Innokin Itaste Vv (800 Mah) Versus Vision Spinner (1300 Mah)


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Hi all

Been using these two electronic mods for a few weeks now (on my Protank 2 Maxi and Mini), so thought I'd share my views.

Overall, I think they are both good devices but I prefer the Vision Spinner.
Here are the main reasons why:
- more charge (1300 mah) so lasts longer
- more robust build and fits and feels better in my hand
- its firing button feels better

I bought them both from eCiggies. iTaste was R400, Vision Spinner was R350.

Now lets get more into detail on the Pros and Cons of each.

First, a photo

iTazte VV versus Vision Spinner 2nd try 600 by 800.jpg

They are similarly sized. The Vision is slightly longer. The iTaste is square and the Vision is round.


Things I don't like about the iTaste:
- it holds a lower charge (800 mah)
- strangely, it feels like it gets a bit weaker as the battery runs down. The light on the firing button goes orange and then red. By the time it gets to orange, its as if there's a bit less power. I thought it would maintain the same voltage/power until it goes flat. Doesn't appear so to me.
- the design of the firing button is dumb in my opinion. Firstly, it doesn't feel good when you press it - you're sometimes not sure when you've pressed it. Also, if you put the device flat on a surface, you will press the button.
- it has fiddly control buttons that rattle around.
- after a while I noticed a small "bubble" in the protective layer on the LCD screen. You can actually see it in the photo above. This makes me question the quality control. (* see EDIT below)
- the retractable charger cable provided seemed quite cool at first. But its really not that practical and I find it fiddly. The cable is also very thin, probably wont last. I much prefer the more simple "standard" sort of charge cable.
- the puff counter is really cool. I'm getting about 300 puffs per charge. But what I don't like is if you use it till the battery is flat, you sometimes can't see how many puffs you got, since the LCD doesn't turn on. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. This is when I want to read it most to see how many puffs I got. So I check the puffs when the button starts going red.

What the iTaste has going for it (versus the Vision Spinner):
- the square shape is good in that it doesn't roll off a surface. That has happened once or twice with my other round batteries.
- it has the constant power function. I.e. to set the power to say 7.5 Watts and it adjusts the voltage based on the resistance. This is not a major positive for me yet, since I am still using standard coils (either 1.8 or 2.2 ohm) and my coils are not changing often.
- it has the ohm meter. This is why I bought this device. I don't have another dedicated ohm meter, so it's nice to be able to know what the resistance of the coils is. I have found however that the reading does vary on the same coil from time to time by about 0.1 or 0.2 ohms.


Here's what I like about the Vision Spinner:
- It carries more charge. 1300 mah vs iTaste's 800 mah. That's about 60% more charge. And it really shows. Based on my usage, its actually lasting about double as long as the iTaste.
- It doesn't feel like it gets weaker as the battery runs down. It feels like it's giving the same power from start to flat.
- It feels more sturdy and fits more comfortably in my hand. I like the feel of the material they used on the cover. It has stayed clean despite a few splotches of e-liquid here and there.
- The firing button has a more purposeful feel to it. It's designed better. If you put it down it won't fire accidentally. I also like the position of the firing button more than the iTaste. You can easily press it with the inside of your forefinger while holding the device. Or the other way around, with your thumb. It feels more natural than the iTaste.
- the whole device feels more robust and appears to have better build quality. Nothing rattles.
- I really like the Voltage twist dial at the bottom. So easy to use and adjust. You can instantly see what voltage you're on without having to turn on an LCD screen.

Vision Spinner negatives:
- you don't know when its going to run out of charge. The light in the firing button just starts flashing. That's why I have two of them ;-)
- it is not supplied with a charging cable. I am using the Twisp cable, which screws into the thread at the top.
- there is no ohm meter or power setting. I don't think this is a big problem for those who don't build and change coils often. And for those that do, they will probably want a more reliable ohm meter to use as a base to build on anyway.
- although they are similarly sized, the Spinner is a bit heavier and slightly larger, making it slightly less portable, but not by much. In my view, the extra 60% charge is way worth it.

From all of this, I can say I prefer the Vision Spinner. Lets see how long it lasts. If I could make one suggestion to Vision it would be to include some way to know when you are nearing the end of your charge. Shouldn't be too difficult.

EDIT - the "bubble" in the iTaste screen was in fact just the protective screen sticker that I had not removed. Thanks @Oupa for pointing this out. I removed the sticker and its all looking fine now.

EDIT 2 (12/1/14) - as I've described in a later post below, the Vision Spinner does not seem to give double the battery life than the iTaste. It's probably closer to about 30-40% more.
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Now that is a proper review! An absolute winner. Thank you, Silver. Have never had an iTaste, but used the Vision Spinner for quite some time and loved it. HRH now uses them and that is all she uses and wants to use.
Excellent review silver :) I loved my iTaste but I do agree with a few of the points you made there - the buttons do feel quite fiddly and have a plastic feel to them and it does lose power as it is losing charge! Awesome review! 5 stars!
Thanks StroodlePuff and Matthee! Much appreciated.
I enjoyed writing it up ;-)
What's the diffs between the Itaste vv and the Itaste SVD?
I have an SVD and am very happy with it. Very solid and the buttons are not loose and give a click sound and feel. No misfires as yet. The display is big and looks sturdy with the screwed in frame. The built in ohm meter makes it the ultimate PV out.
The VV does have a much cheaper feel to it but for its price point it does do exactly what it needs to do and is a fantastic little device despite those few little niggles I actually didn't notice them while I was using it was only after I strted using the Zmax that I actually really thought about it. Other differences are of course the size and the fact that the VV is a battery on its own whereas the SVD uses the IMR batteries. the VV is a good intro to the world of VV vaping but even with that you will be temoted to upgrade at some point :) Also Gizzys uncle managed to break my VV - I gave it to him to try after I started using the Zmax and he screwed on an atty to tight so now it doesnt work anymore - Though that is a universal problem I think because Gizz managed to do the same thing with his SVD so just be careful (Both were purchased from a competitor though whos name I shall not mention but there are other posts on this forum claiming they sell fakes :) )
Fantastic review silver1. Seriously impressed.
Thank you Gizmo. Much appreciated!
Great review Silver!

Just a quick one regarding the bubble on the iTaste VV screen... I am thinking it is probably the protective film that is still stuck to it (like what you get on cellphones). Take something sharp and lift one of the corners and you should be able to peel it off.
I agree with you there oupa, i was thinking the exact same thing
Thanks Oupa, you are so right
Have removed the protective film and it looks great now, thanks!
I will edit my original review post above
Can't seem to edit my original post - getting server errors all the time.
Will try again another time.
Yip, thanks Gizmo. All fine now

What happened to the forum today? I saw it was down at about lunchtime ?
Mysql error. Dunno what's going on. Here's to hoping it remains stable. Had to use my phone to restore database as I am away :)
Just an update on these two devices from a battery life point of view, 2 months in.

On the iTaste VV 800 mAh, I'm getting about 250 to 270 puffs per full charge. I've charged and used it 15 times. At the beginning, for the first five charges or so, I was getting about 340 to 360 puffs, but I was vaping at lower power, around 6.5 to 7 Watts. Now I am mainly vaping at 7.5 Watts, so perhaps that explains the reduced puff count. I hope the battery isn't degrading though. Will have to monitor this. I find a full charge lasts me about 2 tanks on the Protank 2 Mini and about 1 tank on the PT2 Mega tank. I don't fill the Mini to its fullest 1.6ml capacity - probably about 1.3ml, so I'd estimate the battery lasts me about 2.5 ml of fluid. The button presses on each of my puffs lasts about 3 to 4 seconds each.

On the Vision Spinner 1300Mah, it doesn't have a puff counter but the battery definitely lasts longer. Probably about 30% more. It gets me through about 2 to 2 and half PT2 mini tanks and probably 1 and a half Mega tanks. The life has also degraded slightly compared to the first few charges. But I have upped my voltage. I was using around 3.8V. Now I'm using about 4.1V. So that does make sense.

I have two Spinners and 1 iTaste VV. So 3 batteries for my two tanks (the PT2 Mini and PT2 Mega). When 1 battery goes flat, I put it on charge and screw on the spare, which is fully charged. By the time the next one goes flat, the spare is normally charged. They take about 90 mins or so to charge.

With my usage, each battery lasts me around 24 hours.

I still find that the Vision Spinner feels like it gives more "oomph" even quite close to when its going flat. The iTaste is fine when it's fully charged, but feels like it loses a little bit of power as it gets flatter, especially below half.

Another thing I like about the Vision Spinner battery is the material they use to cover the tube. It's a rubbery sort of material that's quite smooth and doesn't get sticky.
I got my wife one of each and in her opinion the Spinner is the Winner!!
On the Vision Spinner 1300Mah, it doesn't have a puff counter but the battery definitely lasts longer. Probably about 30% more. It gets me through about 2 to 2 and half PT2 mini tanks and probably 1 and a half Mega tanks. The life has also degraded slightly compared to the first few charges. But I have upped my voltage. I was using around 3.8V. Now I'm using about 4.1V. So that does make sense.
so....last night went for a beer fest, took the 2 Evod setups with custom build coils. What annoyed the end of my night there were just lousy puffs from thinks that its not really safe to rely on those. Bought today a Spinner. Lets see if it gets me thru a night out. It still fits into the pocket of my trusty K-Way jacket :)
Keeping the more pro gear (SVD, mechs, drippers and Kayfun) for @home.
so....last night went for a beer fest, took the 2 Evod setups with custom build coils. What annoyed the end of my night there were just lousy puffs from thinks that its not really safe to rely on those. Bought today a Spinner. Lets see if it gets me thru a night out. It still fits into the pocket of my trusty K-Way jacket :)
Keeping the more pro gear (SVD, mechs, drippers and Kayfun) for @home.
No doubt you are in dire need of a ..... you know what!
so....last night went for a beer fest, took the 2 Evod setups with custom build coils. What annoyed the end of my night there were just lousy puffs from thinks that its not really safe to rely on those. Bought today a Spinner. Lets see if it gets me thru a night out. It still fits into the pocket of my trusty K-Way jacket :)
Keeping the more pro gear (SVD, mechs, drippers and Kayfun) for @home.

Tom, at the beerfest, what batteries were you using on the Evods?

I still love my Spinners, got 2 of them and they are going strong. A fully charged one should easily last a night out
Tom, at the beerfest, what batteries were you using on the Evods?

I still love my Spinners, got 2 of them and they are going strong. A fully charged one should easily last a night out
just the Evod batts, 650mAh.
Those don't last very long bud. Is vaping quite big in germany? Like at the local bars?

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it was until yesterday an issue in pubs. there was a court case by a pub owner in Cologne. He argued that the e-cig is not to be treated under the "non smoker protection". In North Rhine Westphalia (where I am) and Bavaria they have enforced strict measurements to prohibit vaping in pubs, treating vaping like smoking.
The court case for NRW was won yesterday, meaning that any pub owner can allow vaping from now on. That is good news. However, if the pub owner is strictly against it, he can still disallow it. My guess is that they will allow it, since the protection laws were introduced they had a steady decline in their businesses.
How did I do it yesterday at the beerfest? Well, it was raining occasionally, so going outside was no option at 6 degrees. Everytime I went to the bathroom I vaped myself silly in the cubicle :D