Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

I collected some juice yesterday from Vape Cartel, but that doesn't count as mail.
But today Fastway dropped some more stash at my house:dance::party::dance:

Some Vape mail from Craft Vapour

Then some from Juicy Joes

Then some taste box samples from Juicy Joes - big thanks to @ShaneW will get them in the boxes asap

And some non-appearance related mail... A Raspberry Pi to play with
Some Vape mail from Craft Vapour

Then some from Juicy Joes

Then some taste box samples from Juicy Joes - big thanks to @ShaneW will get them in the boxes asap

And some non-appearance related mail... A Raspberry Pi to play with

That Havana Gold is awesome, next time try the Gryphon's Breath - can't yet decide which one I like the most.

You going to make your own media center with the RP?
Wow, when this forum started not so many months ago it was somewhat of a struggle to get a variety of good jooses locally. Now we are all spoilt for choice!
Some Vape mail from Craft Vapour

Then some from Juicy Joes

Then some taste box samples from Juicy Joes - big thanks to @ShaneW will get them in the boxes asap

And some non-appearance related mail... A Raspberry Pi to play with

wow now thats vapemail
cant think of a better way to start the weekend
Just got this from eciggies. Great servive and very helpfull for a noob like me. And best of all close to home:). Tried the istick while i was ther with a nautilus mini and all i will say is i need the end of november to come so i get my bonus. Its upgrade time again! 20141031_114627.jpg
Just got this from eciggies. Great servive and very helpfull for a noob like me. And best of all close to home:). Tried the istick while i was ther with a nautilus mini and all i will say is i need the end of november to come so i get my bonus. Its upgrade time again! View attachment 14299

Have you bought that peanut butter before?
What flavour did you buy? I love the Drag-On Nougat for once in a blue moon something sweet. Mix at 6% to base. It's very strong@
Nope trying the peanut butter for the first time and the Drag-on i went for the nougat, read good things here so just mixed now steeping for 4 days. I cant wait to try in. Thanks for the advice, will do ;)
Curious to know your thoughts on that articular peanut butter. It seems to be one of those juices you either love whole heartedly, or despise. no middle ground. Hope you love it!
Vape Mail Baby!

I know I rave every-time but the packaging of vape mail like this excites me no end! :rock:

Next up is a 510 connector thingy and a volt checking thingy! And the iStick! Man this is way smaller than you expect! Awesome!
VapeClub2.jpg VapeClub3.jpg

Then two locally made drip tips! Really nice!
VapeClub4.jpg VapeClub5.jpg