Is your wife an obstacle when purchasing new gear??

nop . my stuff is always a present, really cheap or on preorder for the last 6 months paid already and just delivered ..................... .................
On the contrary , she is my evil sidekick :)
She knows I have a mod and a tank.

Not about my other mod, backup mod, tanks, drippers, batteries, case of tools and juices etc etc and I dare not tell her :D

I tried explaining, numerous times and have subsequently been unsuccessful.
My SO is a bit of an extremist when it comes to vaping. He has toolboxes with no tools but filled with vape gear. But I finds this works in my favor. He can have all the gear that he "needs" as long as i get everything I want :) . Moral is, if she is supportive, be afraid cause the more you buy, the more leverage she has. LOL
My SO is a bit of an extremist when it comes to vaping. He has toolboxes with no tools but filled with vape gear. But I finds this works in my favor. He can have all the gear that he "needs" as long as i get everything I want :) . Moral is, if she is supportive, be afraid cause the more you buy, the more leverage she has. LOL
Hence the reason I try hide my purchases! Actually figured I need to change my forum name as she knows this nick... ;(
hahaha Loving this thread!

When I used to have the upgrade and gazillion juices addiction the first time around I used to get major flak for spending so much on vaping, "thought it was to save money in comparison to spending on smokes?" was the normal response.

But now with me getting my subox mini and only buying 2 to 3 bottles of juice every month to month and a half, I don't get anymore flak :) plus he didn't even notice the new Triton on my mod last night when he got home (albeit I didn't pay for this one haha), wonder how long it will take him to realise the difference, probably only when our buddy Mark (that also vape) comes over and sees it hahaha :rofl:
Now try and combine three fairly expensive hobbies - vaping, fishing and golf.....and then explain the online purchases on the bank statement every month......... ;)
Now try and combine three fairly expensive hobbies - vaping, fishing and golf.....and then explain the online purchases on the bank statement every month......... ;)
I would reckon you have a hard time explaining that and have to buy quite a lot of perfume, clothes and flowers to make up for that hahaha
Guys, some of you must have noticed most of my Mods is white, so if she ask "Is that a new one?" I reply no!!! still the same white one.
Ignorance is bliss. She doesn't question vapemail and I don't question the Spree/takealot packages
Not married but my sons raise eyebrows, but then I just point to their pc's and mention that I'm thinking of canning the ADSL.:dance:
I don't have any issues. She also vapes (she is still satisfied with her Twisp).

VapeMail gets delivered strictly to the office and we don't have a joined account :)

She knows my saying - ASK NO QUESTIONS, HEAR NO LIES. Some things are better not talked about, so she doesn't ask.

She does however ask, please fill my tank with some of of your NEW juice... lol.
Your subtitle - if Google does not lie to me "sy-subrc = 0" means "Success"?
Something like that. It's a very common coding phrase I see and use everyday. Zero means no problems/OK / success, so the phrase is more like "everything's OK". What can I say, I'm in a happy place at the moment :)
Hence the reason I try hide my purchases! Actually figured I need to change my forum name as she knows this nick... ;(

LOL thats a plan. Thus far I have a turtle, turtle tank with all equipment , fish - coz turtle needs friends (and sometimes fish are food), and a lobster called Rob. and my partner cleans the tank for me and buys monthly supply of turtle food. #ROLOcostswhaaaat!
Bond paid, Cars paid, school fees paid, insurances and policies paid, groceries in the cupboard, maid paid, gardner paid, DSTV paid, internet paid. What I do with whats left over is my business.
The female of the species I found out a long time ago has a sixth sense to sniff out all hidden spending so I am just honest up front and to date I have not had any grumps. It is one of my hobbies and at the end of the day we both benifit from the health point of view.
Now try and combine three fairly expensive hobbies - vaping, fishing and golf.....and then explain the online purchases on the bank statement every month......... ;)

That's why I have given up Golf... resigned from my club yesterday! :)
That's a wise decision Rob

The decision was pretty much made for me... after 5 years of competition fishing and a bazillion casts my left shoulder is buggered... can't swing the club anymore and don't want to go have an op... :confused:
The decision was pretty much made for me... after 5 years of competition fishing and a bazillion casts my left shoulder is buggered... can't swing the club anymore and don't want to go have an op... :confused:
Sorry to hear that. Life tends to deal a person things that don't always fit into your big scheme of things but you just have to deal with it and make it adjustments. 13 years ago I contracted a virus in my cerebellum wrecking havoc with my right hand nervous system, had to adjust to doing things lefty style, only made me more determined to achieve the impossible. Now I skydive, Bungi jump, swim the Midmar every year, rode the Argus 10 times, taking a break, and want to climb Kilimanjaro next year - will see what else I can find to do. At the moment just consumed with buying Vape gear.
That's a wise decision Rob

The decision was pretty much made for me... after 5 years of competition fishing and a bazillion casts my left shoulder is buggered... can't swing the club anymore and don't want to go have an op...
Sorry to hear that. Life tends to deal a person things that don't always fit into your big scheme of things but you just have to deal with it and make it adjustments. 13 years ago I contracted a virus in my cerebellum wrecking havoc with my right hand nervous system, had to adjust to doing things lefty style, only made me more determined to achieve the impossible. Now I skydive, Bungi jump, swim the Midmar every year, rode the Argus 10 times, taking a break, and want to climb Kilimanjaro next year - will see what else I can find to do. At the moment just consumed with buying Vape gear.

Great on your recovery and taking life by the scruff on it's neck and just doing it!

I'm not that sad about giving up golf... I was a kak golfer! :D
Pulled the trigger on a cuboid. "no hunny it was mostly store credit" lmao

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