Miso Pro Pod System


Elite Vaper
I recieved my Miso Pro Pod System today from @univapo. Thanks very much. I have thoroughly primed it with Bubblegum E-Juice from @ivc_mixer. The flavour is fantastic and I am really enjoying it. Will give further feedback after a few days use. The coil that came in the device is the one I am currently using which is the 0.8 OHM coil.


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I decided to use a couple of pod systems for a few days so I could compare flavours and keep devices charged and still have something to vape.

I used the Smok NovoX, Uwell Caliburn Kit, Wotofo Manik, Univapo Kipo and the Univapo Miso Pro. This was not to compare them specifically but to give me a better feel for pod systems as they are foreign to me.

I used the same juice in three of them, a 50/50 Wicks Bubble Gum. In four days, I went through about 50ml of juice between them.

I used them all for four days.

All were used in rotation and the Kipo's coil or pod is on its last legs. The others maybe have a few days use left but at a reduced flavour level.

After four days I picked up my Mod and RTA and once I took a draw on it found it hard to put down again.

When I started vaping my first device was a Vaporesso Swag2 kit with sub ohm tank.

What would I recommend for someone to convert from Smoking to vaping? I would say it is a tossup. I am always pleased with my first vaping device but think the pod system is very convenient, but a sub ohm tank is also convenient.

What would I recommend to a manufacturer? Make it easier to see juice levels right to the bottom level of the pod and top filling pods like the Caliburn Kit. Also, a larger useable juice capacity. Let’s face it, if you have to have a millilitre of juice in the pod for the wicking ports to stay saturated and the pod is rated at 3ml for example that is only 2ml of useable e-liquid. I stressed the whole time about dry burning the coils. And felt I had to fill the pods a lot and found it a bit finicky, I bite my fingernails so had to find a tooth pick to aid in opening the rubber filling bung on most of the pods. Maybe something I just need to get used to.

When I change the Coil on the Miso Pro Pod to the 1.2 OHM coils, I will give feed back again.

Thanks @univapo

What would I recommend to a manufacturer? Make it easier to see juice levels right to the bottom level of the pod and top filling pods like the Caliburn Kit. Also, a larger useable juice capacity.
Thanks @univapo

@Stew I agree with you on both points.