Major pitstop


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Happy new year everyone.

I decided to get the year off to a good start by doing a major pitstop.

Here is the fleet of atomisers in use. All ready for the year ahead. Feels great.

Lol, they will probably be in need of more attention fairly soon. I refilled the Atlantis last night. It's nearly empty again. Lol.


From left to right:

REO Mini - VM Choc mint and coffee concentrate. My staple and my portable.

REO Black - Blackbird. Thumper. Unbelievable flavour and strong throat hit.

Evod/MVP2 - VM Strawberry and menthol concentrate. This is my "grab and vape" device. Useful when busy on the computer. Lovely refreshing vape in there.

REO Blue - this is the LP REO I am having troubles with for the Odin. But the RM2 is back in action and working well. Thank heavens. Craft Vapour Pining Juliette. Tasty cool pineapple juice with a nice kick.

Atlantis/CF mod - with VM strawberry and menthol concentrate. What fun and still going strong on it's first battery charge and nearly 2 tanks worth. Clouds are such fun from time to time. And the menthol cleans out my system. Lol

On the far right are two devices with the same juice currently under review. The juice is Kings Crown Fight Your Fate. In the Nautilus Mini and the REO/RM2.

The recent addition to the family, the Smok M50 regulated mod is not in the photo because it will serve duty when I get a chance to properly figure out the Lemo or when my review of the Fight Your Fate on the Nautilus Mini is done.

It's a lot of gear but each one is very special to me and gets used daily.
very nice collection, I also went and did a full referb of the all the girls this afternoon. they all looking pretty and ready to take 2015 head on.
Just done mine. Lovely. But they'll all be messed up by the weekend, I can guarantee it................
@Silver, I just got my CF Sub Battery, and wacked it on the Atlantis think it would go straight back on the mod. I am really surprised at how well the Aspire battery and the Atlantis work together!!! It's the best taste of got out of it so far, and besides a few juices that beg to be grilled at over 30W, I really don't see it coming off this battery. Very convenient too. Free's up the big boys. I'm seriously considering get another Atlantis tomorrow, even though I just got a Lemo(Different beast completely, but also excellent)
@Silver PS : Just got my Lemo rocking Bombies Kiss the Ring on my new Smok XPro M50. This is something special!!! This little 50w mod is gonna be awesome and popular!
You Reo guys. I don't understand... Why Why why would you have 2-3 of the SAME setup? at the price of a 3rd hand car ?
Makes no sense to me.
You Reo guys. I don't understand... Why Why why would you have 2-3 of the SAME setup? at the price of a 3rd hand car ?
Makes no sense to me.

Each to their own! Reo's are great devices! Built tough, convenient for 'dripping', and customisable. Most Reonauts with multiple devices usually have different coil setups in each one. Even if they don't, they have different juices so they can just pick up a different flavour and vape :)
HAHA I knew I would get flak for this.. understand totally about the flavour and coil builds.... I just had to stick to my new years resolutions and annoy Johan.. :rofl:

Don't worry guys I know what a reo is and have vaped on quite a few. But not for me... Maybe soon tho for when im on the pc or in the car.
HAHA I knew I would get flak for this.. understand totally about the flavour and coil builds.... I just had to stick to my new years resolutions and annoy Johan.. :rofl:

Don't worry guys I know what a reo is and have vaped on quite a few. But not for me... Maybe soon tho for when im on the pc or in the car.

I'm the wrong person to annoy! Now go kiss my atty
hahaha @whatalotigot talking k:censored: to @johan about a got guts dude.and miht i ad that was a stupid thing to dont talk :censored: about a mans reo hahaha
HAHA. I don't argue the fact the reo is awesome.. Plainly asked a question. And I got a answer. Oaks very sensitive in the reo corner.. Me in the other corner I have no issue about being burned. Burn me about dripping I don't mind, we all vape at the end of the day :giggle:

@gripen if you read my posts again you will see not a single negative thing was said about a reo...
The Reo guys reminds me of the guys in DKW club when i was a kid. My dad belonged to the Borgward club and all the German car clubs used to roll together. The DKW guys had about 10 DKW's each, all the same model same color, same wheels same everything. Granted each one was unique in there own way (drive and handeling and all that) but they didn't like when you told them the reason that had so many of the same cars was because DKW only built one model.

The Reo is the same They all look the same, and no one knows why Reonauts have so many. The only thing you do know is deep down inside you know you want one to. :D
Lol @Arthster

Look, I have REOs and I have my M50 with my Lemo which I also enjoy.

Am enjoying them all. For me it's not what's better or what's the best. They are all great. The challenge is to bring out the best in each device.

Took me quite a while to find my spots on the REO for my favourite juices. And the vape I get on them is great. Now experimenting with other atties so that's a whole new world for me.

The REO is just a vape device that performs reliably with a strong loyal following. And I like that. So many peeps now to discuss tweaking with.
Lol @Arthster

Look, I have REOs and I have my M50 with my Lemo which I also enjoy.

Am enjoying them all. For me it's not what's better or what's the best. They are all great. The challenge is to bring out the best in each device.

Took me quite a while to find my spots on the REO for my favourite juices. And the vape I get on them is great. Now experimenting with other atties so that's a whole new world for me.

The REO is just a vape device that performs reliably with a strong loyal following. And I like that. So many peeps now to discuss tweaking with.
I have to agree with @Silver. Using multiple devices at the same time, rotating them depending on what I feel like at that moment. Jane got a springclean last night, so I am using the M50 lemo combo now. Lemo is almost empty, then I will fire up the CF Mod with Atlantis I am such a slut :)