Vaping CBD E-liquid.


Vaping Enthusiast
Good day all,

I would like to know your thoughts on CBD E-liquids.

I've done a bit of research and have found the below stated befits of using it in most articles:
  • Relaxation
  • Comfort
  • Pain relief
  • Less anxiety
  • Improved mood
  • Sleepiness (in high doses)
  • Alertness (in low doses)
My questions:
  • Does it work?
  • If Yes what Brands would you recommend and what Mg's?
Thanking you all in advance for your input and thoughts on the matter.
800mg made me sleep very well the time i used it.

The missus is currently using it daily and it seems to keep alot of the anxiety at bay (and she sleeps better which im sure is a result of less anxiety)- running it in a squonk mod at about 20w on a 0,7 build on a skyfall.
She uses about 2ml a day, 4 or 5 of her "vape breaks" are with this.
Im mixing it in at 20% in 3mg juice with some nic bumper to keep it around 3mg after dilution with the cbd.
Congrats on making the first CBD post since the rules changed to allow it.

I have tested CBD a few times since it started appearing on the scene... personally I don't think it works for me but some people swear by it. One thing is for sure it's creating a whole new market for the vape scene. I'm going to be really interested to see what others that have tried it think.
Im mixing it in at 20% in 3mg juice with some nic bumper to keep it around 3mg after dilution with the cbd.

If you don't mind me asking, are you mixing straight CBD isolate into DIY juice - if so, where do you get the isolate from?

Or are you mixing an already made CBD juice (such as a store bought juice) with another bottle of non-CBD juice?
CBD oil and eLiquid don’t work for me. Like @M.Adhir the oil has helped my wife immensely with migraines and anxiety however she has zero interest in vaping in any way or form.

A few people I know use CBD eLiquids and say they experience some of the effects listed by @MRHarris1.
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CBD oil and eLiquid don’t work for me. Like @M.Adhir the oil has helped my wife immensely with migraines and anxiety however she has zero interest in vaping in any way or form.

A few people I know use CBD eLiquids and say they experience some of the effects listed by @MRHarris1.

Each to their own, for me herb is best and has the most noticeable effects when smoked or eaten.
They don't work for me either. I got a 10 ml tester last year, used it thrice and it had no effect on me. I was looking for something to help with the occasional migraine but this was not it.
Damm I'm lost here are you guys talking about weed liquid
Dont know what CBD even is lol

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Damm I'm lost here are you guys talking about weed liquid
Dont know what CBD even is lol

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Pretty much. But no THC so there's no high so to speak. Just relaxation.
Congrats on making the first CBD post since the rules changed to allow it.

I have tested CBD a few times since it started appearing on the scene... personally I don't think it works for me but some people swear by it. One thing is for sure it's creating a whole new market for the vape scene. I'm going to be really interested to see what others that have tried it think.
I was waiting for the dreaded "Your Post have been removed due to....."

Thank you for your input Mr Fisher.

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They don't work for me either. I got a 10 ml tester last year, used it thrice and it had no effect on me. I was looking for something to help with the occasional migraine but this was not it.

Get rid of the wife/girlfriend. Migraine problem solved

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Well for me, it helps with joint and muscular pain. Plus it helps me sleep like a champ at night. Sadly in the uk it’s illegal without a prescription.
Guys... please do not wander into THC territory... I see there are already a few attempts... this is a test of allowing CBD discussions and while I know we are all adults and can do whatever we want to in the privacy of our homes and we all have our standpoint on drugs we won't allow it on ECIGSSA for obvious reasons. This is the last time I mention it and will simply delete any mention of drugs.

Many thanks for understanding!
Also interested, but looking for opinions as the juice is expensive and I am more suspect of claims on this juice.

I recently saw Wayne Walker talking about making your own CBD juice, but where does one source the ingredients is the question.

I am part of a cycling forum and one of the cyclists was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He vapes CBD juice and it apparently helps.

I don't think it will work for the "stoners", but may be worth exploring as a pain remedy, relaxing agent and reducing stress/anxiety.

I said a few months back and stand with what I said - CBD / Cannabis is going to be the next big industry in this country. Unfortunately the big dogs are who will mostly benefit as it is going to be regulated - something which is also a "when" and not "if" for the vaping industry.

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What I've picked up after going deep into the subject is the following.

Target the issue.

Bad lungs = vape CBD
General body = oral drops
Lower digestive = suppositories

I've vaped some international CBD that definitely works and you get an effect.

Those markets are the first that legalised and pushed the research.

Locally we're on the cusp of a workable vapable system thanks to international research and development.

CBD isolate works for oral drops in MCT but for vaping standard isolate ain't gonna work.

Our market on CBD will develop once supply meets demand and currently our demand far outstrips supply especially the correct supply of CBD specifically on the vaping side.
As @Wimmas stated " but may be worth exploring as a pain remedy, relaxing agent and reducing stress/anxiety".

This is my main reason for asking the questions.

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I looked into this CBD that's been discussed here and now I got some idea what it is

I went to a vape shop In Pretoria a few weeks ago there you find cannabis e liquid
I didn't asked too much questions

I know the oil is very good to some people and a cure for alot of things in the human body

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CBD is used mainly for relaxation and medical conditions.

For me, it helps to make me sleepy enough to go to bed at a reasonable hour. If I vape CBD (on its own, not added to juice), I think I vape too quickly - almost chain-vaping which is what I usually do with juice. That's not how CBD should be used. One should have just a little puff here and there. One shouldn't used more than XYZ (can't remember now) over an hour.

I much prefer the gummies. I can eat just one or two and that's it.

It definitely helps for stress. A few weeks ago I put one of my doggies down and I was a wreck, but CBD helped me through the trauma.

I believe the balm is very good for aching muscles e.g. after a good work-out, or a long cycle ride. Someone I know is a personal trainer and he said a lot of the gym people use it.

EDIT: I've been told that CBD should not be vaped at higher than 20W. Anything above that burns the CBD, rendering it ineffective.

A CBD shop is going to open ... Where? in the CBD of course! :rofl:
Here is the article.
Damm I'm lost here are you guys talking about weed liquid
Dont know what CBD even is lol

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CBD is the medicinal part of the other stuff.

Essentially, CBD comes from the same plant is the other stuff, (we many not discuss the other stuff, but from different leaves. It is not the same as the other stuff at all, as it doesn't contain enough of the substance (which begins with the letter T, but we may not discuss this substance either) which makes one high.

Some CBD contains no T ... at all (or so they say) but apparently there are always trace elements of T... in CBD.

All that I can say is that it definitely does not make one high. It's used for stress, anxiety, insomnia and various other medical conditions
I have CBD capsules (CBD Isolate mixed with other oils) that I drink for my chronic back pain and it helps immensely. Used to live on 2x Tramasets and an Arcoxia a day and that all but ruined my stomach. Proper CBD is a great medicinal supplement, and I can highly (no pun intended) recommend it.
Interesting discussion. My sister is a holistic practitioner and uses ganja extensively. As a result I have read up about it a bit and experimented with it a bit.

Many believe that the whole product is the most beneficial. Others say that CBD alone is as good.

For those odd nights that I can feel sleep is going to evade me I first tried some ganja in vape format. I tried both whole product juice and CBD only juice. None had any effect for me - contrary to popular opinion that the fastest intake is via vaping. In fact all the juices scratched my throat, which was the end of this experiment for me. As @Hooked says above one should vape same at very low power in something like a Joyetech Ego AIO Eco. The juice (at 33 mg CBD per ml) I enjoyed most (from @Sir Vape) was the one pictured below.


Then I tried some whole product capsules (mixed in coconut oil) at various strengths. They worked, but the side effects of the non-CBD component I did not like.

Next was some drops of Cibdol's CBD oil (at 100 mg CBD per ml), which worked a charm. Their CBD oils contain no psychoactive cannabinoids.


Shortly thereafter I came across Cibdol's Liposomal CBD (at 40 mg CBD per ml). The liposomal technology enhances the bioavailability of the CBD - thus requiring lower strengths. For me the liposomal CBD is more effective and a bit cheaper. Many vitamin and other supplements, using this technology, are now becoming available.


For external use, in my limited experience, the whole product or just the non-CBD component is better. For skin treatment I mix a little bit of the black stuff with Jojoba oil, Baobab oil, Almond oil, Coconut oil, Ginger, DMSO and Frankincense resin.

For pain relief I found the Panacea balm below to be excellent. It contains Hemp Oil, Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Essential Oils of Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Peppermint.


CBD = Cannabidiol, not psychoactive.
T.. = Tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal psychoactive constituent.
I have CBD capsules (CBD Isolate mixed with other oils) that I drink for my chronic back pain and it helps immensely. Used to live on 2x Tramasets and an Arcoxia a day and that all but ruined my stomach. Proper CBD is a great medicinal supplement, and I can highly (no pun intended) recommend it.

I agree that it helps with chronic back pain @Dela Rey Steyn. I know someone who used to be on so much pain medication but since he started vaping CBD he doesn't take meds anymore.