g) but it has a 3mm ID - most comments have been that 2.5mm ID works best.
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@DaveH , @antonherbst , @Strontium , @Silver

So far I have used (all 2.5mm ID) :
- 24g and 26g Ni80
- 26g and 28g Kanthal
- (26gx2 / 32g) SS clapton
Have tried 6/7/8 wraps, spaced and contact.
I have the coils situated in line with the top of the posts since I don't want to burn the 3 x 1mm airdisk. (this airdisk gives me the best mtl restrictiveness since I like a tight draw).

I have the juice flow completely open all the time and thinned out the wick tails like crazy as mentioned in this thread. The thinned out wicks do seem to be the best. Also tried cutting the wicks from the top (the way Rob does it) and from the bottom (saw it somewhere on youtube or the forum, can't remember which). I barely cover the juice holes with the tails and don't really get dry hits, but this does occur when the tails are thicker. In that case, I just move the tails away from the juice holes and that seems to rectify the dry hits problem.

I'm running the same juice in the skyline and the Kayfun mini v3 (SNLV 6mg) although the builds in them are different. In the kayfun I'm using 7 and sometimes 8 wraps, 2.5mm id, spaced 28g kanthal at about 22W. In the skyline, I initially also tried 22W but quickly realised that didn't work so great so I've come down to about 16W (any less and the vape is too 'weak'). I get much better flavour on the kayfun compared to the skyline.

Tonight I'm going to try a nano fused clapton that I bought (Ni80 29x2/38g) but it has a 3mm ID - most comments have been that 2.5mm ID works best.
@ddk1979 , although I have only had mine 1 day, @antonherbst built a 6/7 wrap coming out at .87 and I am running it at 18 W. He used the same superfine fused Clapton as what I use in the BB and the Skyline seems to like it as well. This is the wire I am talking about below. Maybe someone can do a coil for you with this if you can't find it immediately, but it is great for me. Or if you are into building you can do a similar wire one for yourself. Maybe pul out the fused Clapton you are talking about and rewrap it with 2.5 I'd, not so easy because of the short wire but may be well worth it.

@ddk1979 , although I have only had mine 1 day, @antonherbst built a 6/7 wrap coming out at .87 and I am running it at 18 W. He used the same superfine fused Clapton as what I use in the BB and the Skyline seems to like it as well. This is the wire I am talking about below. Maybe someone can do a coil for you with this if you can't find it immediately, but it is great for me. Or if you are into building you can do a similar wire one for yourself. Maybe pul out the fused Clapton you are talking about and rewrap it with 2.5 I'd, not so easy because of the short wire but may be well worth it.

View attachment 121988

@Room Fogger , I have been on the look out for that wire but only available up North atm. Not really cost effective to order 1 item and then pay R100 for shipping. Am going to wait until it's available here in C.T. or bundle it up with some other items that I need, but I don't really need anything atm.
Tough one @ddk1979
I haven't tried the Skyline in MTL but mainly because I find it so good as a restricted lung hit.

If you've tried all those coil combinations and spent so much time trying then it could just be that the juice is not suited for MTL in the Skyline. For you.

Offchance it may be the coil is too high. Maybe try lowering the coil a bit without burning the airdisk. Maybe it's that.

What you could do is take out the airdisk and build very low just to see if flavour improves.
Tough one @ddk1979
I haven't tried the Skyline in MTL but mainly because I find it so good as a restricted lung hit.

If you've tried all those coil combinations and spent so much time trying then it could just be that the juice is not suited for MTL in the Skyline. For you.

Offchance it may be the coil is too high. Maybe try lowering the coil a bit without burning the airdisk. Maybe it's that.

What you could do is take out the airdisk and build very low just to see if flavour improves.

Thanks @Silver . The thing I truly don't like about the skyline is having to remove the coil every time one needs to change the airdisk, but will give your suggestion a go and do some DL hits although I really prefer mtl. I mtl about 90-95% of the time now with only an occasional dl.
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Thanks @Silver . The thing I truly don't like about the skyline is having to remove the coil every time one needs to change the airdisk, but will give your suggestion a go and do some DL hits although I really prefer mtl. I mtl about 90-95% of the time now with only an occasional dl.
With one airflow slot closed and no air disc I am getting a slightly restricted hit, nothing like my RTAs with much bigger airflow, and I am finding it great, more BB comparable, and enjoying the richer, almost thicker feel of the vape. Maybe half closed will tighten it up for a MTL style. This tank is a style changer, and I hope you find your sweet spot!
I have only one problem with it at this stage, I need to fill more often as I am not putting the dam thing down?:D Seems to be glued to my hand and mouth, can't get enough. The nagging question now is should I get another one!;)
@Room Fogger , I bought the extra airdisks when I bought the skyline and I tried out some of the others and the one that suited my style of vaping best was actually the one that comes with the skyline.
When I used the 1.5mm x 2 holes airdisk, I tried shutting down the airflow but for some reason it just didn't feel right (same with the 1.8mm x 2 holes and the 1.5mm x 3 holes).
I even use my kayfun v3 mini driptip at times since it has an ID of about 4mm while the skyline driptip has an ID around 6mm.
It might just be that the skyline is not suited to my style of vaping (very restricted mtl) but suited to restricted dl.

Got to go, will be back tonite.
@SinnerG , any luck yet ?


No, not yet. Been busy with building/babysitting a mining rig and enjoying the Wasp Nano I impulse bought on Friday. :)

I took the Skyline apart and gave it a good clean in vodka. So right now it's in pieces. I'll find time tonight to do a build.

I am running the 2 hole air disc. Initially the original 3 hole air disc was way too tight a draw, but with the more open discs I find the air inlets would whistle. So far the best has been the 1-hole disc and the 2-hole disc.

I have used several types of wire. 28awg Kanthal, 26awg Kanthal, 26awg Ni80. Coils from 2.5mm to 3.0mm, from 0.4ohm all the way up to 2.4ohm. Wattages from 10W-30W. Cotton used is Cotton Bacon v2 and also some UD Muji, straight in and also Scottish Rolled (both Muji and CBv2).

It always seems like the coil cooks out on this thing. Maybe I'm drawing to fast, maybe too slow. Who knows. :p
I don't want to switch it to an open airy airflow because then it's pointless against the other tanks (Wotofo Conquerer, EHPro Bachelor II).
I retired my Kayfun v5 mini as I kinda had the same issues, so I guess I'm not getting the low airflow builds right.

I have noticed that people have a ton of space around the cotton near the juice holes. Mine, at least on the juice hole on left of the coil, tends to fill in the back section. I'll try and wick it tonight with a ton of combing to thin it out.

I've tried many different juices, but I usually like Bertie's Vapbacco Sweet Nuts tobacco and GBom's Moondrops on Ice. But I've had Blue Milk, Bertie's honey tobacco, Bertie's rum and maple, and a few other things through it.

So, yeah, let me find time tonight to give it a go again.
@Room Fogger , I bought the extra airdisks when I bought the skyline and I tried out some of the others and the one that suited my style of vaping best was actually the one that comes with the skyline.
When I used the 1.5mm x 2 holes airdisk, I tried shutting down the airflow but for some reason it just didn't feel right (same with the 1.8mm x 2 holes and the 1.5mm x 3 holes).
I even use my kayfun v3 mini driptip at times since it has an ID of about 4mm while the skyline driptip has an ID around 6mm.
It might just be that the skyline is not suited to my style of vaping (very restricted mtl) but suited to restricted dl.

Got to go, will be back tonite.
@ddk1979 , I think I feel your pain. I started out and went to big airflow, full on direct lung, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then tried the BB and realized that there may be more to vaping that I am missing out on. Since then the airflows have been slowly but surely getting adjusted smaller and smaller.

Then I found the Skyline after listening to a couple of opinions talking about a restricted lung hit, and tanks that cater for this specifically, and it has blown my mind. This is actually where I enjoy myself the most, and I can now see why I like the BB so much. I am currently contemplating finding another Skyline as I do like to swop between Flavours. Will I get rid of my other tanks, some of them definitely , but my Nano Engines will stay, they mimic my style and gives a bigger range of options for me, and can do an airy dl when I feel the need for it. But will need another Skyline to ensure I can get what I want out of vaping. Good luck with your struggle, I hope you can work it out. Many happy clouds to you.
So... new build in. 26g/32g Kanthal clapton, 4wraps, 2.5mm, 0.53ohm. Using 2-hole air disc.
Used last muji I had around the place, came with the wasp nano. Bit of a scottish roll, shove it in there, start coming out the tails. All looked real good.
Chuck in the juice, let her sit, fire it up, anything from 10W to 20W.
Blyegh :p
Dry, cottony, metally taste.
Pop out the deck, cotton is wet, juice is going down, clouds be coming out.
No dry hit.
The cotton always look to go brown near the coil legs. I have the coil directly over the air holes.

So I removed the disc, tried again with easier air flow. Same story.
I'm going to pull the clapton coil, do a 4-6 wrap 26awg and put in some cotton bacon some time today. Will narrow the tails and comb them out to have the absolute minimum wick that covers the juice holes. If I don't get this right then it floods the deck enough to get into the air port and out the bottom.

This is what happens to my juice all the time. This is SNLV 18, a clear coloured juice. The cotton discolours and bleeds into it.

Would it perhaps be best to do a 2mm build when using the air discs? It might be that there is just not enough air coming through. But then again, I'm running without any right now and same story.
Very strange @SinnerG (like in "synergy"? - I like it.). Other than that you might not be opening the juice control (which is unlikely), I am stumped.

This is what happens to my juice all the time. This is SNLV 18, a clear coloured juice. The cotton discolours and bleeds into it.

@SinnerG , I have the same thing on a lot of my other tanks, I think it has to do with the heated juice in the cotton. I just think that it is more noticeable on the Skyline due to the way it is built, in the others it usually stays uout of sight under the build deck. I have not found that it has changed the taste in any way, has that been your your experience?

I am doing Calamity Jane at this stage, and the discoloration is more obvious, but I am not getting any off notes , running a .87 2.5 I'd coil, superfine MTL Clapton at 18 W and it rocks. Going to rewick tonight, so will see after that. The previous juice was lighter in color and taste, but also showed the discoloration, but again with no off taste.