Johannesburg Vapers


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
So looking at doing a meetup in the near future for JHB/PTA Vapers - the rest of you are welcome to join too but it could be a tad far... who's in?
Ok guys. One of the eciggies agent has agreed to use his venue for a get together. He is in Sunninghill JHB. I was thinking of December 21st? Does this work for you guys? There is a bar and pool there. I think it could be great to meet the faces of all of you on ECIGSSA.
Works for me.
Great idea!
Ok Great so far we have -

Sorry guys, would have loved to join but already in Ballito by then :D
and Mathee in spirit since he liked the post :p
Absolutely, we have so many vapers down here and have talked about a vapemeet a lot, but nothing have materialised as yet. BTW, I like most posts because it bookmarks my place on that thread page when I next view same.
I would love to host a national meetup like the vapefests you see overseas! Would be amazeballs!

This is probably what I'll see from Durb's when you have your get together
I would love to attend as well but I will be down at the coast by then :( (Well not really :( but I would love to be there)
I will try and make it, just cannot be firm yet.... but seeing that it is almost walking distance for me :)
Sorry guys, would have loved to join but already in Ballito by then :D

yeah good luck with that. pissing down in pinetown right now, hope the weather improves in the next few days. been raining on and off for the last 2 weeks straight, kzn summers these days are wet as heck :(
yeah good luck with that. pissing down in pinetown right now, hope the weather improves in the next few days. been raining on and off for the last 2 weeks straight, kzn summers these days are wet as heck :(

Yeah I heard, hope it improves by next week, in desperate need of some proper sunshine.
Im still in Gizmo
I will have a chat with Minister of social works. No promises.
Ok, Melinda and I will be there - not sure how long we will be able to stay as the kids will be with us, but looking forward to putting some faces to the forum names :)
Has there been a time set for this event yet?
And where do we get the address?
I will confirm the time shortly - what would you guys prefer afternoon or evening?

The Address is as follows:

Savuti Sands Clubhouse
Savuti Sands,
Naivasha Road, Sunninghill,

When you get to the gate security will ask who you are there for you can say Hans at the clubhouse - We will probably need your real names but I will confirm with Hans what exactly we need from you before the time.

i can make it any time from about midday onward
Wondering if we need to bring anything - any of our products? Don't want to turn this into a punting of products thing, but perhaps people want to just see some of the stuff in real life for a change, as opposed to my questionable photography skills :)