Lungs not feeling good???


This thing is stuck to my hand...
Cape Town
Ok … to keep it short …

I have been vaping for almost 4 years – Lungs feel great

I do find though that certain atomizers have my lungs feeling uncomfortable (slight pain even) after using for short periods of time... Goes away after stopping use of atomizer that seems the cause...

I first noticed this when trying out “cartomizers” these are atomisers where there as a long thin coil inside a fiber that is soaked in e-liquid (no tanks or wicking).

I opened a used cartomizer and found the fiber was black and badly burnt – so I assume one was inhaling some of the burning fiber which being synthetic and all is probably worse that burning tobacco.

Ok …so I avoided cartomizers…

Now I am trying to move away from the current clearomizer (Vision V3) as I only seem to be able to get these from China and even they have no stock now… So trying to find a locally available version of this … there is the CE5 and CE4 type units that are similar but not as good as the Vision units…
Will also try Justfog 1453.

I have bought a Protank2 Mini and have tried other bottom coil units – these all seem to make my lungs feel “uncomfortable” …

Sooo my real question is does anyone else out there find some atomizers cause lung discomfort … or have any input on this...
What nic content are you vaping, how much do you inhale and how heavily do you vape?
Nic content around 12mg (I VG down a 32mg flavorless).
Vape constantly ... as I mention on my avitar ... this things stuck to my hand...
As I say lungs feel great ... untill I mess with the type of atomizer I use...
I am also a very heavy vaper on 18mg and this only happens to me if my tank needs a good clean or if I use dodgy juice. Where are you getting your liquid?
Generally,too tight a draw causes lung pain and tightness.
I also find my choice of juice matters.12mg knocks me on my ass where mere months ago i swore by it.
Having used a trident,then a magma and now an orchid and plumeveil i went back to my 3d dripper "cloud modded,drilled out rda" and it was such a tight draw i had to reach for the pump.
3mg Nic on a real atomizer like the billow or goblin and all your problems will disappear... And a whole new set will start like how to coil and wick properly ;-)
Strange thing is the bottom coils seem to be easy draw compared to the Vision V3 I use.

Regarding juice – yes if dirty or suspect can be problematic – generally wash out my attys every coupla days. I use Heaven Gifts (China) flavorless which I get locally from VM and ecigs…

Hey Sprint … you could be right about the real atomizer thing … was sorta avoiding this possibility as I dread to get into the complexities of those mods…But spose I should look into this as general ecig maintenance a whole issue anyway…
Oh ... I do add a little flavor concentrate - RY4 - vanilla - coffee...
I dont like the flavor too strong ... and a little worried that maybe vaping too much flavor not that healthy.
Also works out much cheaper...
So i'm having the same issue, I've developed a cough and phlegm. Its been about 9 days since i started vaping and about 7 since i'm totally of cigs. I have no cravings for a cig unless someone starts talking about how i should be missing it. SIGH


so i've been vaping
50/50 vk mango, vanilla cream 0 mg
50/50 vk4 6 mg
TopQ strawberry menthol 0 mg
TopQ colas 0 mg
Kwik quit med menthol nic ( steeped for 4 years plus )

I mix to try and 3 mg concentration.

I stopped using the topq flavors cos I thort maybe distilled water is an issue for me.

Is it just normal that your lungs need time to adjust to pg vg or clear from smoking.

Should i move over to vg strait or Take some anti-histamines and see if it clears?

*edit* I vape around 3ml a day. In the beginning i had 2 tanks so i would alternate between nic and no nic in a day. I had less issues in the beginning... but i was vaping around 4-5ml for the first 3 days.
I have some burning on the exhale if the nic content is too high or the PG is a bit high. 60/40 VG/PG seems to be the best for me, but they don't wick too well in the mAN. 50/50 seems fine in the mAN though, but on the Kanger sub mini or Marquis it is a bit hectic for me. Some flavors make me feel tight chested too. Your lungs will clear some of the gunk that has built up over the years. When I drink too little water I also have this little dry cough, but usually I stop tasting flavors just before that happens, so I know I need some water and to stop chain vaping for a bit. Most difficult part for me is when I wake up in the morning, I need a gentle vape to get going before I hit the power too high up, but I crave the nic... Same during the night when I wake up. I still wake up every 3 hours or so for my nic fix. Maybe try an atty like a twisp or copy of it with less vapor production for those times. I don't touch the subtank during the night or early morning, use the nAM exclusively for those times. Coffee flavors also seem to affect me more than some others.
what means this , mAN ? nAM?

I'm using nautilus mini exclusively for the moment....
My kanger subtank mini is coming in this week :D
what means this , mAN ? nAM?

I'm using nautilus mini exclusively for the moment....
My kanger subtank mini is coming in this week :D

mAN is shorthand for Mini Aspire, what you are using ;)

Edit: Missed the post by @Viper_SA - so I'm just confirming what he already said :p
So i'm having the same issue, I've developed a cough and phlegm. Its been about 9 days since i started vaping and about 7 since i'm totally of cigs. I have no cravings for a cig unless someone starts talking about how i should be missing it. SIGH


so i've been vaping
50/50 vk mango, vanilla cream 0 mg
50/50 vk4 6 mg
TopQ strawberry menthol 0 mg
TopQ colas 0 mg
Kwik quit med menthol nic ( steeped for 4 years plus )

I mix to try and 3 mg concentration.

I stopped using the topq flavors cos I thort maybe distilled water is an issue for me.

Is it just normal that your lungs need time to adjust to pg vg or clear from smoking.

Should i move over to vg strait or Take some anti-histamines and see if it clears?

*edit* I vape around 3ml a day. In the beginning i had 2 tanks so i would alternate between nic and no nic in a day. I had less issues in the beginning... but i was vaping around 4-5ml for the first 3 days.

Some juices did this to me too at first...try getting juice from a completely different manufacturer - I personally switched to SkyBlue for 80% of my juice needs and haven't had any problems since. There are many great juices available locally, so give them a try :)
So i'm having the same issue, I've developed a cough and phlegm. Its been about 9 days since i started vaping and about 7 since i'm totally of cigs. I have no cravings for a cig unless someone starts talking about how i should be missing it. SIGH


so i've been vaping
50/50 vk mango, vanilla cream 0 mg
50/50 vk4 6 mg
TopQ strawberry menthol 0 mg
TopQ colas 0 mg
Kwik quit med menthol nic ( steeped for 4 years plus )

I mix to try and 3 mg concentration.

I stopped using the topq flavors cos I thort maybe distilled water is an issue for me.

Is it just normal that your lungs need time to adjust to pg vg or clear from smoking.

Should i move over to vg strait or Take some anti-histamines and see if it clears?

*edit* I vape around 3ml a day. In the beginning i had 2 tanks so i would alternate between nic and no nic in a day. I had less issues in the beginning... but i was vaping around 4-5ml for the first 3 days.
For me the PG burns a bit, so tend to lean more towards VG mixes, might try the 10%distilled water aswell.
So i'm having the same issue, I've developed a cough and phlegm. Its been about 9 days since i started vaping and about 7 since i'm totally of cigs. I have no cravings for a cig unless someone starts talking about how i should be missing it. SIGH


so i've been vaping
50/50 vk mango, vanilla cream 0 mg
50/50 vk4 6 mg
TopQ strawberry menthol 0 mg
TopQ colas 0 mg
Kwik quit med menthol nic ( steeped for 4 years plus )

I mix to try and 3 mg concentration.

I stopped using the topq flavors cos I thort maybe distilled water is an issue for me.

Is it just normal that your lungs need time to adjust to pg vg or clear from smoking.

Should i move over to vg strait or Take some anti-histamines and see if it clears?

*edit* I vape around 3ml a day. In the beginning i had 2 tanks so i would alternate between nic and no nic in a day. I had less issues in the beginning... but i was vaping around 4-5ml for the first 3 days.
I was told that about that time in your vaping journey you start to expel all the bad stuff from your lungs caused by the stinky's, i just kept going and after the first month it was all clear and i could breath freely again.
PG is from the devil, major throat burn. Also 10% water is too much, aim for 6% even on pure vg juices.
Hey BuzzGlo... I think Kimbo could be right ...
When you stop smokin the burnin sticks your lungs start clearing - so coughing and phlegm all part of switching to Vaping - initially.
I also agree with comments about PG - I get dry throat cough from it.
I used to suck Halls - honey menthol - to help get the throat dryness smoothed out - I dont think I could have managed to stop smoking burning sticks without Halls ...
I am happy that this thread has come alive as I feel my initial point has been missed ...

My opening post mentions that I experience lung discomfort after using certain atomisers.
We Vapers are all thinking we have found a more healthy alternative to the burning cigarette – well I am not so sure
I love Nicotine and am totally hooked to my eCigarette :)
some atomisers seem to cause me problems.
I am a little worried by the wicking materials burning and being inhaled :(

The original eCigarette technology (510 units and the like) had a cartridge with a type of cotton-wool which held the Juice - the coil was surrounded by a wire mesh that took up the Juice from the cotton-wool – the wire mesh acted as the wick – no heat to the cotton-wool > heat was to wire mesh soaked in juice. These worked great but were a mission to keep wet … along came the tanks ...

Many of current atomisers have wicks made of synthetic fibre or cotton type material that directly touch the coil and seem to burn over time or long burns … inhaling the results of this cant be good?
I am happy that this thread has come alive as I feel my initial point has been missed ...

My opening post mentions that I experience lung discomfort after using certain atomisers.
We Vapers are all thinking we have found a more healthy alternative to the burning cigarette – well I am not so sure
I love Nicotine and am totally hooked to my eCigarette :)
some atomisers seem to cause me problems.
I am a little worried by the wicking materials burning and being inhaled :(

The original eCigarette technology (510 units and the like) had a cartridge with a type of cotton-wool which held the Juice - the coil was surrounded by a wire mesh that took up the Juice from the cotton-wool – the wire mesh acted as the wick – no heat to the cotton-wool > heat was to wire mesh soaked in juice. These worked great but were a mission to keep wet … along came the tanks ...

Many of current atomisers have wicks made of synthetic fibre or cotton type material that directly touch the coil and seem to burn over time or long burns … inhaling the results of this cant be good?
Try a genesis type tank, wick it with stainless steel mesh
I am happy that this thread has come alive as I feel my initial point has been missed ...

My opening post mentions that I experience lung discomfort after using certain atomisers.
We Vapers are all thinking we have found a more healthy alternative to the burning cigarette – well I am not so sure
I love Nicotine and am totally hooked to my eCigarette :)
some atomisers seem to cause me problems.
I am a little worried by the wicking materials burning and being inhaled :(

The original eCigarette technology (510 units and the like) had a cartridge with a type of cotton-wool which held the Juice - the coil was surrounded by a wire mesh that took up the Juice from the cotton-wool – the wire mesh acted as the wick – no heat to the cotton-wool > heat was to wire mesh soaked in juice. These worked great but were a mission to keep wet … along came the tanks ...

Many of current atomisers have wicks made of synthetic fibre or cotton type material that directly touch the coil and seem to burn over time or long burns … inhaling the results of this cant be good?

In your post it seems like you just use commercial coils, try a RTA were you choose your wicking materiel. That way you can cut out the culprit
I seem to be getting short of breath like I can't get my lungs to fill the last bit. It happens when I change anybody experience this?