Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Halloween Vape Mail! I won't post the pic of the unopened parcel, but it was beautifully wrapped in halloween cobwebs and a little creepy spider, very cool! Thanks Vapeclub!

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Awesome vape mail and I rated yours especially "winner" just because you prevented me from getting nappy rash by not posting an unopened parcel pic.
Awesome vape mail and I rated yours especially "winner" just because you prevented me from getting nappy rash by not posting an unopened parcel pic.
Haha, it's only because I didn't want a fine. I'm not sure what a fine is, but I'm pretty sure I don't want one! :D
*** This post has been changed by the fine master to save someone a large fine for a pic that's resolution was too high... the pic was sideways... and it needed cropping... *** Now doesn't this look better? ;-)

Thanks @TylerD for sorting the drama.
83 days of shipping from Vulcan vapour in the US. Incase someone plans on using them
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After 83 days of shipping (seeing it as steeping time to stay positive).

I marked it winner just for the artistic angle
Nice little package from @Oupa

2014-10-28 17.04.33.jpg

  • Menthol Ice and Coconut concentrate for you-know-what - believing all the recommendations so giving it a whirl.
  • 30 ML bottle of Choc Mint, loved the sample!
  • Dean to try out in 30ml (brave)
  • Sample of Peach Rooibos
  • Sample of Mixed Berry
  • Couple more spare Reo bottles to ease the rotation
Due to a distinct lack of Vape Mail lately I thought I would go back in my pics and try and find my first Vape Mail... and here is the first pic of Vape Mail I ever took! An eGo-C Twist with mPT2, my SVD and some TopQ Juices!

Vape 001.JPG
Yeah,whats that 800x600 all about and how do I do that on this Steve Jobs machine,I can't afford a fine I spend too much on vaping.

There must be an app for shrinkage. To avoid the fine I used the screenshot function while viewing the photo, it seems to reduce the size somewhat.