Cape Town - month end meets

@Faiyaz Cheulkar Oh nooooo... what happened? ;(
Tempered glass shower door pannel shattered during installation because the landlords "guy" was not trained/experienced for this kind of job.
Was fun to watch but :DEVILMAN:. One second he was holding the glass and then the whole glass shatters to pieces and he is just holding the frame in one had and a small piece of glass in the other. I can't explain his look at that moment, all i can say is that it was a mixture of surprise and fear. I said "oh shit", saw his face and then burst out laughing.
Hopefully as soon as possible. :)
I need to seriously vent about the shyte that is going on these days in our ONCE AWESOME vaping community.
I am free for a meet till around 20 December.
Careful buddy. They are watching ;)