Introduce Yourselves:

Hi All

My name is Naeem, I am from centurion.
New to vaping, been vaping for 12 days now.
I used to smoke a 20 pack of cigarettes a day, since i started vaping i have not touched the smokes.
Hi All

My name is Naeem, I am from centurion.
New to vaping, been vaping for 12 days now.
I used to smoke a 20 pack of cigarettes a day, since i started vaping i have not touched the smokes.
Most welcome. Congrats on the 12 days, you are a vaper now! Happy vaping.
Hey to all Boys and Gals...

Quick intro 'bout myself..

Been vaping for a few days now, had no craving for a normal stinky just yet, and i must say i'm enjoying this new adventure...

I am however looking for some amazing and quality juices - if some peeps could send me in the right direction please.. ?

I am running Vision spinner 2 on a Kangetech MPT 3.

Thanx @BumbleBee
TopQ is the brand im supporting. Im kinda new to these forums so not sure if im allowed to use it in my name..Do you perhaps know if it will be an issue?

Your name is fine... however if you want to be able to promote a product you will need to chat to @Gizmo to get your own dedicated forum where you can advertise to your hearts content... the cost if I'm not mistaken is a measly R200 a month.

As a vendor you are not allowed to punt your product in any way in any of the other forums.
Hey to all Boys and Gals...

Quick intro 'bout myself..

Been vaping for a few days now, had no craving for a normal stinky just yet, and i must say i'm enjoying this new adventure...

I am however looking for some amazing and quality juices - if some peeps could send me in the right direction please.. ?

I am running Vision spinner 2 on a Kangetech MPT 3.

Most welcome, that is a good setup.
Ooh, we are spoilt for choice juicewise nowadays.
Check out our retailer section, e.g. VapourMountain, SubOhmVapor (imported gourmet), Vapeking, Just B, etc.
Happy vaping.
Thanks for the warm welcome ...

Tell me if you don't mind.. subohm... where can i get my hands on this real quick :)?

feel free to pm me.

tx again.
Welcome aboard all you new guys :)
Welcome to the forum all new members. this is a great place for info with all the friendly and helpful members. stay stinky free one day at a time and soon it will only be a bad memory.
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Hi All

My name is Naeem, I am from centurion.
New to vaping, been vaping for 12 days now.
I used to smoke a 20 pack of cigarettes a day, since i started vaping i have not touched the smokes.

Wow, great going @Rebel !
Congrats on the switch. The beginning is the hard part.
Enjoy the forum. We have a great place!
Wishing you well for your vape journey
Hey to all Boys and Gals...

Quick intro 'bout myself..

Been vaping for a few days now, had no craving for a normal stinky just yet, and i must say i'm enjoying this new adventure...

I am however looking for some amazing and quality juices - if some peeps could send me in the right direction please.. ?

I am running Vision spinner 2 on a Kangetech MPT 3.


Welcome @cyan1de_za and congrats on the switch to vaping!
Enjoy the forum, we have a great place here!

Regarding juice, you are in the right place. All the best juices available locally are on this forum
Check out the retailers listed on the front page, many of them have great juices
Also check out the E-liquid reviews section. The reviews by members are sorted by brand.
Good starting point for local juices are Vapour Mountain, Vape King, Just B, SkyBlue Vaping and Lekka Vapours to name a few.
Some premium inernational juices are being brought in by SubOhmVapor and more recently, Juicy Joes

If you tell us what types of flavours you enjoy, I can help you to suggest a few specific juices
Hi Gents and Ladies,

I'm from Kempton Park, been vaping from February on a starter kit. But on the stinky's again, 20 a day is what i'm going through. Need some help getting something that will take my vaping to the next level. I have done some research on the tanks and mods. Now any suggestions on a combo?
Hi Gents and Ladies,

I'm from Kempton Park, been vaping from February on a starter kit. But on the stinky's again, 20 a day is what i'm going through. Need some help getting something that will take my vaping to the next level. I have done some research on the tanks and mods. Now any suggestions on a combo?

Hi and welcome!

Recently bought a friend of mine the following and she has not gone back to stinkies.

2 x Vision spinner 2 batteries
1 x Nautilus Mini

Charger and juice

Good luck on your journey!
Hi Gents and Ladies,

I'm from Kempton Park, been vaping from February on a starter kit. But on the stinky's again, 20 a day is what i'm going through. Need some help getting something that will take my vaping to the next level. I have done some research on the tanks and mods. Now any suggestions on a combo?

Welcome to the Forum, you came to the right place!!

Get yourself a VV/VW mod or if you want to kick your lungs a mec mod. Sure you are gona get a lot of good advice around here.
Hi Gents and Ladies,

I'm from Kempton Park, been vaping from February on a starter kit. But on the stinky's again, 20 a day is what i'm going through. Need some help getting something that will take my vaping to the next level. I have done some research on the tanks and mods. Now any suggestions on a combo?
Most welcome. You say you have done some research on tanks and mods. Share your conclusions/likes in this regard - will make it much easier for us to assist. Happy vaping.
Hi Gents and Ladies,

I'm from Kempton Park, been vaping from February on a starter kit. But on the stinky's again, 20 a day is what i'm going through. Need some help getting something that will take my vaping to the next level. I have done some research on the tanks and mods. Now any suggestions on a combo?

Welcome @Evolutionary
Congrats on joining the forum - I am sure you will find many ways to improve your vaping experience.
All the best for your journey. Enjoy the forum.

As for your question on a good combo, there are many, but I can vouch for the Nautilus Mini (with the new BVC coils) as a great standard tank. Probably a good idea to get a higher powered mod for it - something that can go up to 20W - and will double up as a good mod if you go the rebuildable route later.

As for getting a stronger vape - you will probably find more luck going the rebuildable route.
From the devices I've tried, I like the REO the best. Awesome flavour, strong throat hit, simple and reliable.