Atmomixani 3d Dripper

Oh, of course, forgot about that. Great meeting you and Anja.
Thanks .nice meeting you guys as well , pity weekends are my busiest working days , would have love to do the meeting during the day
Nice meeting you as well @andro
Glad you could make it even though it was late
Just wanted to add a bit to this thread, i realize its fairly old. Iv been using my 3D for about 2 weeks now, and i love it. I totally removed the screw inside the juice hole and IMO it works a treat. the only issue is to keep the mod upright as juice may leak out the hole, it has never done it to me but im always weary.

I wouldn't compare this to my Reo but flavor is def up there with the correct build. ATM running a single 0.5ohm twisted ribbon coil and loving it. Only problem iv ever had and it may be nic level related, i give it 2 may 3 really good toots and im done, i need to put it down. Iv never needed to do that with my Reo.

All in all flavor, TH, and cloud it this same on almost every single hit, and believe me there is a cloud. Oh forgot to mention 2mm airhole.