Aromamizer RDA


Dedicated Vaper
Johannesburg, South Africa
So I bought this about 2 months ago and decided to take it out today and give it a try.

To start of, it's a very decent atty.
I slapped in a 24 Gauge 7 wrap 2.5mm ID single coil.
The atty is built for dual coils but I prefer single coils.

It has deep juice wells and squonker like a dream. I can even say that it squonk better than my manta from catfish atty mods.

The flavor is good and it has awesome clouds.


Being a tall atty, I wasn't sure it would have good flavor. But it surprised me. It's got a cyclonic airflow and just works great.

The only downfall is that it just looks too tall, but that is because of the airflow design.


Some of the downfalls are that you probably can't use anything less than 26 gauge wire and it looks quite big.

For the cost of the BF atty, it's worth it IMO.
Good flavor and good clouds with a really simple build deck.
It comes with grub screws and normal screws (bonus) and also has a normal airflow attachment if you don't like the cyclone airflow.

That's my 2 cents :)
Ah, thanks for your impressions. Was wondering about the bf Aromamizer RDA. Wow, that is big. Are those air flow holes like top air flow - looks quite far up from the coil?
Wow, that is big

Lol, that is what she said

It is top airflow with 4 air holes on top but the air channels run down the inside of the top cap to the bottom. There is a cylindrical channel which is what creates the cyclone air flow

I must say, the flavor on this thing is very decent. Somewhat better than my Sapor, and I really love my Sapor.
Thanks @Lushen
Most informative

"Cyclonic airflow" - loved that term - haha
I have the Hex and the round glass BF atties and have to agree with @Lushen great flavour and clouds.

I don't like the fact that it has so much airflow though. Also I think you need more wattage than the Reo can provide to really get to the atties sweet spot. The steam crave squonker just about drives it at 60W.