Lockdown diaries - COVID-19 matters!

What are you going to be doing during the lockdown?

  • At home. I’m non essential

    Votes: 70 41.2%
  • Working. The virus doesn’t scare me

    Votes: 41 24.1%
  • On standby

    Votes: 10 5.9%
  • Working from home. Too essential to take any risk!

    Votes: 66 38.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The masses defied the law and took to the beaches. Shortly thereafter, the beach ban is lifted. Coincidence?
It's a juggling act, I don't envy their position.

People get very upset when you take away what they believe is rightfully theirs, especially those that believe they have more rights than they have. When any party in power flexes it's muscles, there will be push back. Up until now your average South African has not had their backs against the wall. Coronavirus has changed all of that.
I am going off line now for a while

I just became a Granpapa

See ya.

Congratulations to the happy parents! And the even happier parents' parents! Babies are so wonderful when you can just borrow them for a while.

Health, wealth and long life to Stranger III :h:
I am going off line now for a while

I just became a Granpapa

See ya.

Well done Gran'Pa!!!!!

Now you can spoil the kids of the parents that gave you grey hair, so that they can get grey hair too! (and you can sit back and say: "I told you so...")
South Africa to get clarity on the reopening of schools
Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education will travel to a number of schools across the country this week to assess their readiness for the 2021 academic year.
The oversight visits will be conducted in key provinces including Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, with a key focus likely to be on the distribution of personal protective equipment and its availability to teachers and learners.
As part of the visits, the committee will also hold meetings with key stakeholders including the Department of Basic Education, senior and district officials, unions, school governing bodies, and the principals association.
In a gazette published last week, Basic education minister Angie Motshekga indicated that the return of students will be staggered, with private school pupils allowed to return to school two weeks earlier than their public school counterparts.
As a result, private sector schools were allowed to return from Monday (1 February), while public sector schools are only set to reopen on 15 February.
South Africa to get clarity on the reopening of schools
Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education will travel to a number of schools across the country this week to assess their readiness for the 2021 academic year.
The oversight visits will be conducted in key provinces including Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, with a key focus likely to be on the distribution of personal protective equipment and its availability to teachers and learners.
As part of the visits, the committee will also hold meetings with key stakeholders including the Department of Basic Education, senior and district officials, unions, school governing bodies, and the principals association.
In a gazette published last week, Basic education minister Angie Motshekga indicated that the return of students will be staggered, with private school pupils allowed to return to school two weeks earlier than their public school counterparts.
As a result, private sector schools were allowed to return from Monday (1 February), while public sector schools are only set to reopen on 15 February.

They must not start with their nonsense. They had 10 months to get PPE's to schools.
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I am going off line now for a while

I just became a Granpapa

See ya.
Congrats. Now you should borrow a motor bike (one they've never seen before), put a ribbon on it and park it Infront of the parents door with a sign to my grandchild.
I bet you they'll flip:meparto:
Have you played Corona World yet? It's the hot new online game from German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF where you play a nurse who has to go shopping while being assaulted by joggers, party people, preppers and highly contagious children. So what do you do? You stomp them to death, of course! Fun for all ages!

Have you played Corona World yet? It's the hot new online game from German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF where you play a nurse who has to go shopping while being assaulted by joggers, party people, preppers and highly contagious children. So what do you do? You stomp them to death, of course! Fun for all ages!

He has some good points, and ... it's human nature to make light of stressful situations that we have little to no control over as a way of dealing with the stress(es) ... I can't knock the game, as I've played a few in my time, (Mario brothers being one that I'm sure most have played), where jumping on peoples heads kills them :rolleyes:
3 Feb. 2021

  • South Africa’s Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) is live.
  • While currently aimed at healthcare workers, the platform will be used to allocate vaccines to everyone in SA.
  • The four-step process requires prospective vaccinees to list their occupation, work address, and medical aid details.
  • Alongside hospitals and clinics listed as vaccination sites, pharmaceutical retailers Clicks and Dis-Chem feature prominently.
You can access the registration platform at https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za.
Long-haul flights can operate during curfew – but passengers must provide proof of travel
2 Feb. 2021

  • International flights can land in and depart from South Africa during the adjusted curfew times between 23:00 and 04:00.
  • Similarly, passengers are permitted to travel to and from airports, provided they can produce a valid boarding pass or a copy of the airline ticket as “proof of flight”.
South African COVID-19 vaccines compared on price, efficacy, and delivery date
Ramaphosa said they are sourcing vaccines from a number of suppliers, which include:
  • In addition to the 1 million Covishield doses, another 500,000 doses from the Serum Institute of India are expected to arrive later in February.
  • South Africa has secured 12 million doses from the global Covax facility, which has indicated that it will release approximately 2 million doses by March.
  • The country has also secured 9 million vaccine doses from Johnson & Johnson, commencing with delivery in the second quarter. Aspen will manufacture these vaccines in South Africa.
  • Pfizer has committed 20 million vaccine doses commencing with deliveries in the second quarter.