I'm interested ...... but not really


Noob Vaper
Cape Town
So here's a question. I buy and sell stuff on various FB pages and I'm seeing a certain response becoming far more prevalent. You put something out there and somebody says "I'm interested". What exactly are you supposed to say to that??. I'm generally kinda sarcastic but this is like the proverbial red flag to a bull. Is this just me or am I missing something?
You've provided a picture, given a description and a price. What kind of response is the person who says "I'm interested" expecting to get?
My default answers are "Good to know", "Glorious" or "happy to hear that", and then the conversation thankfully dies.
Can anyone shed some light on this or help me understand what appears to me to be a completely pointless and inane post.
So here's a question. I buy and sell stuff on various FB pages and I'm seeing a certain response becoming far more prevalent. You put something out there and somebody says "I'm interested". What exactly are you supposed to say to that??. I'm generally kinda sarcastic but this is like the proverbial red flag to a bull. Is this just me or am I missing something?
You've provided a picture, given a description and a price. What kind of response is the person who says "I'm interested" expecting to get?
My default answers are "Good to know", "Glorious" or "happy to hear that", and then the conversation thankfully dies.
Can anyone shed some light on this or help me understand what appears to me to be a completely pointless and inane post.
Or they ask a question totally irrelevant to your post, or tell people their also selling something, like are they not savy enough to create their own post. LOL.
I'll just answer "Ok". IF the person is really interested, they'll ask relevant questions. If they do not, then that's it.
Maybe they think that "I'm interested" plaes the item on their Wish List!
I wouldn't bother replying.
Don't overcomplicate anything for yourself and anyone else.
When I'm interested in something. It's my normal response and if someone don't reply tough for both parties. Someone else will sell something else and someone else will buy something else in the same category. All it takes is a bit. Of patience
Don't overcomplicate anything for yourself and anyone else.
When I'm interested in something. It's my normal response and if someone don't reply tough for both parties. Someone else will sell something else and someone else will buy something else in the same category. All it takes is a bit. Of patience
Hi there, and thanks for the reply. Now we’re getting somewhere. If someone posts something you are clearly interested in, and at a price that obviously supports that interest, might I ask why you don’t just buy it. Or make an offer if you feel like haggling a bit . Maybe even ask for more info or pics.
Whats the typical response to your “I’m interested“ post, if there is one?
I am not trying to be difficult here, promise ~ I’m trying to avoid your scenario of both parties losing out. Maybe it is indeed me, but I don’t typically respond to that post since I believe if the person wanted something they would communicate. If I wanted something enough I wouldn’t leave it to chance..
Maybe I’ve just answered my own question. I won’t complicate this any further.
Screenshot_20240528_054317.jpgNormally I say I'll take it. Or I'm interested. Screenshot_20240528_054225.jpg
And I'm. Interested. And I'll ask if the asking price is correct.
View attachment 291528Normally I say I'll take it. Or I'm interested. View attachment 291529
And I'm. Interested. And I'll ask if the asking price is correct.
This is not the same as just "I'm interested". At least you elaborate a little. Not just a dumb statement like "I'm interested", which is what ticks off the OP and me as well. If someone replies to me with just that, then I ignore them, because "duh", what the hell am I supposed to do with that statement? If they do it a second time, well, let's just say I'll drown their fish if I could find them. hehe
Just ignore it. There are many bots, scammers or just fools from other countries that does not even read English that are pressing the I am interested or is this available buttons.
Any serious buyer will send you a proper message. The rest ignore, do not even send OK or anything back.